Help! Feral Cat Mother And Newborn Kittens


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2018
My neighbor down the street from me has had 15+ feral cats all over his property for several years. He had three, never fixed them and some people dump their cat there and they multiplied like crazy. He feeds them, but that’s about it. I oftenly try to help them, and check on them. They are technically wild cats and will not let humans touch them. Last year, my eldest daughter took my two younger daughters to go ‘kitten catching’ without my permission. They came home with a beautiful 5 week old male kitten who we gave to a friend. Last year, I also got in contact with a few rescue groups, who just set up traps, which did nothing. Today, I went by the property and discovered a mama cat with four kittens. I thought about taking them from the nest but thought that was cruel. Instead, I put a blanket out. Should I touch them or would mama get angry? Also, they live behind his house in an old garage with so much clutter and feces and who knows what that the cats are basically impossible to find. If I take them before 2 weeks of age, I know I could get all of them. I know how to care for kittens, but I don’t want to hurt the mama. It could prevent feature offspring if I took the kittens. I’m going back tomorrow to check on them. Should I take them in? Below: kitten my daugher rescued



TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 15, 2018
Acatnamedcat Acatnamedcat How old are the kittens? If I were you I'd wait atleasat a week or so so they get the proper nutrition. I wouldn't touch them though unless you absolutely are taking them then otherwise mama cat may smell your scent and move them or even stop feeding them. But if you can successfully bottle feed all of them then it's your decision. Getting them off of the streets and socialized will save there lives in the end bc feral cats don't tend to live aslong, plus if you did leave them then they would grow up mate and tripple the amount of cats without homes. Like I said though it's ultimately your decision.


Wild and Wonderful Animal Rescue Director
Top Cat
Jul 9, 2016
Morgantown, WV
Can you post a picture of the kittens so we can see how old they are? Are you able to take them, get the momma spayed and bring her back?


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Yes, it would be nice if you could do something. Momma wont abandon them just because you happened to touch them. But she may move her children somewhere else, where they are more difficult to find.
And yes, with ferales the holy rule of minimum 8 weeks doesnt apply. You take them when you practically can, and also before they are 7 weeks, so they are easy to socialize.
Please, do what you can. Giving the kittens a home, and if possible, spaying momma and as many of the others as you manage. This rescue group can surely help you with the costs, if nothing else.
If you can get this neighbour to agree, its even better. Always good if there are no hard feelings involved.

Kitten on the pic is adorable. Of course a point, and its seems he has extra toes on the forepaws no? a "ships cat" as some says...
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2018
Thank you for all the advice. I just got back from checking on the cats about an hour ago, babies all still alive. Mama would not let me near them. ashade1 ashade1 I did not get any pictures but, the kittens look less than a week old (can’t walk; no eyes are open). Since I’m currently fostering a mother cat with two seven-week-old kittens, who will all go to their homes within the next two weeks, I am going to have to wait a while to get the kittens. I put a dog crate in the garage with newspaper and food for mom. I’m afraid she will move the kittens because she feels threatened. There were mixed answers on whether I should touch them or not, so I’m staying on the safe side (not touching them).
I cannot catch the adult cats and fix them until I get lots of time and help. I will probably catch them in the summer and spay/neuter them all, possibly getting some off the road and into homes.
StefanZ StefanZ yes, he does have a couple extra toes. His father, who we call Petey (from the little rascals; he has a spot on his eye) has twenty-three toes, who, by the way is the only feral cat who will let you pet him.
I will check up on them daily and will bring them home before six weeks. Is there a preference on how old they should be? Will mom be mad if I take them? I don’t want her to be angry or upset, it will make me feel terrible.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 22, 2018
I currently have a semi-wild mumma cat with two kittens who were 4 days old when i was called out to them. There was a third kitten but mum (i assume) had half eaten it.

1) I made the mistake of trying to net the mother as she hadn't gone in the trap and missed. Result was she moved the kittens. I asked neighbours and found she had wedged the kittens inbetween two bits of iron fencing. I had to get help to get into where she had moved them and then used the kittens as bait. It was the most terrifying four hours of my life, i was about to remove the trap and let her take them back and abort mission. I was afraid she might not come back for them too.

