4 week kitten, No teeth / slow weight gain


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
Hi all! I have recently taken in 2 pregnant feral cats. The first mama (Patches) delivered 4 weeks ago. She had 4 kittens, all doing well at birth. She had 1 runt, Luna, who has been slow to gain weight. I have been reading in here and trying all kinds of ideas, but she stays at 4 grams a day of weight gain with only 1 or two occations of no gain. Never a loss.

The second mama (Pretty] delivered 2 weeks ago and just couldnt get it together on the mothering and had no milk. She had 2 kittens both losing weight, we started supplementing, but this poor feral just couldnt get the hang of mothering. She would not sit still to nurse unless you sat and petted her the whole time. We ended up giving the 2 kittens to Mama patches, who took them on easily. She almost seemed relieved, because she could hear them cry and would get upset! They started gaining weight and I supplemented the 2 babies, and Luna, the one gaining so slowly. We rotate the big ones out to give the 3 littles time to nurse uninteruppted with qauluty mama time. They are seem to be thriving, but Luna just doesnt ever gaon 10g a day. Only 4. Its everyday, 4, maybe 5 grams once. Her birth weight was 3.1 oz. After that we started in grams. She is currently 316g. She is smaller than the others and seems behind in development as well. She has no teeth in yet, She is fiesty, nurses well and takes the KMR supplement several times a day between 6 and 12 cc's per feeding 3 times a day og KMR and nurses the rest of the time, with me making sure she is getting good nipples and at times when the big siblings are sleeping or out of the nest. She takes the KMR well but mot much per feeding. She strmarts really fighting ne on feeding more than 12cc at a feeding and sone days only 6 oer feeding, tgen nurses after.

Mom has been on kitten food from 1 week before birth when we got her, and is on kitten dry food, 2 cans of wet kitten food, and a bowl of KMR a day and she goes through a lot of water.

Anyway, I guess I am worried about little Luna. She is progressing, gaining and does meet milestones, just slower. And she has no teeth yet, all her siblings do. She is active, boots off other kittens off the nipple to nurse etc.... so she is fiesty!

Both moms were tested at the vet and cleared, so no FIP/fLV, worms, fleas etc... Should i be worried or what should I try next? I hestitate to try moving her to wet food hlop because she has no teeth yet.

Patches is super friendly and lets me do whatever I need for the kittens and for her. Which has been nice. She is a great mom and keeps them clean and happy and nursing. So i dont know about bowel movements and such as mom does all that. The 2 itty bitties are gaining 7 to 10 grams a day and seem very good.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I dont have much ideas, but hope she is OK, just slowly growing.  As you tell she does gains every day, and is feisty and can defend her place at the nipples.

You give KMR to momma as extra.  Goats milk is cheaper, and OK for cats.  Hey, you can even try with goats milk for  Luna too.  Not because its better, but to try and find another wind into the sails.  Especielly if you can get raw goats milk it may be worth a try.  Perhaps also some nice vitamine paste.  Its usually not necessary, but again - we wanna try to find some harmless alternatives...

And please,  kiss momma Patches on the forehead, and cuddle her from me.

Tx for caring!

Good luck!
Hi all! I have recently taken in 2 pregnant feral cats. The first mama (Patches) delivered 4 weeks ago. She had 4 kittens, all doing well at birth. She had 1 runt, Luna, who has been slow to gain weight. I have been reading in here and trying all kinds of ideas, but she stays at 4 grams a day of weight gain with only 1 or two occations of no gain. Never a loss.

The second mama (Pretty] delivered 2 weeks ago and just couldnt get it together on the mothering and had no milk. She had 2 kittens both losing weight, we started supplementing, but this poor feral just couldnt get the hang of mothering. She would not sit still to nurse unless you sat and petted her the whole time. We ended up giving the 2 kittens to Mama patches, who took them on easily. She almost seemed relieved, because she could hear them cry and would get upset! They started gaining weight and I supplemented the 2 babies, and Luna, the one gaining so slowly. We rotate the big ones out to give the 3 littles time to nurse uninteruppted with qauluty mama time. They are seem to be thriving, but Luna just doesnt ever gaon 10g a day. Only 4. Its everyday, 4, maybe 5 grams once. Her birth weight was 3.1 oz. After that we started in grams. She is currently 316g. She is smaller than the others and seems behind in development as well. She has no teeth in yet, She is fiesty, nurses well and takes the KMR supplement several times a day between 6 and 12 cc's per feeding 3 times a day og KMR and nurses the rest of the time, with me making sure she is getting good nipples and at times when the big siblings are sleeping or out of the nest. She takes the KMR well but mot much per feeding. She strmarts really fighting ne on feeding more than 12cc at a feeding and sone days only 6 oer feeding, tgen nurses after.

Mom has been on kitten food from 1 week before birth when we got her, and is on kitten dry food, 2 cans of wet kitten food, and a bowl of KMR a day and she goes through a lot of water.

Anyway, I guess I am worried about little Luna. She is progressing, gaining and does meet milestones, just slower. And she has no teeth yet, all her siblings do. She is active, boots off other kittens off the nipple to nurse etc.... so she is fiesty!

Both moms were tested at the vet and cleared, so no FIP/fLV, worms, fleas etc... Should i be worried or what should I try next? I hestitate to try moving her to wet food hlop because she has no teeth yet.

Patches is super friendly and lets me do whatever I need for the kittens and for her. Which has been nice. She is a great mom and keeps them clean and happy and nursing. So i dont know about bowel movements and such as mom does all that. The 2 itty bitties are gaining 7 to 10 grams a day and seem very good.
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
thinking on.  Peaches, although excellent caretaker, isnt very productive milkwise.  We can see this, as the siblings are adding just 7-10 grammes a day.  This is OK but barely!

