Eye changes, loss of weight, possible bowel cancer.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2022
Hi all.

I have just made this account with great sadness as I am trying to get some answers to ease my mind.

Me and my mum have had our cat Mitsy now since 2006 so she is fairly old and the past 2 months her behaviour has changed dramatically. We have lived in our house for years and when we let her out the back (The car park.) she always lays on the path or the grass patch, and she has never in all the years living here gone on the main road out the front (Which is a very busy street.) One night she ran across the street where our previous cat got run over and she started running down the side-way of my neighbours house which was very odd, my mum alerted me and I rushed out to go and grab her and bring her in and since then she's only been allowed outside while either one of us monitors her and she only now goes outside for about five minutes before rushing back in... She has also stopped eating massively and has lost a lot of weight since she has always been a big (or fat) cat, and you can feel her bones on her head and all throughout her body. Her eyes are really faded this month and she's a bit lost, almost like she's got dementia, and she's been throwing up and having diarrhea about 6 to 7 times a day now for the past 3 weeks and it's really liquidly, both sick and diarrhea. She hardly moves about anymore and she has now today I have noticed has really thick and hard matted white hairs coming our of her neck area, it's almost like it's lost total pigment and it's pure white but it feels so matted to touch. What's happening to my baby? I grew up with this cat as I am 22 years old now and I am in tears writing this as I don't want to loose her yet, she isn't the same cat we had before. She has a vets appointment tomorrow but we're worried about the costs as we're struggling massively at the moment.

I hope I can get some answers here, thanks for any replies.

All the best, Alfie.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
So sorry this is happening. :hugs: Is she eating at all? Drinking any water at all? Sometimes the vets will give them fluids under the skin, this doesn't hurt them at all, and perks them up. She might be dehydrated from all the throwing up/diarrhea, and if so she obviously won't feel good. I hope the vet has some ideas for you tomorrow, it's so hard watching them get older and struggle. Please update us when you can.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 1, 2022
So sorry this is happening. :hugs: Is she eating at all? Drinking any water at all? Sometimes the vets will give them fluids under the skin, this doesn't hurt them at all, and perks them up. She might be dehydrated from all the throwing up/diarrhea, and if so she obviously won't feel good. I hope the vet has some ideas for you tomorrow, it's so hard watching them get older and struggle. Please update us when you can.
Thank you for you reply... She's drinking but I don't think not as much but she's hardly eating, not as much as she used too. I will update once I know what's going on but I am just absolutely heart broken and so is my mother. I have never lost a pet or a loved one before and I really struggle with stuff like this.



TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. The vet appointment will hopefully shed some light on what is going on. She is older and there a number of possible issues. Please make sure they do a full senior blood work up and a urinalysis - the full-scale blood work is most crucial (CBC, Chemistry Panel, Thyroid). There may be other tests that the vet might suggest - if they do, just ask what their purposes are and what the vet hopes to ascertain from them.

And, please let us know what you find out.


TCS Member
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Jun 1, 2022
Oh that photo is so sweet! I have two black and whites as well, I really them. :)
It might help the vet if you could sit down tonight and write out everything you've noticed in the past few weeks (how many times she's thrown up approximately, or had diarrhea), when did it start, how much you think she's drinking/eating vs. how much she used to, and note things like the weight loss and any behavior changes so you don't forget to mention them tomorrow. I've been in this type of situation many times, and it really helps ease my mind if I have all the concerns and changes on paper, so I can tell the vet and not have to sit there and try to remember. Ask your Mom for her input too. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs: :petcat: