I Need Advice!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 17, 2006
Ok so I'm new here as you all see and... I DON'T HAVE A CAT!

I have to have one but I can't! I... I just don't know what to do...

Guys... I doubt you could help... but what the hooey, let me explain.

I've been wanting a cat for so long now. One day I moved to this house ok, and it had this beautiful cat that prowled around it. I later found out it was my neighbors though, so I couldn't take over it. After that, I found out one day that my evil neighbors treated the poor ol' cat like... well, badly. I plotted and schemed and later bought the cat lots of food and toys.

Eventually the cat loved me just as much as I loved it (a lot). I snuck outside at night and we would meet at this nice grassy patch and eat. I'd bring him a can of cat food while I ate some tuna with him. The first time was... the best time of my life, that day. It started becoming a habit and eventually, my mom found out. Damn it all. My mom is a great women but she gets asthma/allergy from dust and furry animals. She was getting asthma/allergy very slightly and dealing with it with no problem, and I was making extra sure I got into the house with no fur on me what-so-ever!

Later it was becoming a little serious, and if went on for too long, it could be deadly. I knew my cat had to go. I wasn't about to make my mom go through hell, but I really couldn't even think of my cat leaving... I JUST COULDN'T! Well, it soon became time when he had to go. He was smart, but he still always came back, until the situation was out of my hands...
My dad said it had to be dealt with, put him in a cage and dropped him off... very far away.

My mom was really sorry, because she liked him too... but I told her I understood and it wasn't her fault she suffers from asthma or allerygy or whatever the hell it was, it was my fault for being irresponsible, knowing that my mother was allergic to furry animals, and being best friends with a cat.

I locked myself in my room for over three weeks, only coming out at night to eat a bite or two, drink some water... and sit on that special spot of grass.
It's really hard not to cry when I sit there, but I gotta get over it somehow...

I always hoped my cat would come back, someday, but he'll never come back because he's dead. I found out that he was "put to sleep" and then almost went insane. I sat in my room again for around a month and a half until I went out in daytime once more... but I wouldn't talk to my parents unless I had to.

Guys, I know I sound pethetic, but you have to help me. I'm an only child and being alone is hard. I don't want brothers, nor sisters, I just want my cat back, but know I can never get that. So please help me out and tell me if there's a way I can get my mom non-allergic to cats, and maybe get a kitten for myself if there is. I know I'm not very smart, and I'm kinda new to forums, and to the internet for that matter because my mom just bought me a computer and some games to take my mind off things... but I learn quick.

Please guys please? I know I sound like a brat, but I'm not and I don't show my feelings... anymore. So can you guys please help me out? It would really put a smile on my face...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2006
Clinton, Utah
I think maybe you need a professional to talk to first. Also we can not make your mom's allergy's go away. You dad to me wasn't nice. The cat needs to have a good home not put to sleep.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 15, 2005
According to my husband... the zoo
Hello and welcome to The Cat Site

I'm so sorry you are longing for a cat and can't have one right now.

Is there an animal shelter where you could volunteer? That way you could have contact with cats/animals on a regular basis.


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
Unless you want to take the responsiblity of another cat being abandoned by your dad, then my suggestion is you wait until you are old enough to move out on your own and then get a cat. Otherwise, any cat that you get now, will end up being abandoned, and that is hardly fair to the cat.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I hate to say this, but while you are in your parents' house, you have to live by your parents' rules.
I know when you are young that is hard sometimes, but time will pass quickly and soon you will be out on your own and can get a cat of your own.

I also have asthma and allergies and live with a cat. It is not easy and I really have to be careful. Even with the precautions I take, my allergies and asthma can easily flare up. I have spent the past 2 months on really strong medications because of a flare up asthma and allergies. While I understand your need to have a cat, you have to understand that not being able to breathe isn't fun, and that your mother's health needs to come first.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 27, 2005
Atlanta, GA
My advice would be to find a local shelter to volunteer at as often as you can, then when you come home, your clothes go straight into the washer and you go right into the shower.
This way you get to help out lots of homeless cats and spend some quality time with not one, but lots of cats! And your mom doesn't have to worry about severe allergy attacks.
This should be something you can do until you are able to move out of your parents and have a place of your own that allows cats.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 10, 2005
first of all i do not think u sound like a brat its only natural to be upset to losing your cat.

i dont know if this wil work out but if its just the fur ur mom is alergic to you might want to try bringing a sphinx home i honestly dont know a think about them i have only seen pics of them throughout the forum but they seem rare and most likely to live in warmer countries so i dont know if it will be much help but its worth a try i googled up a website with some info about them:

hope you'l figure something out


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2006
Clinton, Utah
Originally Posted by jlutgendorf

My advice would be to find a local shelter to volunteer at as often as you can, then when you come home, your clothes go straight into the washer and you go right into the shower.
This way you get to help out lots of homeless cats and spend some quality time with not one, but lots of cats! And your mom doesn't have to worry about severe allergy attacks.
This should be something you can do until you are able to move out of your parents and have a place of your own that allows cats.
This is a really good idea, not sure the parents will go for it but worth a try.


TCS Member
Dec 5, 2004
At the kitty's beck and call
Hi there
we're so happy to welcome you to TCS. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay with us - we're one great big family and you'll find loads of friends here. If I can help at all while you're finding your way around TCS just click on my username and send me a Personal Message - I'll do what I can to answer your questions

You've had some really great advice there from Hissy and from others. It sound like a cat in your home is not really feasible. If you can find somewhere to volunteer at a shelter you may find that you get the contact with animals that you want without endangering your Mom's health.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 22, 2004
Gt Britain
If my dad did put a cat in a cage and dropped him off very far away, I would dropped him off very far away indeed


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 13, 2005
The cats house, we just pay the mortgage..
Welcome to TCS!
I am so sorry you Dad did that to your first cat. That must be so awful for you.
Unfortunately I agree with everyone else, you would be better waiting until you are old enough to move out to get a cat. There is medication your Mum can take to help her allergies but I very much doubt she would be willing to do it.
I hope one day you will have your own house and fill it with your own furry friends.