I Need This Sign!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I had thought about putting up a sign like that except it would have been "No Solicitation...except Girl Guide Cookies". I don't need to now as Girl Guides don't sell cookies door to door anymore. They mostly just set up at mall and grocery store entrances, so I can buy them when I do my groceries.
I don't remember all the details, but I think door to door sales are "illegal" here in Ontario now....just double checked, it only applies to HVAC and water services...they should extend it to cable/phone/internet services too.

I remember just a few months ago, I had a sales person come to the door asking to set me up for monthly donations. I think it was UNICEF or something along those lines. He was friendly at first but became VERY pushy when I told him no. The guilt trips and almost shaming me into trying to convince me that I could part with my money. I forget exactly the words he used, but at one point he said something to the effect that "it's only XX amount a month to help a child, you're telling me you're not willing to make such a small sacrifice?" You know what buddy? :censored: you! I was taken back by that...I don't need to explain why or why not I do or don't donate to certain things...When he said that, I just smiled at him and said "I think we're done here" and slowly closed the door.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I don't open the door to anyone I don't know, I don't want to deal with whatever they are selling. I do know that in Ohio the No Solicitation signs are supposed to be honored but I don't know how seriously the violation is taken. I like most people aren't going to call the police for something like that anyway.

Girl Scouts don't go door to door here. They have the booth sales and sell to people they know. Parents also hit up coworkers to buy them from their daughter. Since I work only remote now I always buy from the booth sales. I used to buy them from coworker's daughters.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I had a No Solicitation sign and they paid no attetion to it. After a snow two grown men with shovels were knocking on my door. I had severe knee pain and it was difficult for me to go up and down the steps so so I did not answer the door. They kept banging harder and harder on my door and I thought they were going to break the glass. They finally left and my neighbor told me the next day that someone had written "bitch" on my rear car window. About a month later the same thing happened again. Both times it was only a few inches of snow.
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Cat McCannon

TCS Member
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Super Cat
Mar 28, 2021
Last Girl Scout cookie drive, my Little Cousin had an account set up so people order online. I got cookies. She got the “commission”.

Thankfully I don’t have solicitors knocking on our door. I just wish I knew where Tamale Lady and her husband are selling tamales in our local area. Where we lived before, Tamale Man would sell baggies of his wife’s home made tamales in the Winco parking lot. Some of the best tamales we’ve ever eaten. I made sure I always had a twenty dollar bill in my pocket before going to Winco.

I’m hoping this sign would bring Tamale Lady knocking on our door with her home made tamales. I would happily buy a bag!

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Hubby is so nice when he opens the door to people that are obviously soliciting.
After giving a pleasant greeting he’ll say, “So, whucha sellin’?” right off the bat, before they can barely get to their spiel. Cracks me up how they suddenly don’t know what to say.
Then they’ll start in on their spiel, and halfway through he’ll say something like, “Ohhhh! Yah, sorry, but no thank you. Have a good day.“ If they press, he’ll cheerfully say something like, “I don’t want you to waste your time here, since I’m not interested. Have a good day.” And then he’ll shut the door.

Me… (when I’m feeling generous)
Open door, “Nope!”, shut the door.
I actually don’t open if it’s a guy and I’m home alone.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I live on a country road and i still had to put up a sign. One time I got the two ladies chatting about homeschooling (I told them we were working on lessons) and they nearly forgot why they were there. :lol: It’s been much better since I got the sign though.

I would need an Empanada sign. Or pierogi. But short and simple is probably the best way to go so I’ll stop there. Especially since my Chinese neighbor moved away so I’m not getting her treats. She usually text me first like a true friend though!;)