Feeling guilty and now worried

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Thank you. Please continue to pray as Freya is home now but looks thin and seems uncomfortable. She has no interest in food. I have Miritaz but have never given it to her before. But I might try giving it to her in the morning. I’m still very concerned. I’m hoping she just needs to relax and heal. Though her condition is chronic, I guess I was hoping she’d seem more comfortable.
Will definitely be saying more Prayers for your Freya.

Did the Vets give you any 'critical care recovery food'...it's the prescription kind, with a lot of nutrients?

If she was on an I.V. line, or even if they had to use anesthetic for sedation during the ultrasound,...then she may not have much interest, right away in food, but hopefully, that will pick up. Can you feed her by hand, or syringe feed her some wet mashed up cat food?

What medications did they give you for Freya, right now? besides the Mirtazapine.(Mirataz)?

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
You've probably already seen this thread, with tips to feed a cat who won't eat, but I'll post it again, in case someone else will be reading this, and finds it useful.
Any Good Tips To Get Your Cats To Eat? Share Them Here!
The Baby Food, is the one, that a lot of us, have used, since it's texture and taste are usually appealing to cats.

Is the Mirataz given to her in the ear, as a transdermal gel?
A little weight loss can be a big deal – Mirataz

Depending on what your Freya is allowed to eat...("eg. if she's only allowed soft pate or liquid type foods, that may be easier to swallow...or if she is allowed any foods that she would like")...then these added ideas might help, too:

Not Eating Well? Boosting Your Cat's Appetite -Frederick Cat Vet
The above article had many useful tips. I especially liked:
"Toppings: Cats love fat and salt, but a little can go a long way. Bacon, grated cheese, catnip, CatSure, chicken broth, FortiFlora probiotic, Churu and Squeeze Ups can be poured on or sprinkled on food to make it taste better. The goal with these toppings is to entice your cat to eat the whole meal, and not just feast on the treats. Many cats readily lap up juice from canned chicken or seafood, so adding this to the regular diet can make it much tastier."
also: "The smell of chicken or fish cooking on the stove may be enticing. Also tempt them with traditional treats and sandwich slices."
Tuna juice really helps entice some cats to eat.

Approach to the Anorexic Cat
This article had mentioned..."sprinkling catnip on food".
"Many cats like catnip and sprinkling a small amount on the top of food will stimulate them to eat the catnip and may jumpstart eating the food."
(not sure about this above tip, since she may not be allowed anything that would irritate the pyloric stenosis, more.)

Is your cat a picky eater? | Animal Wellness Magazine
Acupressure:"Shan gen, “Base of the Mountain”: This “classical” acupoint is located just back from your cat’s nose, toward his eyes and on the center line. It’s known to trigger a desire to eat. Starting at your cat’s nose, gently rub back toward his eyes using the soft tip of your pointer finger. Keep rubbing that spot for a slow count of 20. This point is specifically used to stimulate appetite in animals, and has the added advantage that most cats find it relaxing.

Nutrical Paste
Vitamins & High Calorie Supplements - Tomlyn | Pet Supplements | Pet Products

Critical Care prescription A/D wet cat food, or Recovery food
Hill's Prescription Diet a/d Wet Dog/Cat Food
(other vet prescription foods are available, from royal canin, purina.)
also some i/d foods for digestive issues)

This may sound weird, and may do nothing,...but if you have any 'enzymatic toothpaste' laying around, with chicken or tuna flavour,...then try rubbing a little bit on the gums or back teeth.

If any of the medications alter the taste, or have an aftertaste, then perhaps trying something like using a small needle-less syringe of water, and chasing the taste away, might help. Especially if you cannot use pill-pockets, or wrap the pills in food.

Try and see if eating from a 'flat plate' is easier.
Raise it about 4-6 inches on top of some box, books or magazine
It may help her to eat if dish is raised a bit.

Mirtazapine caused my cat to eat, but it did cause her a lot of restlessness, and pacing, and more vocalizing than usual.
(my female cat is chatty, but the mirtazapine, in liquid syringe, caused her to meow 4 times the usual. It was strange.)

