I Think We're Headed Back To The Vet, And I'm Worried.....


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
I've posted a couple times in the last week about Gizmo and his issues with constipation related to MegaColon.

I am making calls first thing in the morning to try to get him into the vet on Tuesday. I believe the underlying issue needs to be reassessed since we seemed to only treat the immediate/emergency visits when we saw the vet last Monday. I get paid on Tuesday and it's the soonest I can get him in.

Gizmo was constipated last week late Saturday (which means he started backing up a day or so prior) through Monday, in the vet for an enema Monday afternoon and it totally cleared him out. He did not pass another bowel movement until Wednesday evening but the vet said she wouldn't have been worried if that went as long as not happening until Thursday due to the low motility from the MC and needing time to eat, digest, absorb, and fill up again to move things out after such an effective enema. At this point I was relieved for him but was still wary that we weren't out of the woods.

Well, now it's Sunday night and he hasn't passed a bowel movement since the first (and only one) after the enema, on Wednesday.

He is eating fine, and by fine I mean begging and squawking for food anytime I get up and go anywhere - this is totally normal for him. He is on strictly canned food and I always mix a bit of water in, he is urinating regularly and was not dehydrated when the vet saw him (she gave subQ fluids since they never hurt). With each meal he gets 4ml of Lactulose and he is fed twice a day.

He is not straining and I can't feel anything in his rectum, but he hasn't gone at all and I can feel that his belly is full. I don't even see him trying to go and with low motility in his colon due to the MC I am worried that he isn't being signaled to try and once he gets too full that him straining to force it out is coming next. Doctor warned me that if he strains too hard/too long he could have a heart attack.

I know it takes time to start going regularly after an enema (vet said 3-4 days is normal) since he was completely empty and he's got low motility as it is, but he's only gone once since then and that was 4 and a half days ago.

Tomorrow is the day. Something needs to happen tomorrow or I'm going to the vet and asking what next step options are because I am not sure that the MegaColon is still something that can be managed with good food and medication. And honestly, if surgery is recommended it's probably going to be something we pass on.

Gizmo is 16 and I made a decision very early on that if he required drastic and invasive surgeries as a geriatric cat that I wouldn't do it. It has nothing to do with cost and everything to do with the return on the investment (trauma to his body at an old age) when compared to the return (length of time alive post surgery and quality of life).

He's currently curled up in a ball on his very own blanket with a heating pad on low underneath, staring out the window next to my bed. It's his favorite spot, especially when he is little spoon to my big spoon. He's my very best friend.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 9, 2018
Washington, DC
Spoke with Vet and she agrees we need to come in. We’re setup with an appointment for 10am tomorrow.

He had a very small bowel movement late last night but there was nothing solid to it, nothing formed, and definitely not a weeks worth of stuff.

As of right now he is still not straining to go and nothing is sitting in his rectum that he can’t get out, both good things.

I am trying to remain hopeful that his lack of movement is not due to actually being constipated and that it’s because he got emptied out by the enema and it just takes a while to absorb and digest enough food to have anything to pass which is then slowed down further due to MegaColon low motility. But nothing since Wednesday seems excessivly long.

I am asking the vet tomorrow to address and assess the current status of the underlying MegaColon as well as the current status of any potential backup in his belly. I want to understand exactly how his body is functioning right now so I can keep him as healthy and comfortable as possible. I’m grateful that they treated the emergency symptoms last week but I don’t want to get into a cycle of blockage/enema/blockage/enema.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
:alright: Hang in there .... I know how difficult it is to have to wait a day to get to the vet. I am glad that you are being proactive in Gizmo's future treatment plan. Please keep us updated!