8mo kitten’s butthole is inflamed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2022
Hello all! I am new here and seeking a second opinion.

About 2 weeks ago i noticed my kitty was scooting her butt around. It freaked me out. Her butthole was a little red, but nothing too crazy. Just looked a little raw. However, I did take her to the vet. The vet told me everything looked fine. Her anal glands were empty, and her butt wasnt red anymore. Ok, cool! Great! I got home and scrubbed the litter pans thinking that maybe they were a little dirty (i did a deep clean recently before this as well, so im not really sure thats what it was)

However the past 2 weeks since the vet visit shes been scooting her butt and licking like crazy. She acts fine. She eats fine, poops fine, no crying when shes in the litter box. There’s been absolutely no change in her diet. Today and yesterday especially I noticed her butthole looked like it had a little lump on it. It kinda looks like a hemorrhoid but im not even sure cats can get that. I’m gonna be attaching 2 pretty gross pictures below. Could someone tell me what they think? I’m afraid to go to the vet again and have them say nothing is wrong again. Yes, I can afford to take care of my cats but paying for a vet visit when nothing is wrong twice in the span of 2 weeks is pretty financially draining.




Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The most usual answer to this is anal gland problems, and you ruled that out. Parasites can cause this, but I assume that you already know that is not the case, or the vet might have brought it up. Allergies can cause this; cats don't get hemorroids, per se, like people do, but that does not rule out what you are seeing which is a red swelling.

I agree that since you just went in good faith to the vet that you should try to send the picture, especially if they did not see the redness the first time.