Hopefully, your Freya does not need to take so much, and it will help stimulate her appetite.
Sending Mega Recovery Health Thoughts and prayers to your Freya. 🙏 :vibes::vibes::vibes::caticon:
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silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Did they send her home with any paibn medication such as Buprenorphine?
Both cats are beautiful!
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
Did they send her home with any paibn medication such as Buprenorphine?
Both cats are beautiful!
No, only metoclopramide. The ER was super busy when we picked her up and I wasn’t thrilled with the way they do things - you only deal with a tech who just reads what the vet wrote down. Im eager to speak with Freya’s new vet (who has been wonderful) first thing tomorrow morning. She looked simply awful last night, but a little better this morning. We are hoping and praying she will regain her strength. She is only 2 years old.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
My personal experience with mirtazapine, in any of its forms, is that it is quite safe, but can spike the appetite greatly in some cases. There is another appetite stimulant called Elura that my vet has used and it seemed to do the job without causing side effects. It is carpromorelin (main component).
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  • #26


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
All prayers and well wishes for Freya very much appreciated and needed! Freya is back in the ER. Her prognosis is very guarded. We took her to the other ER in our area, and they have been so kind. I wish I had gone there first. Freya and her sister Tessa (who is a wreck with Freya being away from home) are the first pets we have had in years (as one of our adult sons has a cat allergy). They were going to try to stabilize her and then tomorrow do a CT scan to see EXACTLY what is the problem, and if she can handle the anesthesia, and if it were something they could fix surgically, the surgeons would fix it right then. But tonight they called and said they found air between her lungs and her body wall, which is very concerning. This adds a layer of complication, they need to figure out why it is happening and so much depends on if she can handle anesthesia tomorrow.
Her new regular vet mentioned that, being as we know so little about her first 18 months and she was bounced from place to place, that it's even possible she had a toxic event we don't know about. That perhaps she got into something that didn't kill her, but caused a lot of damage.
I have been able to deduce from the Facebook page of the backyard breeder she originally came from, that the cats were kept in a shack-like "fixer-upper" while the owners lived in an RV with the pregnant moms. So I guess it is possible that anything could have happened to this poor kitty cat,
We love her so much. I'm heartbroken. I'm doing my best to hold out hope. I didn't want to take her back to the hospital, but she was really struggling. Thank you for your love and support. Hopefully I will have a better report tomorrow.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
Oh, I am so sorry. It sounds like you are at a great place that I am sure has great specialists that will be in in the morning. The fact that they can do the imaging is great. I would be very concerned as well. I am so sorry.
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  • #28


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
There’s not much hope. Doctors don’t see much hope for survival. They think she was born with this issue (I’ll explain when I’m not so emotional) and she will have no quality of life. We are going to say goodbye. I am heartbroken

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
There’s not much hope. Doctors don’t see much hope for survival. They think she was born with this issue (I’ll explain when I’m not so emotional) and she will have no quality of life. We are going to say goodbye. I am heartbroken
I'm so sorry B BeccaCat ...:alright:
I wish I could offer some better words, to offer you some comfort.
Crying now, with you.

You did so much for your Freya.
Please know that everyone here, at the Cat Site, will be thinking of your Freya and you. 💞
May your broken heart, heal with Time. This is just too sorrowful, for words. :frown:
I was so hoping that the surgery would fix whatever was wrong.
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
Thank you everyone. Freya is at peace. I held her the whole time and gave her lots of kisses. I’m broken hearted.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I am so sorry for your loss of Freya. As this has played out, it is certainly possible that there was some early complication, given the living conditions, which had already taken hold by the time that you were able to adopt her and her sister. Please try to remember how you saved her and gave her a loving home with incredible care for the short time that she was here. Letting her go was the hardest and bravest thing that you could have done for her.
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  • #33


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
I am so sorry for your loss of Freya. As this has played out, it is certainly possible that there was some early complication, given the living conditions, which had already taken hold by the time that you were able to adopt her and her sister. Please try to remember how you saved her and gave her a loving home with incredible care for the short time that she was here. Letting her go was the hardest and bravest thing that you could have done for her.
Thank you so very much. This means so much to me. We are thankful she was able to be in a home with lots of love for her last few months, but our hearts are still broken. I am so thankful for all of the love and support. 💕

