Cats No Longer Getting Along


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2018
hey there I was hoping to get some more suggestions to helping my cats! I 've read a lot on this subject and I THINK my best route is to re-introduce my kitties

so, I have a 4yr old mama kitty and her 10month baby, who is a neutered male
unfortunately we have all gone through a looot of stress and I can tell my mama kitty soaks up any stress I m in as it is.

we have moved twice now over the last yr and are getting ready to move again into our own home. I am guessing that mama kitty is overly stressed with the moving , and the last place we lived there were 3 other cats, 2 children and 2 other adults which I could tell was overwhelming for her, and since we moved in there she had started getting a bit aggressive with her baby, slapping him in the face(no claws) and constant growling if he comes near

I m really hoping that once we move they will become close again because they were inseparable before the last move
I d also like to mention it s not ALL the time that she acts like this ? sometimes she will groom him and rub up against him while purring

anyway, thanks!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I think that perhaps you don't have nearly as bad a problem as you think you do. If she isn't slapping him with her claws, she's just letting him know what is and what is not tolerated. If they are still doing the grooming thing, I'm firmly convinced that they will be fine, given time and a stable environment (I'm sure it will reduce your stress, as well!).

Since you are moving again, let me suggest taking an old sheet (or a cheap thrift store or Walmart sheet), throwing it over a piece of furniture that the cats like to lie on, and let it collect fur until the move. Just before you move, cut it into squares, about 18" inches. Fold, fur side in, and place in a plastic bag. When you get to your new place, before the cats are turned loose, place a square or two in each room. That will give them the security of smelling themselves in every room, and making it their territory right off the bat!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Congrats on getting your new home. :bouquet: Hopefully once you all get settled in, both the human's and cats' stress will go away. :crossfingers:

In addition to Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 suggestion, I'll post the link to a TCS article that may be helpful. Good luck with your upcoming move. :hearthrob:

How To Move With Your Cat To A New Home In A Safe Way


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
She is doing exactly what a momma cat is supposed to do, teaching her baby how to behave and at the same time pushing him away. She has to teach him boundaries and how to behave as a cat should. Cats are also vocal, she is communicating with him. Please do not intervene and let them continue as is. I firmly believe that when people try to punish or correct this NORMAL cat communication behavior they end up with neurotic cats. Leave them alone! They are fine! lol