Hannah Has Won Me Over...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2017

I found this little one a few weeks back. I had stopped in front of a restaurant to buy some food and she was standing at the side of the restaurant. It was one of those very hot days where you didn’t want to get out of Air Conditioner. I was with a friend of mine who adores cats. She went up to her and give her some of our food. She didn’t eat it immediately but didn’t run away was willing to be petted & meow in a very heartbreaking manner.

I initially watch from a distance, till my friend dragged me over. She looking like a house cat as she was sort of groomed. But looked like she had been out on the street for some time. Her coat was a mess and matted and black in some areas.

There was a vet close by, so we took her there. she had fever, ear mites & had a wound that needed stitches. Took care of her at the vet. Told the vet also to completely shave her and bath her so as to start afresh. The initial plans was to keep her at my house for a bit. And then find a new home for her through some adoption agency. I used to always saw I am more of a dog person.

But since she has come home, I have start falling I love with her. She is very well behaved, knew how to use the tray. Is not a bundled of energy and hasn’t broken or scratched anything. She sort of behaves herself.

She loves being petted. She is like a dog in that in that respect she wants to be petted for hours & crawls under my quilt to sleep by my feet. She jumps on my lap when reading and watching a movie and passes out there itself. I thought cats only like being petted for a short while she loves to be petted for hours.

The best thing I like is that she has never scratch me. I have a gut feeling that she keeps her claws in around me while playing. Usually I used to be scared of a cats claws but this girl has totally put me at ease. I actually have no fear of her scratching me. She is also very intelligent.

Now I have been considering of keeping her. She has been growing on me quite a bit. I have started worrying about her food, activities and whether she has been drinking enough water. Also started doing typical human cat behavior things.

I don't know if she is a pure breed or what specific breed she is. but she does look like a Turkish Angora. She is pure white & has two blue eyes. But she is not deaf. I don't know also how old she is but she looks to be around 1 or 2 years old.

So her I am trying to figure out what the best way to feed and care for her.

Here are some of her pictures. Her name is Hannah.



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello H hannah's.dad , welcome to TCS :wave3:

Thank you for bringing Hannah home and getting her to the vet. Glad that you are in love with her.

She's beautiful! :lovecat::lovecat4: Please keep her.

Check out the Cat nutrition section and you can post your questions there and am sure many will give you a good suggestion.

Hope to see you often and do post more of Hannah's photos :wink:


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
What a beautiful girl! She sounds like she's a purrfect match for you. Welcome to TCS!


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Hi and welcome! :wave3:

Well it sounds to me like little Hannah has already chosen you! Welcome to cat servitude! :clap2:

Thank you for taking her in. She's a lucky girl to have you as her cat dad. She is a beautiful girl.

As far as food goes, what are you feeding her now? Wet? Dry? Both? Where are you located? Not all countries sell the same brands
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 27, 2017
hi thank you all. @tabbytom @kat0121 @abyeb

yeah she has owned me now. but in the past few weeks i have read so much about nutrition and watch most of the scary videos available on youtube :stars:.

She was mal nutrition when i found her that i was determined to sort of fatten her up :). initially i did try dry food. but she wasn't too keen on it. then i switch to wet. now i only feed her wet food. i feed her at specific time slots 3 (5AM, 130PM & 9PM) times a day. she has a very healthy appetite and brings the house down and starts scolding me if i dont feed her. I fed her the brand Red Barn pate (Beef & Lamb, she doesn't like fish for some reason) half a can in each sitting, and she loves it. For dinner i give her one small meal... i give her dehydrate raw meal from the honest kitchen. Dry food has too much drama attached with it, so not willing to go down that road. i give some dry food as treats and when training.

unfortunately she does have some medical issues. she is anemic (pale gums), and earlier this week she had blood coming out of her private area. got may towels messy. Took her to the vet and she is on a round of anti biotics. vet suggested an emergency spaying. But saying that the girl is still eating heartily & active around the house (except for the first day she bleed as she was depressed)

so she is actually booked in for surgery tomorrow. hope that goes well. The poor thing is so loving.

I am based out in Dubai. Some of the food i am getting it shipped from amazon.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Yes, do feed her wet food which is also able to maintain her weight. Glad that she's eating well and demanding for food and being vocal.

Hope that she gets over the medical issues soon. Thank you for loving her


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
The spay will help her health now and in the long run. Vets do spay surgeries a lot, so it's routine for them, so I don't think you need to worry about it in that regard, but I'm still sending you and Hannah my best wishes, and I do hope you post an update tomorrow.

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Welcome! How wonderful that you have fallen in love with Hannah.Glad she is being spayed. You are already doing the right things for her in feeding her only wet food and on a schedule. I am very happy she doesn't like fish as a diet of fish is not a good diet for a cat .Fish is hyperallergenic and can be addictive. See if the vet can clip her nails for you. She is a gentle girl but, even the gentlest cat can accidentally scratch you if the nails grow to long. The claws can also get caught in carpet etc.Enjoy being her dad.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 19, 2015
Southern California
The best thing I like is that she has never scratch me. I have a gut feeling that she keeps her claws in around me while playing. Usually I used to be scared of a cats claws but this girl has totally put me at ease. I actually have no fear of her scratching me. She is also very intelligent.

You also might see if you can slighty trim her claws yourself, if you feel brave enough. But check them out first. Some have light colored claws and you can see the blood line in them. You don't want to nick that , it'll hurt and bleed. My cats have light claws so it's easy for me to see. Also they allow me to do this so that's a plus. It's just another way to get close and earn their trust. You can buy the trimming tool at almost any local pet store. A groomer could also show you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Hannah is a lovely little girl. When her fur grows all the way back she'll be spectacular!

Many (not all) cats seem to be reluctant to drink water; when they're feral they get most of their moisture from their prey. That's one of the reasons it's better to feed wet food. If Hannah is getting enough wet food, and has water available in case of need, you probably don't need to worry about her getting enough water.

Looking forward to many more pictures of this gorgeous cat, and to getting to know you better, too, H hannah's.dad . Welcome to The Cat Site. You've found one of the most supportive and knowledgeable communities of cat lovers on the internet, and we're very glad to have you here.