So, another tip will be to press into Luna even more than you do.  8ml/30 grammes a day.  In a 300g kitten it gives 80 ml KMR or goats milk a day....

OK, kmr contra mommas milk, which is precious?    Mommas milk is a sheer pleasure, so if there IS any milk, she will surely manage to get some...


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It sounds like you and Patches are doing a bang up, terrific job!

Since Luna is gaining and healthy, she sounds good to go. Being slow to get teeth and wean go along with being the runt. She'll get there in her own good time! Try not to worry unless she begins losing or becomes lethargic or ill.

You may want to give Patches an extra can of wet food daily.
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
thank you both! I have a few dsys off, so gonna see if i can get in a few days of extra feeds of KMR. I tried to get in more into than her 12 cc max but she wasnt having any part of it, so maybe a extra few feedings will help! She gained 6g today which is the higest I have seen out if her!

Today after she was done with the supplementing she started chewing on the plastic water bowl, which is new for her and I checked and she has the very begginings of her teeth coming in! So she seem to be 10 days or so behind, but steady!

I will give mom an extra can of wet food also. I am going to look around for raw goats milk also. The KMR is pretty pricey! I am hopeful she will be ok. I dont usually attach to strongly to my fosters, but Luna and her mom patches both got me! Lol

I kinda figure when the older 3 kittens start weaning, there will more milk all around for these little 3. Today Patches had the 3 big ones out of nest and playing. When they would nurse, she was fine with it, but as soon as little ones cried she got up and went to them, leaving the big ones to play. Maybe she is starting to encourage the big ones with less nursing time? This is my first kitten litter, so its all new to me and a merged litter at that! I am kinda glad though for Luna, as she kinda naturally falls in with the little guy group!
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  • #9


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
Thanks! I will try that! I had no idea where to start looking!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Thanks! I will try that! I had no idea where to start looking!
You're in Florida so start in a Spanish bodega. That's where I saw them.

BTW, what is the name of that weeny white kitten with Luna? It's like a little mouse.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
That is Tyson! He is a kittle fighter! He and his twin, Admiral Von Ice Cat, I think were a little premature, because they did look like mice! No real fur on their feet /legs and such. They are doing well now though! Noe they look like fat mice! Lol

I have the day off tomorrow so will search for goats milk. Luna didnt gain anything today, so tomorrow will focus on lots of feedings since I will be home.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Yes, she needs to gain. Good you'll be home to feed. Hope she gains tomorrow.

Walmart carries goat's milk and kitten formula.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
Good news! Luna gained 9g, 2 days in a row! I haven't changed much, except I added in Nutri cal for kittens and one extra feeding. She isnt getting any extra at each feeding as she just won't take more than 12 cc's max at a time, but then I put the nutri cal gel on her tongue, a few dabs of it. She doesn't like it but swallows it. So maybe this is making a difference? The big ones are also experimenting with the wet food, so wondering if that's helping them nurse less, so Luna gets more. Whatever it is, i am glad he is gaining in bigger amounts! It's not a huge difference, but a step in the right direction!

As for the two tiny ones, they are gaining better as well, 1 of them gained 20 g yesterday, instead of his usual 10. Mom is getting extra KMR and wet food, so maybe that's contributing too! Thank you all for the advice!
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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Glad to hear things are going so well! [emoji]128077[/emoji]
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
Hi all!

So we had a bit of a set back. Was wondering about more ideas. Luna was gaining weight, but is now plateued. She had bloody diarrhea a few days ago and off to the vet we went. No parasites or any obvious reason for it. They prescribed a probiotic and a change in food. I had switched to a powdered KMR, so they said switch back, the powder may be causing inflammation.
So we switched back to premade stuff. Her siblings are eating wet/dry food and drinking water on thier own, so we keep them more seperated and have Luna nurse when ever her mama patches will let her.

Luna is active, wrestles and plays with the big kittens and generally seems just fine, just little and not really thriving. The diarrhea cleared up right away with switching milk, get her to nurse more and probiotics.

She still gets nutrical several times a times also. The vet said just keep doing what we are doing, but it doesnt seem to really help. She is gaining but super slowly!

She is peeing on her own and trying to use the kitter box. She goes to the same spot anyway to go, so we put a tiny litter box there and she seems to be trying to figure it out. She is definetly physcially behind and some skills arent coming as naturally to her as her siblings. Vet said says she is hydrated, fur looks good and her gums are not pale or anything. He says she checks out good. She is not at all interested in solid food or anything yet. Her teeth did all come in.

So, it seems to be a case of failure to thrive, but doesnt fit the classic sick kitten kind. She walks around behind mom all over the house, she comes to me when I scratch on the floor for her to be petted etc...she seems content and happy, doesnt cry etc... anyway, just seem to be at a loss ... I can keep supplementing of course, but how long does that go on for? She is 6 weeks old this week, and weighs the same as her 4 week old foster siblings. I imagine at some point she starts eating on her own and I dont have to worry about supplementing forever? LoL


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It's called being the runt. She will catch up. It will just take extra time. You are doing all the right things!

It's sweet that she follows her mama. I kept a stray who had 4 babies, and she and her only daughter are inseparable. She also had a tiny male runt who is now the biggest cat of all two years later.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 13, 2004
Ok thanks for the reassurance! I just hold my breathe everyday, that she will not make it. So trying to just make sure I am doing everything I can! Lucky little thing already has an adoptive home when she is ready eventually. I hoping she stays strong and healthy!