Hello from North Carolina


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015
I can't remember exactly when I got my current cat, Dustbunny. He went for almost a year without a name. See, back during Winter Storm Pax (Feb 11-17, 2014) it was bad in my area, but great for photos. One day I finally wandered around towards the back of my house and spotted a few tiny paw prints in the snow. I didn't see any kitties, but I did see a decent sized "ice sculpture" attached to the back of my house. A pipe had burst. -__- I'd have rather found the kitty. So it being cold as it was I got a few tuna cans to set out on my porch. I figured if no kitties showed up I'd only waste one can and could eat the rest myself. Well 3 kitties showed up. A calico, a white one with really bad eyes and a gray one. Long story short, over the course of several months I managed to trap the calico. I named her Sally, sort of, it was just for photos and to be able to identify her. Though pretty she was feral-feral. Hissed and spat the entire time. I had my grandparents take her to the local shelter or humane society. I had to go to work,so I couldn't. I figured they'd at least spay her, give her a rabies shot and let us release her. They wouldn't take her. They told my grandparents to take her to the HS or local shelter (I forget which order they went in). They ended up just releasing her at a place with  barn between the two places. Not sure that was the best option, but I wasn't there and had no say. The gray and white cats showed up sporadically and both would bolt if my creaky screen door budged at all. The white one had really bad eyes (herpes maybe) and how he saw, if at all was beyond me. I couldn't get anywhere near him. He was dubbed Mr. Garumpus. The gray one was simply called "The  Gray Cat" and there was a brief period (all of this name usage was in Tumblr posts and texts to a friend), where he was referred to as Gandalf and the white one, Saruman. 

Anyhow after months of putting food on the porch and trying to be able to open the door without him bolting. I think it was uh... May before I could just be out on the porch with him and July-August before I could pet him. Lately he's been allowed to sleep inside, due to the cold. He has a self-heated bed that comes in with him and goes back out with him. He's only allowed when I'm in too as I didn't have a litter box. It was never a problem as I let him back out before I went to sleep. Granted a few times I konked out before I could. Still no problem. He's only (as far as the smell would tell me and actually seeing him) peed in my house twice. Once on a pile of plastic shopping bags and once on an old phone book. 

Right now he's in the bathroom of my grandparents house (I'm house sitting). I let him out for an hour. An hour! And he came back with wounds on his ear, face, leg and head. I have no idea what he did. It was like 2:00 in the morning so I couldn't take him anywhere. I was half-asleep too. Half-asleep me put styptic powder on all the wounds. His face wound looked kind of deep (on his nose-bridge, sort of between his eyes). The powder worked mostly. The ear abscess drained for a while. Both his eyelids (inner eyelids I think) got all puffy and swollen. That was earlier this week. I finally got him in a pet taxi and brought him over here to stay in the bathroom. (He's mostly an outdoor kitty but there's a neighborhood cat that won't eave him alone and he's in no condition to defend himself).  He hit his nose in the pet taxi reopening the nose wound after about 2 days. It RAN pink fluid. I lightly pressed on it and it gushed out. Poor thing. It's still draining after a few hours. It'll stop for a while, but then he'll headbutt something or paw at it and it starts again. He isn't cleaning himself right now, but I've been grooming him and I have kitty wipes. I've given him 3 l-lysine chews (125). I also got him a litter box with World's Best Cat litter in it. -It HAS to be septic safe, we don't have trash pick up here. He hasn't used it yet. Might try putting some dead leaves before I had off to work. I don't know that to do. 

I'm going to swing by the emergency vet near my office after work (I work part time) and get the necessary new patient papers. I haven't been able to go to a vet as I had like $7 in my bank account and $30 in cash. I plan to pay for the vet visit out of my tax refund. The irs website says it's due today but I checked it and it hasn't gone through. Then I have to wait for my tax service to take their part. They need to hurry it up. The emergency vet is open 24/7/365. Dustbunny seems to act least act fine. He hasn't had any of his shots yet so that worries me. Plus he just looks bad. How do you get abscess pus out of fur?

He was named Dustbunny due to his earlier habit of hiding under my porch and well, being gray. Like a big Dustbunny.

