ten questions for YOU!


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 24, 2001
i have a hiding place
answer the questions you want to in as much detail you can offer...

this should be fun, i think.

1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?)

2) have you ever been in the hospital?

3) what did you eat yesterday?

4) what is the weather like outside?

5) what is your astrological sign?

6) how do you feel about your mother?

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 31, 2002
D/FW Texas
1) Hearts in Atlantis (what a jumbled up mess - hated it)
2) So many times I've lost count - I think about 20
3) Filet-o-Fish, chicken and dumplings, green beans
4) Cool, extremely low humidity, clear
5) Taurus
6) Haven't spoken in decades
7) Maybe it was Lone Star, Texas - I don't watch many movies
8) Drunk
9) New headboard and comforter set (if you mean frvolous items - nothing!)
10) Law and Order
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 24, 2001
i have a hiding place

what book are you reading?

Geralds Game by Stephen King (for giggles & fun)

have you ever been in the hospital?

YES, too many times.

what did you eat yesterday?

breakfast: yogurt over granola w/ chopped banana
danish thingy
lunch: chicken ceaser salad & oreo ice cream
more coffee
bagel & cream cheese
dinner: pasta w/ cheese sauce & minced garlic

what is the weather like outside?

slightly cold but a nice low breeze (it's past midnight) it's about -6 °C
- though earlier today it was beautiful skies, i thought it was Spring when i woke up !

what is your astrological sign?

i'm a gemini, what else ?!

what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?

I Am Sam - absolutley wonderful movie, GO SEE IT!!

what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?


what was the last thing you bought for yourself?

hmm... :confused2 ...oh right, running shoes ! or walking shoes in this particular case !

what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?

it's a tie between ER & LawAndOrder: Special Victims Unit (or any, for that matter!)


TCS Member
May 21, 2001
Leicester, UK
Ok here goes.... ready to be inspired?!?!!? (NOT!!!!! haahha)

1) At the moment I am reading a book called "Absolute Truths" By Susan Howatch - the last and FINAL book in a 6 book series!! Wonderful!!

2) Yup - for breaking/spraining/tearing ligaments in both ankles abotu three times... ugh!!! Oh and for when I got run over!! (OMG I had to Nakie unde a hospital robe!!

3) Hmm lets see... breakfast was a peice of toast and cup of tea.... lunch was a "slimasoup" (BLEAH!!) and two apples..... dinner was beef and dumplings!! Mmmmmmm

4) Sunny but cold.... I like it!

5) Capricorn (I think!!!)

6) Love her to bits, miss her like crazy!! (Don't get to see her much... snif...)

7) Vanilla Sky... very weird but I liked it!! I went to see "From Hell" the other night... BOOOORING!!!

8) His pink cheeks!! hahaha and his blue eyes and blondie lashes!! CUTE!!! yum yum yum!!

9) Hmmmm you know.. I can't remember!?!?! Oh wait... yup - it was a craft book on paper quilling... hmmmm hahaha

10) Don't really have one!! Live on MTV and THE BOX... and watch the Simpsons usually... thats about it!!Oooo wait!! I forgot!!! I LOVE all the DIY shows on UK STYLE - like Changing Rooms and Real Rooms!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 26, 2001
Nova Scotia, Canada
Me next!!

1)I'm reading One Door Away from Heaven by Dean Koontz...love that guy!

2)I've been in the hospital twice to have my two children and once for a liver dysfunction.

3)I had a bagel for breakfast (with strawberry cream cheese
) a couple of rice cakes and a banana for lunch and a gross low-cal frozen dinner for Dinner. Not a thrilling day food wise

4)Sunny and cold..will spring ever get here!?!

5)I'm a moon girl..Cancer.

6)My mom is one of my best friends..she only lives 5 minutes away so I see her nearly every day

7)Loved American Pie 2 ..ok, so its not exactly 'brain food' but it was lighthearted and funny..a great pick me up.

8)Big hugs and the way his eyes sparkle when he smiles

9)My Puddle Of Mudd CD which I absolutely love

10)Definitely Survivor...I honestly don't watch anything else religiously


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2001
Arlington, TX
1) I'm actually reading three books (just like me!):

I Learn Better by Teaching Myself / Still Teaching Ourselves by Agnes Lestico, published in one volume, about one family's experience of homeschooling

The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart by Julia Cameron, a sort of workbook to break open your creativity

O Mother Sun! A New View of the Cosmic Feminine by Patricia Monaghan. This one is a little more complicated to describe. The author is looking at mythologies from around the world, and she noticed that in many of them the sun is originally seen as associated with a goddess but over time shifts to a male god. It's interesting to me because I was a women's studies minor. FYI, other sun symbols that are traditionally feminine: mirror, cats and big cats, the eye, the vulva / birth canal.

2) I've been in the hospital overnight twice: once when I was very young to have my adenoids removed, and when I was 10 to have my appendix out. I have used the ER numerous times for minor situations (like when I was single and couldn't get a piece of glass out of my foot myself), weekend illnesses, and migraine treatment. I gave birth with a midwife at a birthing center and went home after several hours of sleep.

3) Hmm . . . Nothing memorable! Homemeade chicken burritos for lunch. A mocha. McDonald's, because we ran an errand after hubby's work and my daughter got hungry. (I might have missed dinner altogether if she hadn't been so insistent.) Made glider goop for the sugar glider, so some snacking on the fruit ingredients.

4) Seems sunny and clear, though the sun is barely over the horizon. A thing about changing time zones is, I'm used to the sky looking like this a good 90 minutes earlier in the day than it does here.

5) Scorpio, and exactly like it. In fact, my horoscope in Chinese (dragon) and in Hindu (I forget the name of the sign) have almost exactly the same traits, so clearly, in the immortal words of Popeye, "I yam what I yam".

