Gastritis Problems


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2019

I have 13 years old cat and she vomits almost everyday. I took her to few vets, they did blood analysis, pancreas analysis, x-ray and everything is fine and they said that she have gastritis.

First vet I visited gave her klometol and ranitidin injections but it gave no results. Other vet we visited gave her klometol syrup 2ml every day and quarter of ranitidin effervescent tablet. She was better for few days bet vomit returned again. Then instead of quarter ranitidin effervescent tablet doctor gave her famotidin 0.7ml. Again my cat felt better and she got her appetite back but that also lasted few days.

We went to first doctor again and now he gave her some antibiotics (ampicilin, metronidazol) and quarter tablet of contoloc 20mg. They say it is because of helicobacter pylori.This gastritis is very persistent.

Here is video of what she often do with her mouth.

Does anyone have experience how to deal with this health problem?


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Did they mention a diet change? Can you get saccharomyces boullardi? We have to be very careful with my tummy kitty's food and we give him s. boullardi daily to keep his tummy healthy.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2019
They told me to give her gastrointestinal cat food and hepatic because she have little fat liver but now she barley eats that solid food and I am giving her with my finger this recovery can.

I am from Serbia and I can get these capsules or did you meant on something else?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Has she had her teeth checked out? That could be what’s going on when she jaws like that. Some kind of tooth or mouth pain. She’ll never tell you. Cats hide pain and won’t cry out. At 13, she’s at that age where the body may start resorbing (dissolving) her teeth and this can be very painful. But also very invisible as much of the action is happening below the gum line. If she hasn’t had a dental under anesthesia with full mouth x-rays, I would schedule one of those.

What is she currently eating? Dry food will be harder on her stomach (and gut and kidneys and pancreas...) than wet food. If you can reduce the amount of dry food she gets (and replace the calories with wet food), that would be a good start.

Also smaller meals more often. Instead of two wet meals a day (like most people feed), try splitting her food into three or four meals a day.

WOPets makes a clamshell design timed feeder that works well with wet food. You can deploy these overnight and during the daytime to feed wet where you would normally leave out dry. If you’re interested, I’ll look these up on Amazon later when I have a chance.

I don’t think it’s a problem of her stomach being too acidic (it’s supposed to be) but one of timing. Her stomach is loading itself up for a meal that isn’t coming. Smaller meals more often will help with this.

I’m not sure a probiotic would help if the problem is in the stomach rather than the small intestines (where probiotics would be helpful.)
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2019
We checked her mouth and teeth and throat, doctors said everything is ok. Year ago she had tooth problem and went to full anesthesia. They did x-ray of mouth then and evertything is fine. They had to removed two teeth. But this problem was before that and it suddenly stops and suddenly returns. Now it just last long, I think from June I am taking her to doctors. Both doctors looked her mouth, teeth and throat and they said everything is fine.

I am currently feeding her with this royal canin recovery. I this wet food? Or should I get this one?

I am feeding her 4-5 times smaller meals. Problem is that she wont eat by herself but I have to put food on finger and in her mouth.

One doc said that maybe she have gastritis that affects small intestines too.

Sure, I would like to see that timed feeder.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
If she has fatty liver, the best treatment for that is aggressive refeeding. That’s why she’s getting the Recovery food, right? I would keep her on that food until she’s eating well enough on her own again.

It’s probably because of the fatty liver that she doesn’t have much appetite right now. Can you ask your vet for an appetite stimulant and an anti-emetic (to stop vomiting)? In the US, two such drugs are (generic names) mirtazapine for appetite stimulation and maropitant for suppressing vomiting. Maropitant (brand name Cerenia) also has some anti-inflammatory action too that could be helpful here.

Fatty liver needs to be treated with food. If she’s not eating enough by hand feeding, ask your vet about an esophageal tube (feeding tube.). It will help you get enough food in her to get past the fatty liver. Then you can try other foods when her appetite to eat on her own returns and her liver has recovered.

Feeding tube sounds extreme but it really isn’t. It’s a pretty simple procedure and when she no longer needs it, it will heal within a week like it was never there. It will take longer for the fur on her neck to grow back. Your cat won’t mind the feeding tube. The only time my Krista did was if I fed too fast or too cold. You get instant feedback, learn, and adjust. Meds will be so much easier too.

