Cat Pooping On Bed But Peeing In Litter Box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2017
Hello all, I'm sure there are countless other posts similar to what i'm about to post, but I couldn't find anything that was just like what my cat has been doing... so lets begin (sorry this is long but please i need your help!)

my cat is 7 years old, and i've had him for a year and a half. about 90% of the time good about using his litter box. He pees in it all the time thank goodness, although, the past few weeks i've found poop on my parents bed one day, then another day poop on the guest bed, then my bed a few days later.. before i move on i want to mention the environment: sometimes we have people over that he does not know, and i can see how that makes him anxious and poop at any close spot he finds comfortable. at other times i noticed that he didnt use his litter box to poop because his box is in the laundry room and when the washer/dryer is on i assume he gets uncomfortable or scared of the noise. BUT he has gone before when it was on so i dont know what that means.. if it means anything at all.

so, after the two days in a row that he pooped on beds and not in his box, we got a new type of litter that is lighter but has a stronger odor. i don't know if he likes it very much. he used it for a couple days but then i found poop on the guest bed again! I never catch him in the act to confront him or carry him to his litter box to maybe indicate in his little cat brain that he has to poop in the box.
***Let me add that his box is always clean and I don't think it would be "dirty" for him to use, I also don't think he has bowel issues, though i haven't taken him into the vet yet. ALSO his food and water is relatively close to his litter box it is in the kitchen, but i don't know if thats really an issue..
he may not like the odor of the litter, but that doesn't explain why he pees in it but doesn't poop. right now all day the doors to bedrooms have been closed so he can't poop on the beds, but he still hasn't gone in the box, or anywhere else as far as i know. his behavior has been pretty much normal as always except for this little thing. Does anyone have a clue what this could mean?? is it that he's getting older and his preferences change, meaning he wants to indicate that he wants his litter box moved somewhere else? or is it purely his laziness coming out and just doesn't want to make the trip to the litter box??

either way, i need it to stop, and i have no clue what to do!


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Have you seen this article? How To Solve Litterbox Problems In Cats: The Ultimate Guide

There can be all sorts of reasons for litter box avoidance, for example a bout of constipation they associate with their box or something about the location that disturbs them, but one thing that stands out is that you only mention one litter box. A lot of cats at some point decide that they won't defecate where they urinate, so they require two boxes. It would be worthwhile trying a second litter box in another location.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 17, 2017
thanks for the article and your suggestions! i actually didnt know that one cat would need two boxes.. but thanks! i'll look into it. since he hasn't gone all day he finally went in his box but i'm sure it's because no beds were available. so it's strange to me that sometimes he will go in his box and sometimes he won't.