Help interpreting blood results - high NA/K and low potassium


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 26, 2019
Hi all,

I'm new to the site and would really appreciate any help you can offer! I have a 14-year-old cat who's scheduled to undergo several tooth extractions later this week. I just got her preop blood work back, and it shows some changes from 1.5 months ago that I'm concerned about. I'm waiting to hear back from my vet, but would be super grateful if anyone has any insight in the meantime.

Here are the relevant results:
Na/K ratio: 43, high (range 32-41)
Potassium: 3.6, near bottom of normal range (3.4-5.6)
Urine pH: 7, top of range (5.5-7)
Blood in urine: 2+
RBC in urine: 4-10 (high)
Free T4 43.7, normal but near top of range (10-50)

She's on amlodapine for high blood pressure (which has resolved the BP issues) and no other medications. She's lost weight recently, but I thought it was because of her bad tooth.

Thanks in advance for your help - I'm really scared about these results, and about putting her under anesthesia.