Feeding Tubes in Cats - Procedure, Efficacy, Recovery, Prevention, Cost


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
You can buy these single or in pairs. I recommend at least two in case one fails to open. I’ve had my pair for a couple of months using each twice a day. Of that time, there has been a couple of times where it failed to open. The first time I only set out one. She had a hunger barf (stomach acid). So now I split the portion across two. I set them to open a couple of hours apart. These also come with gel ice packs. I haven’t used them yet because I give her cold food from the fridge that is still fresh when it opens. That’s why I like these ones. The seal is good!



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Gastritis is gas built up in the intestines and can be painful for kitties. My guy has to eat diet food and he can eat a few other foods as well. S. boullardi will help build up the good stuff in your kitty's tummy to help fight diarrhea and poop problems. Keep feeding her soft food as much as possible. You can mix in the s. boullardi a little bit at a time each feeding. If you can get plain meat baby food (canned) with no vegetables or spices added that might entice her to eat, or boil some chicken in plain water, grind it up in a blender with some of the broth and offer that to her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
They told me to give her gastrointestinal cat food and hepatic because she have little fat liver
If you can get plain meat baby food (canned) with no vegetables or spices added that might entice her to eat, or boil some chicken in plain water, grind it up in a blender with some of the broth and offer that to her.
If she has fatty liver, I recommend feeding what the vet recommended in the amounts she or he recommended. The time for baby food or plain chicken has passed. She needs nutrition and a lot of it. Please do consider a feeding tube if you’re not able to get her to eat the amounts the vet has recommended.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2019
For vomiting they gave me klometol syrup but it didn't help at all. Klometol is anti-emetic drug. I am taking her tomorrow for next injection of ampicillin and I will ask doctor for some appetite stimulants.

Other doctor suggested that I give her hypoallergenic food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
Greetings from Istanbul! OK, before I forget my cat has some liver levels elevated as well and vets usually recommend milk thistle. I use Bio PetActive, I believe they import it to Serbia. It's this product. Silycumin I finished one bottle, currently on the second one. Discuss it with the vet of course. And maybe wait until this vomiting issue is solved.

Did they to endoscopy and diagnosed gastritis that way or with what? If everything is fine and there's just vomiting, I would first suspect of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost , most likely over food intolerances. My own cat has some grain intolerances for example starting with wheat and even all hypoallergenic foods I personally checked had wheat so none works well for her. She gets smelly excessive gas, and/or stomach noises, and/or loose stool with all of them. If possible ask if there's wet food version of the prescription foods they recommend. Wet foods usually have a little less ingredients/grains.

I think one thing fair to say is that several small meals throughout the day, preferably minimum 2 hours between them, is better as it's easier to digest.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2019
I can't open your link but i I found this tablets, is it something similar? I wish if they have something liquid instead of tablets.

They didn't do endoscopy, they did some blood analysis, x-ray, some pancreas tests and everything is fine.

I am reading about IBS and my cat don't have diarrhea but I noticed in her litter box that when this is happening, she pees little and sometime small amount of feces. When she vomits it is sometimes gooey. Recently her stool is regular and normal but periodically, especially when this problem occurs, she have constipation and small amounts of feces.

I could scan her blood test results and attach it here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 20, 2019
Istanbul, Turkey
I can't open your link but i I found this tablets, is it something similar? I wish if they have something liquid instead of tablets.
No. Bio PetActive Silycumin isn't medicine. Just supplement to support/detox liver. I gave brand name and link because that's what I use so I only have experience with it but any milk thistle supplement specifically dosed for cats would work fine. Discuss it with the vet and they might recommend something.

I am reading about IBS and my cat don't have diarrhea but I noticed in her litter box that when this is happening, she pees little and sometime small amount of feces. When she vomits it is sometimes gooey. Recently her stool is regular and normal but periodically, especially when this problem occurs, she have constipation and small amounts of feces.
Not all symptoms have to exist for IBS, or any condition really. Think of it like humans' food intolerances. Some people only get super gassy when they eat something they can't digest well, some get gassy AND have diarrhea, some vomits, some sometimes vomits but another time gets gassy. Food intolerance related IBS seems to be diagnosed with symptoms going away by food change. Though it might take lots of trial and error to find the right one and obviously it might not be the right time to do that when she has liver problems.

P.S. I checked the test results and my own cat's results are actually worse. Not sure if this should make you get less anxious or I should get more anxious :confused:
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 7, 2019
Thank You, I am taking her tomorrow to vet for another ampicilin injection and will ask him about some liver supplements and something for appetite.


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Adult Cat
Mar 18, 2022
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