2) In my case i am VERY lucky that i caught a scared mumma cat who has at some point had contact with humans. Your mother cat probably hasn't been handled. But from experience it is not always safe to foster these cats and work with them as some will lunge and attack you. I've had a situation where it was not safe to open a cage to feed a cat anymore (thats without kittens/maternal instincts!) And i've still been lunged at once by my nice mumma.

3) My mumma cat didn't eat, drink or toilet for 5 days and has been on calmex, has feliway, and has a special food designed to keep them calm.

4) It could of all gone wrong, Mum could of needed to be euthanized or trap-neuter-released and i would of had bottle-fed kittens to raise. The good thing is i've ended up with the most well socialized kittens, they climb all over me now and are super playful and friendly. Mum can not go to the shelter as she's not a rehomable prospect so i am adopting her and one of the kittens who i am attached to.

I don't think it would of been the right thing to have left them there... they were riddled in fleas extremely badly which by treating mum got rid of them off the kittens, they are getting regularly wormed, they are safe from danger, mum also was extremely thin and i was monitoring weight of the kittens etc... Mum cat was struggling to make milk (she let me squeeze her nipples amazingly) and i did buy kitten formula at one point but she came right.
Mum cat is still a bit unpredictable, but she's far far better that i could of had. She enjoys affection even though she growls the entire time she is enjoying it most of the time.

I am not sure this is helpful but if i went back id probably change my approach to how i went about catching them.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
StefanZ StefanZ yes, he does have a couple extra toes. His father, who we call Petey (from the little rascals; he has a spot on his eye) has twenty-three toes, who, by the way is the only feral cat who will let you pet him.
I will check up on them daily and will bring them home before six weeks. Is there a preference on how old they should be? Will mom be mad if I take them? I don’t want her to be angry or upset, it will make me feel terrible.
1. Nice to hear about the daddys friendliness. Fathers mental temperament is important for the kittens. A friendly stud / tom tends to get friendly kittens. So its not just momma and the milieu and environment. Fathers genes do counts them too into the equation. :)

2. Yes, momma will get sad and mourn if you take her kittens away from her. [Of course, she might try todefend, and to fight you off, attacking the face and eyes... So beware, use protective googles and thick clothes... in this occasion]

But. You yourself know you are doing it for the best of the kittens and of her. And its my belief, deep inside her she knows it too, soul to soul. Especielly as you will be her distant friend and protector, also the food source.
Look. Its quite common, if you let her be, she will herself come with her surviving batch to your house, to let them be feed by you, perhaps even to leave them at your place. This does happens sometimes. So they do know whom is their secret friend, even if they dont do acknowledge it officially. The problem with this lovely scenario, the time of easy socialization is oven now. They WILL be socialized and nice family cats, but they will remain shy to vistiors. Also, you must put some work into the fostering.

When to collect? Once again, early enough to foster them easily. And also, young enough to catch them easily. They become very moveable at about weekk 6, and can easily spread and run out from you.
But also, its smart to take them old enough so they no longer need to be handfeed... Because its lotsa work. Not all are willing or able to put in this work to handfeed.

So somewhere in between, if you can choose. If handfeeding is no big deal for you, you can take them somewhat earlier than otherwise recommended.
Also, if you have a friendly resident whom can act as foster parent, is always a big plus in this equation. It may be a male or female. Or even a cat friendly dog. The kmr or goats milk will be your part. :)
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TCS Member
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Feb 19, 2018
StefanZ StefanZ Mummacat123 Mummacat123 Thank you for all the advice and help. I took the kittens last night because I where I live there is crazy hurricane wind and it’s pouring down rain. Three out of four look ok, other than the fact they have fleas. The fourth one was in bad shape, so I took her to the critical care vet around 12:30 in the morning. My daughter and I have been up with them around the clock, feeding and watching them. Since I already have a trio of cats in my house, the kittens will be going to be in the care of my vet friend’s house with in the next hour. They will be in good hands. Haven’t seen mama. Pray for the baby at the vet.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Any word on mama cat yet? Are all the babies hanging in there? Hoping you can reunite mom with them soon. Good you took them out of the weather.