Help Please!!! 4 Week Old Kitten, Low Blood Sugar Seizures Or Neurological Problem?

Sara Creekmore

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 9, 2017
2 nights ago I found a kitten, she seemed okay at first just extremely tired. And she was abandoned so she was real malnourished but she ate some kitten food soaked in water and drank some water. She was fine all night for one night. I woke up and she was okay for about an hour. Then started the head wobbling and and then it got worse to full on seizures, waving her arms around and pushing her head as far back as possible.. I finally found a vet that was open during lunch and brang her in. They were telling me there was nothing they could do and they were gonna put her down for free cause they said she had permanently brain damage.. then they called me like 5 hours later after having her on oxygen and giving her sugar water & keeping her warm. Her temp was 94 when I brang her in (cats are supposed to be 102) said she was awake and eating canned food from a syringe now, this was about 12 hrs ago.. and she had been alright.. most of tonight.. slept most of it. started walking some.. so about 20 mins ago when I went to feed her she started having slight seizures again..not as bad but I feel like it will get there if I don't do something. I'm keeping her warm and trying to syringe feed her and give her sugar water as much as she'll let me.. sometimes when the food or water goes in her mouth she'll start doing the head wobbling thing.. I don't know what to do anyone please help.. I can't take her to the vet either cause it 4am here ): .. she has the box she stays in and shell like push her face into the side... I hear that neurological problems.. but it could also be from her being so weak she just needs something to lean on.. idk.. anyone please have any idea what I could do ?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
S Sara Creekmore

Since she is a kitten there is a chance she will improve over time. Continue keeping her warm and syringing wet food and honey water.

How old is she?

You may want to see another vet, because they absolutely can give her medicine for seizures. They can also start her on antibiotics in case she has an infection.

Her condition could be caused by an injury, by a virus or infection, or from malnutrition.

I would try to see a new vet and not give up on her.

Where are you located?

Can you post her picture?

Thank you for saving this poor baby!
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
How old is this kitten? Approximely... I wonder if she was abandoned because of these seizures, OR if it can be because of the extreme exhaustion she had. I think and hope its the later - and it will go over with time. She would die quickly with seizures being left alone...

Not that I know of seizures as result of exhaustion and starvation, but we cant know. The most peculiar things and reactions may happen, often when they were rescued when the tensions have lessened...

So, continue with the rehabilitation. Ie quiet, calm, safe, friendly, warm and cozy. Good food and glucose dextrose sugar water (if you dont have real dextrose, use honey or white caro syrup).
Salts - easiest if you have clear pedialyte. You can blend in this honey into the pedialyte. If you dont have pedialyte, you can use minerale water - you see on the label of the bottle it contains lotsa of nice salts.

You can give some nice vitamine pasta from a pet shop.

Massage her. With hand, or with a tooth brush, it feels alike moms tongue licking.

S Sara Creekmore

Freddy's mom

Freddy Kruger
Aug 11, 2018
My little man has seizures and is hypoglycemic. He is 4 weeks old and is blind as well. The first time t took him to the vet they did 7cc syringe push of saline and also gave him an antibiotic to help with diahrea. It worked for a bit. Yesterday he had an other seizure and when the vet looked at him he told me to give him 2 more weeks before making any decision. I give him honey water on for the feeding times he doesn't eat as well. This has seemed to help some.. I hope this helps. And yes I agree to find a vet that will help. I found mine he is a country vet dealing with live stock. But has worked with domestic animals as well. Maybe look for a small rural vet.