Help with a medical mystery of a stray brother and sister, one died today


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 10, 2020
Saudi Arabia
Greetings, we are having a medical mystery and we need your insights:

For the last 10 months we have been caring for a stray cat, just making sure she have food and water, she disappear maybe 7 months ago, reappear 3 month ago with 2 kittens (age weeks) and what we dubbed a son, a boy that is almost adult, we think 8 - 10 months old maybe (face looks older but he's small compared to the mother), after a while 1 kitten disappear, we assumed dead, but the three were always together, we never saw the mother fight with the son, and the kitten was sleeping on him and next to him no issues, then 1 month ago (20-24 October) we noticed the kitten is sick, face swollen, mouth dripping black stuff, and is bleeding from the mouth, smell is a nightmare, flies everywhere and not eating, we were told it might be calicivirus, we managed to catch her and got her to a vet, he said she has a bad infection and had to remove 13 of her baby teeth, and small part of the tongue on the side, and gave her antibiotics, also said it's not calicivirus since she responded to the antibiotics and is eating again and there is no lung problems, he thinks she might injured her mouth and it got infected, within days she was eating even dry food no problem, after 12 days she was discharged, we also managed to catch her mother and moved them to the beach away from the streets (we have beaches that is covered in greens and trees, and A LOT of cats live there, they are chubby and well taken care off, everyone feed them there. also lots of birds) but try as we might, we just could not catch the son, he kept running away from us and would not be lured with anything and will only eats the food we leave him of we leave.

Skip forward to 3 days ago, we notice that the son's face is swollen, mouth bleeding, drooling, not eating, and even not drinking the milk we left him (lactos free since he wasn't eating we thought milk would give some energy) again we tried catching him but couldn't, we found him dead today, we buried him and disinfect the backyard as much as possible (we have two cats at home, one of them still didn't have her rabies shot yet, i have to wait 1 more week, and fear anything tracking back inside)

Could anyone guess what happened to these two? I don't think that was an injury, it has to be something contagious, right?

images of both of them before sickness and after they've gotten sick
appreciate any help


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Greetings, we are having a medical mystery and we need your insights:

For the last 10 months we have been caring for a stray cat, just making sure she have food and water, she disappear maybe 7 months ago, reappear 3 month ago with 2 kittens (age weeks) and what we dubbed a son, a boy that is almost adult, we think 8 - 10 months old maybe (face looks older but he's small compared to the mother), after a while 1 kitten disappear, we assumed dead, but the three were always together, we never saw the mother fight with the son, and the kitten was sleeping on him and next to him no issues, then 1 month ago (20-24 October) we noticed the kitten is sick, face swollen, mouth dripping black stuff, and is bleeding from the mouth, smell is a nightmare, flies everywhere and not eating, we were told it might be calicivirus, we managed to catch her and got her to a vet, he said she has a bad infection and had to remove 13 of her baby teeth, and small part of the tongue on the side, and gave her antibiotics, also said it's not calicivirus since she responded to the antibiotics and is eating again and there is no lung problems, he thinks she might injured her mouth and it got infected, within days she was eating even dry food no problem, after 12 days she was discharged, we also managed to catch her mother and moved them to the beach away from the streets (we have beaches that is covered in greens and trees, and A LOT of cats live there, they are chubby and well taken care off, everyone feed them there. also lots of birds) but try as we might, we just could not catch the son, he kept running away from us and would not be lured with anything and will only eats the food we leave him of we leave.

Skip forward to 3 days ago, we notice that the son's face is swollen, mouth bleeding, drooling, not eating, and even not drinking the milk we left him (lactos free since he wasn't eating we thought milk would give some energy) again we tried catching him but couldn't, we found him dead today, we buried him and disinfect the backyard as much as possible (we have two cats at home, one of them still didn't have her rabies shot yet, i have to wait 1 more week, and fear anything tracking back inside)

Could anyone guess what happened to these two? I don't think that was an injury, it has to be something contagious, right?

images of both of them before sickness and after they've gotten sick
appreciate any help
First of all, THANK YOU for loving and caring for cats. I hope and pray you are able to get the innoculation(s) for your cat very soon.
Anything any of us could say from reading your descriptions and seeing your photos would only be a guess, and I personally avoid this kind of speculation, as it does absolutely no good. I am so very sorry that both of these little ones suffered so and I know they are in a better place now. Spay/neuter and TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return, common now in many countries as a way to control overpopulation and manage free-roaming feline colonies in better care) are essential, as are innoculations; and in this time of pandemic, it is difficult to obtain these, as I know it has always been in many nations. I am grateful that you are trying to protect and keep safe the cats you encounter. You are surely building up blessings! If there are any cat advocacy groups or individuals near you, you might want to join with them; or if there are none, you may wish to start a group so that others who are of like mind can join and you will have more power. Just a suggestion.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Thank you for trying to take care of these cats. I am very sorry that you had to go through this loss of the kitten.

As I read you post, I was at first inclined to think that this was an injury. However, as it happened to the second kitten, and given the symptoms that you describe, I do think that this was calicivirus. The tipping point for me is the swollen face, along with all the other symptoms. Then when you said that the second cat had the same appearance as the first one, it seems that it has to be something contagious. Even two injured cats would not present such identical injuries. The discharge that accompanies calicivirus is often described as green, but we could be getting into the interpretation of a shade here....another reason that I think that is what happened. Bad cases of this have a very low survival rate.

You really fought to save these kittens, and were successful with the little girl. Please give yourself a lot of credit for that. The attached article contains some information on disinfecting after calicivirus ( or most other highly communicable animal diseases.)

Feline Calicivirus Infection