A Feral Story


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 20, 2017
She came to me on a summers day. I knew what I had to do. I fed her. And within two days she brought her four kittens.

And I accepted a fact of her life that TNR was now part of it.

Trapping the mother cat, whose name was preciptoiusly given to be "Hiss" for being such a "hissy" cat - went off rather easily, along with the first of her brood. It is noteworthy, that the last kitten to catch, and took a few days - earned the name, "Dillinger", for his unexpected skill in evading the traps. Not only could Dill take the bait, he could also undermine the trap - using his talented paws to move the food closer to the outside of the trap for a tasty snack.

All of the kittens, and the mother, were spay/neutered, and I promised to accept them back into a feral colony. My backyard would be their life long staging area. The kittens, thru our local rescue group, were acclimatized and I presume homes were found for them. They were so CUTE !

Hiss, staid with us, in the backyard - with ample shelter and twice daily feedings and fresh water. Over time she allowed me to pet, and even groom. She would come into the house, temporarily, while her bowl was being refilled, and then would flee to the outdoors - her "crib". In only a few short weeks, "Hiss", became "Priss". I was hooked.

I knew the risks of heart break. I always put it to the side, and enjoyed my time with Priss.

and now my heart aches. You never know if your feral was trapped, given a home, or had to wander off, or leave. It doesn't matter. My heart is broken.

Reading some of the stories, here, helped. And I am very appreciative that there are others that feel the same way. That through TNR, we help reduce what appears to be an insurmountable circle of suffering.

And in the time it took me to write this essay - she appears. And eats. And lives in her territory, on HER terms, for another day, week, or years to come.

Bless all of you for what you bring to this world.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Thank you for sharing your story. Priss is so fortunate to have someone has loving and caring as you. Taking care of ferals takes very special kind and loving people. I care for 3 right now and I worry each and every day for their safety. Yet I know there life is better with my help. Keep doing what you are doing!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
T TheodoreFrimet - Thank you for sharing this lovely and Heartwarming story, and for caring for and about these cats and kittens. Welcome to TCS - I'm certain that everyone here hopes that you might stay with us, and become a part of the Community here.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Thank you for taking care of Priss, and sharing your story. I must say, however, I started to get teary towards the end there, so was happy when she appeared for more food. Any chance she'd let you take a picture to share with us?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
I know what you are going through having dealt with many babies over the years. It's my opinion that some return your love by just coming in and making themselves at home permanently and others (the hardest to accept) just return your love with a backward glance or the wave of a tail... it's kind of like they are saying "I know but this is the best I can do". That's what you have to settle for. That you made and are making a difference in her life, however long it might be.
I have a feral girl I have fed every other day for over three years and I have never been able to touch her, pet her or even get within that distance they show you " is close enough". But the key is to look in the eyes... they will show you you're doing right. She sometimes just stops and stares at me with a soulful look that says " I know, but this is the best I can do and I know you love me"
Hope this helps.