Diabetes diagnosis


Queen of the Crazy
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
Here's an odd one. My catwas diagnosed as diabetic last year, and after going on a special food and insulin for 2mo, went remission when I took her back for a curve
Since then, her numbers are between 75-95. But we found out her glucose numbers can spike to 330 due to severe stress at a recent visit. Aka-car ride. I said I'd just tested her yesterday and she was 75! My vet didn't believe me at first, but when I brought her back next time I brought her meter to test against there's and it's working perfect.
Now, when I say my car stresses over car rides, I mean she: froths at the mouth till shelike like a Santa beard, hyperventilate, throws up, & has explosive diahrea. I have to have someone else drive so I can sit in the back with her and she sits in a large dog kennel.
My question is: when I asked the vet could the original diagnosis have been wrong? Now that we know her levels can go that high under stress?
She got mad and said they also did a urine test that showed.
Can THAT go askew did to stress too?
Just wondering if she does actually have diabetes.:/


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
You could also take your cat and her vet records to another vet for a second opinion. Sometimes the initial vet develops a bias and it flavors all subsequent visits.

It could be that she really was/is diabetic but it was caught early. I am assuming something triggered the initial appointment? So it could be that diabetes was underlying and stress was causing it to flare?
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Queen of the Crazy
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
Thanks for the thoughts and info.
My girl would only show symptoms of diabetes if she was currently having problems and not remission though, right? That's why I wondered if the urine could be affected like her blood test by the severe anxiety & stress.
As for asking another vet, if my vet wasn't who she is? Definitely with a try. My vet is amazing and wonderful. I've been going to her clinic for almost 7yrs now. She had given me massive discounts (& with so many cats I've come to count on them), fits me in no matter what, will come to my house to do euthanasia (something she will only do for a select few), & has given me her personal email (for non emergency questions) as well as her personal cell number for emergencies or pressing concerns. Now there might be other vets out there like this, but she's the only one I've ever come across in my time with cats. And she is a very compassionate person towards animals.
But she also has her quirks. She doesn't like to have her judgments questioned.:/ She kinda takes it offensively. I've managed to change her thoughts and opinions by treading carefully and doing my own research. But if I took her to another vet with her records? Oh boy. She would not treat us the same I've no doubt. So while it's a question in the back of my mind, it's definitely not worth alienating her.😄 Like a kid, I have to pick and choose my battles.
She told me if I really want to know, take her off her specialty food and see what happens.;\ But I'm not THAT curious or desperate to find out.


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
About 25 years ago my vet told me that sometimes if it’s caught early they can “go in remission”. I would just continue to monitor the blood glucose, food and insulin. If your cat starts to drop real low or too high then I would be concerned.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Our vet was aware that just coming to the vets' would spike the glucose since it put cat in panic mode. He'd insist on keeping the cat over night to run a series of glucose tests the next day for a reading. In theory this was a good idea. First draw good low reading, second one topping the charts because cat freaked from being there and the blood draw. It's a good thing you can do the draws at home, they didn't like for us to do that back then. It's too bad your vet thinks the cat likes him, cause that's just odd and a bit disturbing. Why would any animal like a stranger that pokes, and sticks them when they aren't feeling well? The cat by instinct considers the vet his enemy. Of course, her glucose is going to spike.
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Queen of the Crazy
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
She never said my cat liked her. Only that she didn't make a mistake in diagnosing her, because the urine test also showed glucose in it.
Why I wondered if the urine test could show a false positive essentially, like her blood.
Cats. They're so much fun!😄