Wow that was long. 
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  • #2


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 5, 2014
Welcome , thank  you for sharing your story .

Dustbunny is quite handsome ..

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
He is a beautiful cat! My feral gets abscesses once in a while from fights. I get antibiotic liquid from my vet, $7.00, to give him for his condition.  I can't bring him in, so I call and say it is a feral cat that I can't bring in with a draining abscess and I need an over the counter antibiotic. You could do that too to help him. Once they are draining it helps to have them drain as long as possible, so if at all possible try to clean the area. I put his in tuna to disguise the taste. You are doing what you can, I wish you well, keep us posted!


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Dustbunny is gorgeous--and those green eyes! (I love green-eyed cats!)
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015
Thanks everyone. I just got back from work. He did fine, actually pooped his box. Pee? From the smell he did but where I have no idea. Guess I'll have to clean the bathroom I kept him in today top to bottom. Any tips on getting pee smell out? I'm not really supposed to have him here, but I didn't see any other options. (I'm house-sitting for family). 

I lined the bathroom floor with old towels and blankets and those are in the wash now. I still smell it though. My family comes back Sunday, so he'll HAVE to be out by then. I can only keep him in my house when I'm there. I am a god-awful house keeper. I have piles of clothing and junk the size of small children.
 And well he's not house-broken. I don't want cat pee on all my things. On the other hand I don't want to leave him out because this one black and white neighbor cat keeps picking fights. I have no idea whose cat it is. I shouldn't say anything about the not having a collar on it. I went through several collars with Dustbunny before giving up. Even ordered a nice name tag online. It lasted all of a day. 

Right now he's sprawled out behind me on the (new) wood laminate floor, sound asleep. Also, wood laminate (or is it laminate wood?) floors are not kitty friendly. He keeps sliding around, almost like he's on ice. When the towels and blankets come out of the dryer he'll have to go back in. I'd let  him roam more but he's not fixed and I can't have him spraying all over the house.  
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015
Just basically doused the bathroom in a white vinegar-water combo. Gonna let that sit for a while before wiping it down again. I can't tell if it's working or if I'm just getting used to the smell. 

Here are a few pix of the Black and White cat. 

 S/he's really friendly towards me, even follows me around the yard, but terrorizes Dustbunny.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015
Ok, so, update. (It's 10:31 am Saturday where I am now.) I checked my refund status this morning. It went through. I have money on my card now. Dustbunny will be going to he vet later today. I left him in the bathroom again last night. He managed to open the door. He of course went into a junk room full of clothes and shoes. There is litter-box smell and of course nothing in the box. 
 Sooo, I can say goodbye to about $20 for a blacklight and around $12 (I think) for cleaner. I have some candles going right now to mask the odor. My family will not be please but hey sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

So today's plan: Finish coffee/breakfast. (I can't brain the morning. I want to be fully alert going down the interstate with a cat whining the entire way).
Feed Dustbunny and throw away the old food. (I fell asleep before I could get his can out of the car so now it'sitting in front of the heater, thawing. (Whoops.)
Go back to my own house for pants (that may or may not need to be laundered).
Possible lunch and cleaning out my car for a place to put the carrier. 
Get Dustbunny IN the carrier. 

Is it dumb to worry about if an abscess counts as an emergency? I have it ingrained in me that emergency = you will die without medical assistance. So part of me feels I'd be wasting their services and this could wait for an appointment. Problem is my work hours aren't appointment friendly. I feel like I'm using them for their more accessible hours. Is that weird?
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015

I swear it looks bigger this morning. At least the draining has slowed down a bit. It was running down his face and onto the floor. I've been alternating triple-antibiotic ointment and beta-dine, but of course, being a cat, he keeps washing off. 
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Feb 5, 2015
My clothes are in the dryer and as soon as I get dressed and him the carrier I'm taking off.

I put the litter box in the room he keeps using as one. He pooed in there , no idea where there. Find the poo is not a game I wanted to play today.

Also I went to check on him and caught him peeing on an empty panty-hose cardboard package. It was brown. That cannot be good.

Aaaand to the vet we go. 