Crying And Washing At 2:30 Am. Please Help!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jun 27, 2013
I posted in another thread about difficulty with applying Revolution (it has since been applied). At the time, I was about 75% certain that my indoor cats did not have fleas, but I applied Revolution just in case because they had been scratching a bit. Well now, I am 100% certain that we have fleas, and I feel like I could die.

About six hours ago, I was going through one of my cat's fur for literally the twentieth time checking for fleas and trying to convince myself that he (and my other cat) did not have them. Well, this time I found a live flea crawling on the back of his head, and much to my distress, I could not get it off of him. It burrowed further into his fur. I found this flea SEVERAL hours (about 18) after I applied the Revolution. Maybe I did apply it wrong after all, and I am really freaking out. Now it has been 24 hours (which is how long the Revolution is supposed to take to work), and both cats are still scratching. I probably have hundreds or thousands of flea eggs all over that will soon hatch into larva and then become adult fleas and then continue feeding on my cats. I fear I will never get rid of them. I have now had a couple of fleas jump on me as well, and I have several bites on my feet and ankles, which means there is a full-fledged infestation.

I have been washing everything for the past several hours that I can get my hands on that is soft and/or furry (blankets, bedding, toys etc.) where fleas may have laid eggs, but I don't know if it will work, since some of these things cannot be washed in hot water. I am also afraid that I may have flea eggs on some of my clothes because they are not in my closet but hanging on a rack in my bedroom where the cats reside. I can't wash them in hot water and with bleach because I will ruin them. What should I do? Just throw them out? I can't afford to buy new clothes.

I am going to get to the vet as soon as they open to get some spray to treat my room and the rest of my house, even though I HATE using chemicals. I just don't see any other way. It is supposed to kill flea eggs, larva, and adult fleas, but there is no way I can possibly treat every nook, cranny, and crevice in my house, and some of my furniture is too heavy to move away from the wall to spray behind. I just know there will be leftover fleas and eggs, and from what I have read, fleas can take up to a year to mature, so the infestation could start all over again.

I have severe anxiety and OCD and will often fixate on and worry about something until I feel physically ill. This is the kind of thing that I can't handle. A flea infestation is one of my worst fears. I am in a complete panic and have been sobbing about this.

I am sorry for such a long post. I started typing at 2:30 in the morning and it is now 3:00. Does anyone have any advice or maybe some encouragement about the fleas?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 18, 2009
Hollywood, FL, USA
Here’s some encouragement. If you are worried about flea eggs on your clothes, just vacuum them. No need to throw them out. Flea eggs are not glued on like nits. (And if they are jumping and biting you, they are not cat lice.)

For treating your carpet, I would get a professional pest control service to do it. Make sure they have a guarantee and make sure they or someone else moves the furniture away from the wall if that is what is required for the guarantee.

Yes, go to your vet to get advice on what to use on the cats. He’s the most likely to know about what the local fleas are sensitive to.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Jun 27, 2013
Unfortunately, I am flat broke because of vet bills and other bills and have no money for a pest control service. I can barely stay afloat this month as it is. As far as the carpet situation, the cats reside in my bedroom (long story), which has a concrete floor--probably a good thing (I'm hoping), since that is where most if not all the fleas will be. I'm sure I have probably carried fleas to other rooms of the house though, so I do plan to treat all the rooms. The other rooms are tile (6) and carpet (4).

I wonder--should I dump all of the food from their bowls in the trash and wash the bowls and also dump the litter from the litter boxes and bleach them? Maybe I am just being paranoid, but I wonder if some fleas and/or flea eggs could have been dropped in these places and are just waiting to hatch.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I've never had to deal with fleas before, but using a steamer would kill them, and if you have the carpet and nozzle attachment, you could steam your whole house including your clothes. (not sure if the steamer would be safe on your clothes or not). I would think the steam will kill eggs and larvae too. The steamer I have was not very expensive, and works great. I can't remember the price exactly, but I'm really cheap, well...frugal, so there no way I would have paid big bucks for one. :)
Also, I hear an apple cider vinegar bath is a good flea killer and helps sooth and soften the skin. I'm not quite sure of the ratio of vinegar to water, and if your cats will let you do it, but it's a thought. You can also use it as a repellent too, just put some in water in a spray bottle.
Good luck with everything.


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
I have severe anxiety and OCD and will often fixate on and worry about something until I feel physically ill. This is the kind of thing that I can't handle. A flea infestation is one of my worst fears. I am in a complete panic and have been sobbing about this.

I am sorry for such a long post. I started typing at 2:30 in the morning and it is now 3:00. Does anyone have any advice or maybe some encouragement about the fleas?
I am the same way and also cry uncontrollably, but rarely get sick from it.

I also have a habit of taking half an hour to post something and write long emails. Don't worry about how long your post is - we get a lot of them.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 24, 2018
First off, calm down and relax. Fleas are treatable and it shouldn't cost a high amount to treat them.

Give the revolution a few days to work.

I have not treated my cats for fleas since I started the dogs on Comfort is. Comfortis works and I have not seen a flea since (like in years).

If revolution is not working, try comfortis.

As for the want an insect growth regulator like precor. $8 or something.

If you are really poor and your cats tolerate baths, flea shampoo works too.


A cat's best friend
Super Cat
Jun 2, 2018
If Revolution is ineffective ask your vet about Frontline next time. It can't be used until after Revolution is out of your cat's system but a vet recommended it to me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It will be okay. No need to throw away your clothes. Sometimes it takes 3 months to get rid of an infestation, but it's definitely doable. Maybe switch to Frontline Plus next time. It works for me.