For Lilly Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Hey everyone-

Our sweet Lilly died suddenly yesterday, likely from heart worms, and I’ve just been searching for ways to honor her and try to feel slightly less useless. It’s been comforting to read some of the stories on this site, so I wanted to share my tribute to her.

<3, O

“For Lilly Cat”

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes," she says, staring up at their bedroom ceiling and anxiously clutching the comforter. "She's going to get her hair everywhere."

"You mean, fur?" he chuckles, cradling her face with both his hands. "Your hair is already everywhere."

"Exactly! Where will all the extra hair go?! Do you promise you'll clean the carpet? And the litter? And brush her?"

"Yes. Just wait, you're going to love having her here."

Fast forward three months, and here we are, under the same blankets, but this time trying to make sense of our sweet cat daughter's sudden death. Every time I close my eyes, the morning's events replay in my head. Instead of awaking to her insistent, hungry meows and scratches at the door, I'm jolted awake by my fiancé's voice.

"Something's wrong with Lilly," he says, as he snatches his glasses from the ledge of the bed and races back toward the living room.

I throw the comforter aside and jump from the bed. Just like in the movies, everything moves in slow motion.

I see Lilly on the couch and I close the gap between us in three or four, eternal steps. I kneel on her left and Frank kneels on her right. We both call her name over and over again, still in denial, still hoping that she's simply in a very deep sleep, or cold, or playing a joke on us. I hear her meow in my head. I call it forth with my mind, but it remains trapped in my memory.

She's gone.

Frank pets her gently, as I, unsurprisingly, start sobbing wildly.

I'm still processing. I hypothesize I'll be processing for some time. There are the "whys" and the "this isn't fairs" and the "this was too soons". There's so much I don't, can't understand. Like, why the hell there's no treatment for feline heart worm disease. But here's what I do understand, what I know.

I am so blessed to have met this little cat, with her insistent little face, always asking for love, and her cute little patitas, often tucked underneath her, when she cozied up to us on the couch.

Life is incredibly precious and things can so rapidly change. We must cherish, be grateful, celebrate each second we're alive.

We, as humans, are designed to love and I'm on this earth to love as hard and tight as I can, for as long as I can, even if it means, that in moments like this one, I smack my face on the pavement of emotions with particular panache.

I'm grateful times infinity to the man I'm going to marry for saving Lilly eight years ago and bringing her into our little family.

I'm grateful for every purr, scratch, lick, nuzzle.

I suspect we'll be covered in her fur for months to come, reminded of her olympic races across our carpet and her belly rub begging, with every strand, and with that usual dash of annoying life irony, I take comfort in that fact.

I love you, our plump, funny, little cat. May you eat all of the treats in kitty heaven.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I'm sorry for your loss, but infinitely glad that you got her and gave her the best of life before her passing. The love between you never ends. It forms the bridge from this life to the next, sweet, unconditional, and forever. She will wait for you and smile every time you think of her and when you share your love with another.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I am so sorry for your loss, and these tragic events stick with us for awhile, but I know that you gave her a wonderful life, she loved you and you her, you nor her have any regrets, she left you way too soon but she is just fine now, healthy and just fine, and when you meet again it will be wonderful.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, God Bless.....:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Your beautiful Lilly is gone from your life but forever in your heart. Many people never get to the point that you are at now, to know to treasure each moment we have together, to be grateful for each and every second.....sadness and grief have a way of consuming our souls and letting us only feel the loss, not what we have gained. Oh sure, there will always be sadness, because we don't want things to change, but it always will, and somehow life goes on pushing us into a future we are so uncertain of, so afraid of. But the strength of your love, the incredibly strong bond you have with that precious little girl will help you, will comfort you when you need it the most, will guide you back into a place that your heart and soul can accept. She will forever be as close as your thoughts and prayers, because what you shared is spiritual, so eternal.
She bestowed upon you a gift, the gift of her love and the memories of a life together that will bring you comfort. A gift that needs to be nurtured and allowed to spread throughout your life. Not hidden in a heart full of darkness and pain. In this way she goes on living through you, alongside you on your life's journey, sharing your joys and being beside you in times of grief. Celebrate having her in your life, the love she gave you. To have never known her love at all would have been unacceptable to your soul, you are so blessed.....Take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Time is the only thing that helps, keep busy and know that she left this world surrounded by your love and will forevermore keep sending her own.......RIP beautiful Lilly. You will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again. Goodnight, sleep tight, little Princess!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Your beautiful Lilly is gone from your life but forever in your heart. Many people never get to the point that you are at now, to know to treasure each moment we have together, to be grateful for each and every second.....sadness and grief have a way of consuming our souls and letting us only feel the loss, not what we have gained. Oh sure, there will always be sadness, because we don't want things to change, but it always will, and somehow life goes on pushing us into a future we are so uncertain of, so afraid of. But the strength of your love, the incredibly strong bond you have with that precious little girl will help you, will comfort you when you need it the most, will guide you back into a place that your heart and soul can accept. She will forever be as close as your thoughts and prayers, because what you shared is spiritual, so eternal.
She bestowed upon you a gift, the gift of her love and the memories of a life together that will bring you comfort. A gift that needs to be nurtured and allowed to spread throughout your life. Not hidden in a heart full of darkness and pain. In this way she goes on living through you, alongside you on your life's journey, sharing your joys and being beside you in times of grief. Celebrate having her in your life, the love she gave you. To have never known her love at all would have been unacceptable to your soul, you are so blessed.....Take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Time is the only thing that helps, keep busy and know that she left this world surrounded by your love and will forevermore keep sending her own.......RIP beautiful Lilly. You will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again. Goodnight, sleep tight, little Princess!
Thank you so much for such a heartfelt response. It is much appreciated. ❤


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Lilly, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on your mama's heart forever.

Too soon, too soon...but where there is love, eternity is not long enough. And this I also know, love never dies. It changes form and continues on, still Love. Love abides. She is with you still.

So much to learn from one small cat in so short a time! She was your angel, just as you were hers. I know from her tipped ear that her start was a rough one, but because of you, she knew love and home and safety and comfort.

I hope that one day you will feel able to honor Lilly by offering a home to another who needs one so desperately. Should that day come, sit very quietly, and you may feel a gentle brush twining around your legs, and a soft purr echo in your mind.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2018
Rest you gentle, Lilly, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on your mama's heart forever.

Too soon, too soon...but where there is love, eternity is not long enough. And this I also know, love never dies. It changes form and continues on, still Love. Love abides. She is with you still.

So much to learn from one small cat in so short a time! She was your angel, just as you were hers. I know from her tipped ear that her start was a rough one, but because of you, she knew love and home and safety and comfort.

I hope that one day you will feel able to honor Lilly by offering a home to another who needs one so desperately. Should that day come, sit very quietly, and you may feel a gentle brush twining around your legs, and a soft purr echo in your mind.
Thank you for the beautiful words. We agree the best way to honor her will be to let another unique kitty into our home when the time is right. ❤