Asthma, Steroids And Infection


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
My cat Cheddar is about 7 years old and was essentially a feral cat. He showed up at my old house when he was a kitten and started hanging around with a neighbors' cat (who eventually became my cat, which was fortunate for him and me). Anyway, I digress. I am the only person who has ever touched Cheddar other than at the vet under duress so vet visits are very stressful for him. He has been on oral steroids since January (before that we did steroid shots but my new vet said that oral was better). He has been tapered down to .15 mg every three days and seems to be doing well on it. It is chicken flavor and I put it in his wet food.
I had to take him to the vet last week for a 6 month blood test. The whole thing was way more stressful for him than it needed to be because we had to sit in the waiting room with dogs/people etc for about 15 minutes and then it took the tech 7 pokes to get a vein. Poor Cheddar. This was on Friday afternoon and at about 5, the vet called and said he appeared to have a systemic infection and needed antibiotics. I went out to get a shot to give him on Saturday (I do the shots at home because it stresses him out less) and asked to see the blood work. His WBC was quite high (28) but his neurophils were actually a few points low and his lymphocytes were only a point high. His monocytes were quite high. I tried to ask the tech about it but all she said was that he had an infection and the antibiotics would help. I am fairly attuned to Cheddar's health and I saw no indications of an infection. Appetite was always good, no urinary issues, energy level fine. The only thing I noticed was that he sneezed quite a bit and, after the vet visit he was sneezing more until I gave him the shot on Saturday (vet visits always seem to trigger a URI for him). Anybody have any experience with infections when your cat is on antibiotics. I now it decreases their ability to fight infections off but I just don't know what the infection could have been.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I'm sorry the tech wasn't more help regarding giving detailed information, can you maybe try again at that clinic and find someone else to speak with? You're obviously knowledgeable, and they need to be more helpful for your peace of mind.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
Thank you for your reply. I like my vet's office but have found it very difficult to actually talk to the vet with questions. It seems like the vet tech just asks the vet and then gets back to me. That is what happened a few weeks ago when I went in to see if I should up the steroid dosage because of all the smoke. I hate to seem like some crazy pushy cat lady. ;)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I understand you feelings about that, but yet you're a concerned and very responsible and caring pet owner. They really do need to respect that and work more with you, I think. Maybe you could email the vet, I dunno...


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
It would be important to look at the whole blood panel, CBC and chem panel, to really know what was going on. If it were me, I would contact the vet's office again and specifically ask to have the vet set aside time (probably at the end of the vet's work day) to call you back and discuss what the criteria was that led your vet to think Cheddar had a "systemic infection".

Your cat is 7 and is currently on a very low dosage of Pred. I'm not sure that that low a dose is really that immunosuppressant. My cat is three, has been on daily corticosteroids for 2 years for control of asthma coughing. Her dose is higher than your cat's dose, but my cat also gets blood work done every 6-8 months to make sure she is on track and as healthy as possible. So far, so good. Her dose is also not considered immunosuppressant.

Anyway, it may very well be that Cheddar does have a "systemic infection" (maybe it was even a URI, in which case, antibiotics will help if it is bacterial-based), but maybe you can get more clarity from your vet.

I DO know that increased stress that the cat experiences at the vet can spike the WBC counts. So you will want to take that into consideration to figure out what is happening. With what you describe Cheddar going through with that vet tech during the blood draw (and the waiting room excitement beforehand), I would say he was super stressed.

Cat Blood Test Results Explained
excerpt: "[...] Cats often also have changes in what types of white blood cells are present due to stress-induced release of adrenalin. This process causes abnormalities in a pattern called a stress leukogram that has to be recognized by the clinician as due to stress, not disease. This physiological reaction to stress can also mask abnormalities. [...] "


Why Is My Dog Or Cat's White Blood Cell Count Abnormal ?
excerpt: "[...] A very common problem when pets come to animal hospitals is their fear, apprehension and excitement; although some have those feeling much more than others

Being in that agitated, stressed state, releases two compounds that will increase your pet’s WBC count. Both are released by your pet’s adrenal glands. The first is epinephrine (adrenaline) that chemical increases your pet's heart and respiratory rate and dilates its pupils (the adrenaline rush). Another effect of epinephrine is an increased WBC count (leukocytosis) as white blood cells that once clung to the walls of blood vessels (the marginal pool) detach and move into circulation while additional WBCs stored in your dog or cat’s spleen are squeezed out into its blood stream. This happens fast – within minutes. In dogs, it is usually the more mature neutrophils (segs) that have increased in number. In cats it may be lymphocytes as well. Heavy exercise can have the same effect. [...] "


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
.... The only thing I noticed was that he sneezed quite a bit and, after the vet visit he was sneezing more until I gave him the shot on Saturday (vet visits always seem to trigger a URI for him). Anybody have any experience with infections when your cat is on antibiotics. I now it decreases their ability to fight infections off but I just don't know what the infection could have been.
One question, just to make sure: you wrote "Anybody have any experience with infections when your cat is on antibiotics. ..."

Did you mean to write, "... when your cat is on steroids" ??

Again, that's a pretty low dosage of steroids that your kitty is currently on (.15mg every three days or so...)
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jun 6, 2013
Yes I did mean steroids. Thank you for catching the typo. :) Also, thank you for the information on stress causing increases in WBC. I knew it could impact the glucose reading so that makes sense.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
No worries on typos, I make plenty myself!!

If you are wanting more info from the vet, just to ease your mind you could try contacting him/her and see if you can find out more of the particulars. The vet obviously had reasons for the diagnosis. :hugs: