Feral Help


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2018
Lancaster, PA
Wrote a long description of my issues but was unable to figure out how to post. Hopefully this will work. Feral I have been feeding since he was 6 month old, he is 2 1/2 now, had an injured leg that got worse. I am on disability and so vet was out of the question but Was able to get donations and help from friends to care for him. Trapped him late Christmas night early Tuesday the 26th. Took to local rescue, X-ray of leg showed not broken, probably a bite, antibiotic injection, rabies, distemper and neutered, Brought him home. Home is a 2 room basement apt I share with 2 female cats, so had to put him just outside my bedroom door in large basement where I (and others) have items stored do laundry etc but I have a somewhat private area. Borrowed a large dog kennel,set it up on a table put in a small carrier, litter box, food, water, etc inside, separated in half with a t shirt for his privacy. He hasn't been thrilled but,eating n using litter box just fine. About 3 nights ago he started crying (not a meow and not a peep from him until then) about 2 am, last night it lasted from 2-6 am (I blame it on the full moon lol). If I go sit with him he stops, I can not let him cry, it is rather loud and I have neighbors but have lots of pain issues and getting little sleep. My plan was to release him after a week of rest but.......It has been and will be for another week Extremely Cold outside. Maybe 15-20 degrees during day zero to maybe 5 overnight. So any suggestion about crying, today I opened basement door and stacked 3 baby gates in doorway to keep my girls in so he does not feel so isolated (I was spending time with him out there before). Or thoughts on letting him out in such cold. He is not aggressive but never gets too close, I have never been able to pet him, with exception being while he was out of it after surgery :) so maneuvering him around is not at all easy. Any help or thoughts appreciated.........ps, I have put out shelters but he never sleeps in them, I have a low wattage heat lamp I put by food and water that is like a little warming station and also keeps water from freezing. Thank You and Happy New Year!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Have you tried it with the baby gates at night, or did you just set them up today?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2018
Lancaster, PA
Hi, just set them up today. I am a little hesitant sleeping with door (sorta) open to common area in basement but as I said I kinda separated a small area outside door, I am only one who has my own door into basement. So I think I am going to try it tonight. I think that 2 am time many cats seem to wander or run from one room to next for no apparent reason lol. I feel so bad keeping him inside, well until I step outside myself then I remember why. So far my two girls have been a little curious but no temper tantrums with door open, Not sure they have seen him yet, he stays in that one spot and peeks over divider most of the time. Poor guy...
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2018
Lancaster, PA
Let us know if the gates work, if you try them tonight.
I will do that. I think this will be the last night I keep him in though. I went out to clean up a little and feed him his dinner. I usually move covers and open it (large kennel) up once a day while I am doing all sorts of things. This eve his reaction was a bit aggressive and he never is like that. So I think he needs to be released, I don't want his personality to change in a negative way soooo. I have a plastic crate for a small dog, he was in it for two days when I brought him home. I cleaned it, duck taped a couple trash bags around the top half where the holes are, lined it with lots of stuff and used an old coat (with wool inside) to make a bed. I think I will put him in that for a couple/few hours outside early tomorrow to help him adjust to cold, then release him and leave crate out there for a couple days. Hopefully he will not hate me after all this :( and continue to come around like before. He is making it pretty clear he is over being caged, so I must respect his wish's. This is the first time ever I have asked a question on any forum on any subject, thank you for replying. Have a Happy 2018 :)