6 week old kitten bald spots on hind leg


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 11, 2020
My (about) 6 week old kitten has bald spots on one hind leg. I only noticed it today morning so I think the majority of it appeared over night (I'm sure I would have noticed earlier if it was as bad yesterday). She grooms herself quite often but I never noticed excessive grooming in that spot.
If it might help: For her diet she is eating Royal Canin Mother & Babycat mousse and Royal Canin Convalescence Support Instant Powder for almost one week now. Before that she only had the Royal Canin Babycat Milk. This diet was suggested by her vet.
After searching on google I'm worried it might be ringworm, but how could she have gotten it so quickly? Also she's separated from her mother since she was 2 weeks old. Or are there other ways to get infected?

Maybe somebody had a similar issue? Is there anything I can do to prevent her from grooming the spot so it doesn't get worse?
I'm planning to call the vet tomorrow, but I'm sure I can only get an appointment later this week.
Any help and suggestions are appreciated!



TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. There are way too many variables - I would have thought that a food allergy would be impacting more than just one spot. Could she have irritated that particular spot on something she sat on/etc - and is licking that area to compensate? Look around for similar/related possibilities. If she is not around other cats, and hasn't been for some time, then ringworm wouldn't seem likely either. Ringworm can 'hang around' in the environment, so if that is your case, it could have contaminated her. Does she go outside?

A vet visit is the best idea. But, because you think you will have some time between now and then, you can try treating the area with chamomile tea (standard grocery store variety tea bags, which are generally German - you don't want English, nor any additives/flavorings). Brew a bag in water, cool the liquid, and apply to the area with cotton balls or a soft cloth multiple times a day. The tea is both healing and soothing, and has anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties. It is also safe for her to ingest.

Obviously, keep an eye on it to see if it spreading, or getting worse in that particular spot. Hope other members will come along with some ideas to offer as well!!