Disabled cat need advice about health issues and a care


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 21, 2021
Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting anything but last year around July I adopted a kitten that was born under my neighbor's shed. His name is Potato and he has numerous birth defects. The most concerning is that he wont drink water unless it's tuna water(we just found this one out) his eyes are constantly dilated, and his neck bones have pinched the signals that run to his legs making it so he can't walk anymore. He can scoot around with his front legs but it takes him a while. I have to hold him while he uses the litter box now because his hip bones keep popping out.
My biggest concern is that he is getting constipated now. The vet says this happens with cat that have low mobility. He is on a strict diet of wet foods with the first three to four ingredients being meat, which i mixed pumpkin and water with to make a paste for him. He still gets constipated. i had to take him the to vet again on Friday in which he had a HUGE bowl movement. The vet said it was very hard and to try giving him Laxatone. I have been giving him this in the morning with his breakfast. It's now Sunday and he still hasn't gotten to poop. He has gone number one i'm just worried this isn't normal and he's getting bound up again. Any advice would be welcomed. I love the little guy and don't want to be a horrible cat mom and have him suffer.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. And bless you for taking care of Potato! I have no experience with a disabled cat, but I know that Miralax can be used to help with constipation. I even think that I have heard it being used in conjunction with Laxatone - but, you could check with the vet about the combination. As far as I know, the beginning dose for Miralax is 1/8 tsp - increased to 1/4 if there is no effect. And, in so far as the pumpkin, maybe stop using it. While pumpkin can be used for either constipation or diarrhea, maybe in your case, it is not having the desired effect. Perhaps, you could try making a paste of his wet food with water instead?

I know there are other members who can provide more help than I can, and I hope they soon see your post and respond with their first hand advice.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I don't think that Laxatone is going to be enough as it is used for more or less normal conditions. You might need something much closer to Miralax.

Is low mobility the only reason that he is constipated given his disabilities? If there is nerve damage to the intestinal area that can also affect bowel movement. There are various techniques that can be tried, especially in dogs, to cause a bowel movement. I did this for my previous German shepherd.

How to Express a Dog's Bowels | Handicapped Pets Blog

Of what is listed here, most will simply work or not, no harm done. I would not do the one that suggests inserting a finger in the anus in a cat unless I was shown how as they are much smaller than a dog. The one involving a cotton swab is meant to be done only a tiny way inside....absolutely do not insert anything into the cat further than the vaselined part of the cotton tip.

I also wondered if the cat would use a cart.
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Dilated eyes can indicate a high blood pressure problem. I believe there is medication for that.

Is there another vet you can take your cat to for a second opinion? Or ask your current vet to consult with a veterinary school for ideas on how to treat your cat's various issues.

A pet wheelchair may help your cat get around.

Mr. Meow

Special needs cat expert.
Super Cat
Dec 25, 2020
Sorry for coming in late, my phone decided it wanted to grow up to be a brick...
Thank you for taking in this special baby. I agree with the above that training him to use a cart will allow him to be more mobile, which will also strengthen his muscles, lessening any pain he may have. I also agree that he needs to be checked to see if he has full control over his pooping. His constipation may be caused by the simple fact that he can't push as hard as he needs to. In addition miralax suggestion the first step I would say would be to get him checked out for mobility and bowel usage.
IF he has full use of his bowels, getting him a kitty diaper may also be a great option. You'll have to change and wipe him on a regular basis, but that's usually a small chore.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hello everyone,
This is my first time posting anything but last year around July I adopted a kitten that was born under my neighbor's shed. His name is Potato and he has numerous birth defects. The most concerning is that he wont drink water unless it's tuna water(we just found this one out) his eyes are constantly dilated, and his neck bones have pinched the signals that run to his legs making it so he can't walk anymore. He can scoot around with his front legs but it takes him a while. I have to hold him while he uses the litter box now because his hip bones keep popping out.
My biggest concern is that he is getting constipated now. The vet says this happens with cat that have low mobility. He is on a strict diet of wet foods with the first three to four ingredients being meat, which i mixed pumpkin and water with to make a paste for him. He still gets constipated. i had to take him the to vet again on Friday in which he had a HUGE bowl movement. The vet said it was very hard and to try giving him Laxatone. I have been giving him this in the morning with his breakfast. It's now Sunday and he still hasn't gotten to poop. He has gone number one i'm just worried this isn't normal and he's getting bound up again. Any advice would be welcomed. I love the little guy and don't want to be a horrible cat mom and have him suffer.
Awww. Hello, P PotatoTee and welcome to TCS! Please give Potato a lot of snorgles from us!
Excellent suggestions already, especially about the vet visit. Medical problems should always be dealt with by pros, not by the general public. That said, there are a lot of good possibilities here, to which I would add that many people say a spoonful or two of plain pumpkin (without spices) mixed into wet food can help constipation OR diarrhea.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
There's an adorable kitten I follow on Instagram who also has mobility issues in her back legs. Her guardians feed her a raw food diet which helps her greatly as her poops are smaller and dryer--less clean-up! This isn't the same thing as small, dry constipated poops. This kitten gets Darwin's Natural Cat Food:
Natural Selections™ Raw Cat Food | Darwin's Pet Food

You could also look into making your own:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I wish I knew more about caring for disabled cats. I would take him to a specialist ASAP to see if they can Un-pinch his nerves. Until then I would take him to the vet for pain meds .... cats eyes when they are in pain.

I have spinal damage & slow release morphine is necessary for me to somewhat function. So I can tell you nerve damage causes pain, phantom itches & tingling. The gabapentin helps with the tingling and ittching.

I will also add that a scoot blanket or sock or some kind of fabric protection may be necessary to protect his skin as he scoots. Sarah had to get her lower half rinsed off in the sink with a spray nozel every day or at least every other day (winter) to prevent sores from developing on her private parts from urine being on her skin 24/7. I would suggest gentle unscented baby wipes or cat bath baby wipes and you give him a wipe down on his private parts every day if you notice he is not keeping himself neat & tidy. If he is cleaning his lower bits, maybe give him a weekly wipe down on his lower bits, just to be safe?



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I was also going to mention scooting. My GSD who had degenerative myelopathy ( MS in dogs) lost the complete use of his back legs but scooted around the house pulling himself on his front legs. No, I did not encourage this and had rear end harnesses and a cart but we were not always home to stop him. Long story short, he ended up with severely abraded feet which were quite difficult to heal.