Does Anyone Know Of Any Rescue Groups In The Dallas Area? (homeless Kittys In My Yard)


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 11, 2017
Here's the story,

I moved to a house from an apartment about three years ago. When I first moved in I noticed a black cat hanging out in the back yard so I started to feed him. He was completely feral, and would hiss at me when I fed him every single time for the 8 months he was with me (he was a TNR cat) well he stopped showing up a while ago, and since then I now have about 8 cat's that come to my house daily for breakfast lunch, and dinner but there are 3 of them that never really leave my back yard, and they are all fixed through the tnr program. The three that stay in my yard are all very sweet, and tame, and I feel so guilty that I can't bring them inside my home because I already have three indoor only cats in a very small house. I've contacted every rescue I can think of, and they all say they same thing. They are full. I've contacted spca,spca second chance, operation kindness,the dallas cat lady, dog and kitty city,dfw humane society and so on. It's really depressing that I can't find anywhere that can help them. I keep them all very very well fed, and I also have about 8 home made cat shelters in my back yard, and I insulate the shelters during the colder months for them. I will not take them to my local shelter because it's basically a death sentence. So if anyone know's of a rescue group I can contact please let me know, or if you know anyone in Dallas, or surrounding cities that would like a cat that would be awesome :) I'm at a loss at this point, and just looking for advise.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Wow! You've done an awesome job of caring for them. Thank you! :catrub:

The shelters and rescues are particularly full during the warmer months that I refer to as "kitten season" when homeless cats are out and about in great numbers and breeding.

Have you tried during the cooler off-season months to place these friendly cats in a rescue for adoption?

The shelters may have room to place them when they are less busy and crowded.

Adult cats also tend to stay in shelters much longer than kittens.

Also, have you tried advertising through your vet's office, your church, and friends and relatives?

It's not easy, I know from experience.

I don't blame you for staying away from the kill shelters. :(

Perhaps someone else will come along with more ideas. :lovecat2:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 11, 2017
Thank you :):)

I thought about giving the no kill shelters another try around October/November because like you said it's "kitten season" because that's what all of the rescue groups have told me as well. I don't really have any family other than my mom, and she has three very large dogs so that's not an option. She told me to try craigslist, but I've just heard to many bad thing's about that so I'm not going that route. I will see if I can advertise at my vet's office though I hadn't thought about that. At least they are being fed, and cared for by me so that's a plus I suppose. It just gets so overwhelming, and depressing at time's because I feel like I'm not doing enough for them. In the three years I've been at my house I've gotten 16 kittens, and two adult cat's in with different rescue groups. I wont give up though, and I'll take care of them no matter what. Lol I even make sure to spend time outside with them even though I get eaten alive by mosquitoes doing it :p:p
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I hear you! I had a close friend pass away last fall and I have her 2 cats on top of my own 5. They are mother and son and about 7 and 8 years old.

I was shocked when no one in her family would take them. None of her other friends want them either. It's sad. They are very sweet cats, but I'm in a small house too. We're getting by, but it does get overwhelming.

You've got good instincts. Never use Craig's list for pets!

The cats sound happy enough in your back yard. Get mosquito spray and hang in there! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
I'm in the same boat in that I have TNR'ed some nice tame cats. I don't live in a house, I am in an apartment, so I will not be able to care for them forever and they are not safe (bad people who abuse and kill cats). But in Houston there are so many unwanted animals it is really hard to find people to take them in. These poor kitties deserve a forever home.