Anxiety, Ocd, Or A Mental Illness?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 15, 2017
Hello, all!
I am the proud owner of a two year old cat named Stella. She was born on mother's day, 2016. My boyfriend and I took her in when she was 9 weeks old. She still was not ready to leave her mother but she needed a home. We were estactic to finally have her after waiting 8 weeks to bring her home. She started doing some unusual things such as, sucking on my lip and being very needy and clingy. (Which I do not mind and i do love, I never knew a cat could be so attentive and loving). She would suckle on my lip for hours, kneading my chest and face until she fell asleep. After about a year and half I slowly Weaned her off of suckling and she would just run up to me, kneed me, and fall asleep. Well now a new behavior has arisen. Right before she falls asleep or while she's sleeping, she will randomly lift her head, growl, and start frantically cleaning her face. Not licking it, just pressing her paws on her open mouth over and over again. When I can finally get her to "wake up" she just stares at me for a little while then runs away. She comes back minutes later, it' almost like she's makikng sure I'm okay with the way she acts, then she runs away into the kitchen and starts playing and running back and forth. Almost like pacing? She also likes to "sweep" if any liter gets outside of the box she will sweep it into a pile and put it in front of her food dish. That is like her mailbox. She puts e everything near her food dish. Every day she has something new that she has found that she puts on top of the food dish every time she's done eating. Sorry, cute rant, but is she stressed? Anxiety gone arie? Is it her ocd? She also hides from everyone who isn't me and even when my boyfriend comes over, if I'm not here she will not approach him.

Is my cat okay?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 30, 2017
I don’t know about the sculptures she’s making near her food dish, but I would have her teeth checked out in response to the pawing at her face. My cat has stomatitis, and before she got help (in this case, a complete extraction) she did that all the time, with and without pain. Hopefully your cat has a tooth issue that can be, not stomatitis!

In terms of mental illness, I have always wondered how that works in cats; if they experience neurodiversity like human beings do or if their minds just aren’t developed enough. Hopefully a cat psychoanalyst can weigh in :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Two votes for the dental check, as that is the most obvious possible cause. When you explain the behavior to the vet, he might have some other ideas, as well.

Cats can have a whole array of disorders, most are very like their human equivalents, up to and including schizophrenia (which is very rare). However, in most cases, it boils down to "just a cat thang, and you humans will NEVER get it." She does sound as if she could use a bit more socialization, though, just to make her more comfortable. Try bringing in very quiet folks on a regular basis, and letting her get used to them. That might help a bit.