How long does it take for a mid-femoral amputation to heal?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2023
How long does it take for any pain or discomfort after an 'above the knee' amputation? I understand there is some serious healing that needs to happen. How long are meds usually required before they get back to being themselves again?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Cats are miraculous healers. I have had feral cats heal without any kind of help or meds that have had eyes put out, tails and ears amputated, etc. They all healed amazingingly fast. You usually know how long to give meds, etc. by monitoring and watching their movements. a hurting cat usually hides and wants very little or no interaction. Pain usually stops them from eating too. If they start learning to get around, eat, drink and use the litterbox, that may be a time to ask the vet if you can stop pain meds. Sometimes pain meds can hinder healing by not allowing limitations on how much weight to bear, monements, learning how to walk again. So it is very hard to say. I would say in a couple of weeks the little one should be getting around fairly well, cats can act and walk almost normal after an amoutation. During the first couple of week restricting their movements to allow the end to heal would be advised. It really depends on their age, what shape they are in, etc. But keeping their movements restricted is harder then you think. You don't want them stressing out either. A large wire dog crate, cheap on FB selling sites, could be used to let them see what is going on but let you interact. This is all going to take time, let their movements eb your guide, keep in touch with the vet. I wish you both well, please keep in touch and let us know how things are going!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
There is a support group specifically for dogs and cats who are amputees.
Find the Best Help for Three Legged Pets and Their People
They are very well informed and helpful.

Having said that, I had an amputee dog and while it can be dramatic at first, they do heal and go on with their lives as if they always had only three legs. Have you had surgery on your cat or is this a possibility? Why or for what reason was it/would it be done?

Depending on what has happened, there is no way that an animal can drag around a useless or injured leg. Most amputations of legs are done near the body so that an appendage is not left partially in place.