Crystals in urine


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
Hello all,

Last week I posted about my sweet baby Simon who seemingly overnight developed FIC.

Initially he was put on antibiotics bc his urine showed the start of an infection and an anti inflammatory, he finished those and when things still weren’t completely better he was taken back in and put on Prazosin and Burprinex. A few days into that (last Wednesday) and he was still using the litter box frequently only one drop or so at a time so back to the vet we went.

That’s when I was told they can now see small crystals in there, but thankfully his bladder was empty and there was no blockage. He was put on a prescription diet, and gave a couple more days of prazosin.

We are 5 days into this, he isn’t using the litter box a drop at a time anymore but only peeing twice a day (normal sized clumps) and he doesn’t mind the prescription diet. Although he’s a very picky eater so he hasn’t ate much of it. I called the vet back today, she’d like him to go on a low dose steroid for a bit to see if that further helps the inflammation problem.

I guess I’m just writing this because I am scared.
I’m scared of the possibility of a blockage, I’m scared. He’s my baby and I can’t imagine anything happening to him.

Does anyone have any advice or words of encouragement regarding crystals and cats?

Thank you all


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I'd have to sort of piggy-back of Furballsmom Furballsmom 's question about the food. Is the prescription food he is on canned or dry? If dry, can you try the canned version? Which prescription food is it?

I'd also have to ask how much/often was he peeing before all this started, since it sounds like you think he is not peeing enough now as opposed to before. Canned food - as well as extra water - would help with this aspect too.

The steroids to help with inflammation is worth a try. Given for a short period of time is really no reason for concern.

Did you ask the vet how often he should have follow ups to continue to monitor for crystal build up? That is pretty much what I would do if Simon was my cat.

If the vet thinks this is likely related to stress, do you have idea on how you might help reduce his stress? Extra toys/entertainment and environmental enrichments, such as cat trees/perches/windows to look out - maybe even set up a bird feeder for him to watch. There are also bird/squirrel videos and cat music that might be of benefit to him. If stress is involved, you probably need to take a serious look back at changes in his/your life that might have created a bit of anxiety in him.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
I’ve got 2 water bowls out and 2 water fountains. Unfortunately he’s always preferred dry food and as “high quality” as the brand is I was feeding him it’s still dry food. You name the brand of wet and I’ve tried it. Before this incident I would leave dry food out all day (now I leave the royal canin urinary one) and feed wet 2x a day for my other cat. I put a spoonful in another dish for Simon 2x a day as well but the most he ends up eating is a bite at a time and I throw the rest out.

I’m sure he got this because of diet, not stress like what FIC is usually characterized by. He’s extremely well adjusted, runs the house, and through all of this he has been his playful and loving self to us and his brother cat. Admittedly he’s obsessed with temptation treats. He would get about 3-4 3x a day before all this, which is a lot already and with a cat who doesn’t eat much else as is i understand this was likely my fault because that made up a large part of his diet.

He eats the dry royal canin, and I’ve got him to eat a few bites at a time of the wet royal canin. I’ve also only been giving him ONE temptation in the morning and one in evening after his medicine, with the goal being to remove them completely from his diet. This has been the hardest part because he sits under his treat cupboard all day asking for them. I hate to think I could have caused this.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
As far as stress goes I find it hard to believe that’s what would have caused this although who is to say? As I’m typing this he is bouncing off the walls with one of his rattle toys. I have many cat trees, a wall in my house that has custom cat shelves covering it, bird feeders in windows, every toy you can imagine, and I set aside about 30 mins a day to play with him with the laser light, the feather wand toy, or throw his toys for him as he loves fetch.
The list of recommendations from my vet about FIC was everything he already has, aside from the tv for cats (which I have started to do). She asked about recent remodels or new furniture as well but that’s no too, in fact last year at this time we did a complete remodel to our living room and kitchen with all new furniture and this never happened nor did he seem bothered by it.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
It’s hard to say about the urine amount, and I think I might just be being paranoid. I have 3 litter boxes in the house, and they only use one 😩 I scoop 2-3x a day and I’d usually get 5 clumps a day I think, but that’s with 2 cats. One being a big guy, who eats a lot of wet food and drinks a lot. So the frequency seems right, but I’m not sure of the amount. I wish I paid closer attention in the past, his clumps aren’t as big as my other cats are, but that likely makes sense given everything.
My vet said that as long as he continues to be able to urinate normally, (without the straining or one drop at a time thing) then that means everything is okay.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Ask the vet if you could try Hill's urinary care foods, just to see if he might like the canned (and dry) versions of those better. Also ask if you can get Simon to eat at least SOME canned food that is non-script - along with the script food, if that would be OK. One food that is complete, in terms of nutrition, is Tiki Cat Mousse. It isn't cheap, but neither are the script foods. I just thought it might be something to try to 'convert' him over time to more wet type foods.

Do you think using the dry food as a topper to the canned food might be something to try? Or, perhaps the reverse, as in something like the Tiki as a topper to the dry?

FIC can be genetic, from what I understand. And, it sounds like you just need to continue keeping an eye on the peeing as well. What you are seeing, as you suggested, might be 'appropriate' for him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2014
Is he overweight? I would try feeding wet and dry food, make sure the wet has no fish in it and it dosent have to be urinary wet food just low in phos. And feed him 4 times a day if possible, but no less than 3. Cats with urinary issues the more times you feed them small meals the better.


TCS Member
Jan 4, 2021
My cat started having problems like this when she was 2. She kept getting UTI's, had crystals and rods in her urine, and had bladder stones. After a few rounds of antibiotics and a switch to the Hills C/D diet, she has to be on this food permanently, she seemed to stabilize. I give her wet and dry food so she can get more water intake from the wet and have a cat fountain to increase her water intake. I know it is hard and it is all very worrying but try these different steps and make sure to consult your vet a long the way.