6) My mom's been gone since Aug 21, 1984. I miss her terribly. I rather regret that we didn't have the cnace to get past that thing that happens when you're a teenager and everything your parents do is embarassing, to the point of being friends. But that wasn't so much my attitude as my age, so no guilt there.

7) Gosh, the last movie I saw was "Harry Potter" and I enjoyed it very much. Boy was that ages ago!

8) I dearly love hubby, but the first thing I think these days is, "Oh, no." He's really struggling with his depression, and it seems like most communication between us these days is about something else that's wrong or a mistake he's made while trying to get himself to feel better. Sometimes it's overwhelming for me, and he seems so needy, and I can't do anything to help him.

9) The very last thing I bought myself was last night's mocha. Otherwise, it was either a magazine or art supplies. I don't get to buy a lot of things for myself, lack of personal money, though there isn't a lot of stuff I want either. Oh, I did find two wonderful pillowcases at Thrift Town a few weeks ago, 100% cotton and hand embroidered like my great-grandmother used to do, and only $0.69 each.

10) Every week I try to watch "The West Wing" plus the Roddenberry / Star Trek shows ("Enterprise", "Earth Final Conflict", "Andromeda").


TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?) Just read a Danielle Steele Book, Going Home.

2) have you ever been in the hospital? Oh yes, at least 3 times I can remember. Including the births of my children.

3) what did you eat yesterday? Cereal for breakfast. A chicken sandwich and diet coke for lunch. Baked mac and cheese for dinner. A granola bar, a banana, water, toast, and a dish of potatos and cabbage for a "midnight snack" with hubby.

4) what is the weather like outside? Sunny, and about 35 degrees.

5) what is your astrological sign? Cancer

6) how do you feel about your mother? She is the kindest person I know, and my best friend. I love her so much I can't put it into words.
7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked? I saw Jurassic Park 3, it was ok. I also watched a couple of Lifetime movies ( can't remember the names ) recently that were pretty good.

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ? I love him more than life.

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself? Some kitchen accessories I needed

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show? All my Children, Fear Factor.


TCS Member
Mar 4, 2001
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?)

Ok, this is a bit embarrassing, but this past weekend I finished up Linda Lovelaces autobiography 'Ordeal'. A couple weeks ago I caught the E true hollywood story on her, and was intrigued about her claims of being forced into everything she did. So I bought her book, which has been out for like 15 years. It's not new or anything. It was very interesting and very disturbing. I think the truth lies inbetween what her and her ex claim.

2) have you ever been in the hospital?

Many, many times. I used to suffer from really bad ear infections. I would wake up in the middle of the night and one whole side of my face would hurt so bad I couldn't put it on the pillow so off to the emergency room I would go. I was also hit by a car when I was 10 so I spent the night in the hospital then.

3) what did you eat yesterday?

For breakfast I had chocolate smoothie with extra calcium, and an orange. Lunch was a couple of hotdogs and pringles. Dinner was chicken tacos and carrot sticks. For a snack I had a frozen icecream sandwich made out of graham crackers and cool whip
better than the real thing IMO

4) what is the weather like outside?

Cold and clear. 45 degrees.

5) what is your astrological sign?

I'm a taurus

6) how do you feel about your mother?

Everyday I wake up missing her. It saddens me that she isn't a part of my everyday life.

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?

LOTR and I did enjoy it, much to my chagrin

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?

he's a little boy trapped in a mans body

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?

my GFG!!!! And man am I glad that I did!

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 18, 2001
Houston, TX
1) Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy & Great Cat Tales

2) Yes, I had tear duct surgery when I was 6 years old

3) Fruity Pebbles for breakfast, Power Punch Plus Smoothie from Smoothie King for lunch, Some chips when I got home (hubbies fault he brought one of my favorite flavors home), Two steak soft tacos from Taco Bell for Dinner.

4)Sunny/Partly cloudy, No rain in the forecast and a nice cool temp in the 50's

5)Gemini - I was born Sunday, June 4, 1978 @ 2:23 p.m.

6) Bewilderment (sp?) and Anger

7) The Count of Monte Cristo - loved it, bet movie I've seen in a while.

8) The Future

9) A coat

10) Used to be Roswell now I don't know.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 4, 2001
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?) nothing!

2) have you ever been in the hospital? Yes -- outpatient surgery in 1999 for laparoscopy surger.

3) what did you eat yesterday? bagel, boston market frozen dinner meal

4) what is the weather like outside? cold

5) what is your astrological sign? Sagitarius

6) how do you feel about your mother? hmmmm ... not sure

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked? American Pie II

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ? love

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself? stuff for my fish tank. Seriously, though, I'm always buying stuff for myself!

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show? Suvivor & Temptation Island II


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 23, 2001
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?)
a) Mad Ship - Robin Hobb
b) Pillars of the World - Anne Bishop
c) Deeds of Pakserrion - Elizabeth Moon

2) have you ever been in the hospital?
Too many times to count. 2 spinal taps, Tumor from my neck removed, about 4 other surgeries & too many times in ER (at least 15)

3) what did you eat yesterday?
Orange, peach, apple, kiwi, plum
Cinnimon Hearts

4) what is the weather like outside?
Sunshine but extremely cold!

5) what is your astrological sign?
Aquarius (It is the dawning of the age of ...)

6) how do you feel about your mother?
Nags too much, but still one of my best friends.

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?
the Disney movie Atlantis

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?
Great cook!

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?
Tony Little's Platinum Gazelle

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?
Enterprise, Gilmore Girls and any reality show.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 5, 2001
Arlington, Texas (DFW area)
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?)

The Bible
Before I Say Good-Bye, by Marry Higgins Clark

2) have you ever been in the hospital?

Twice overnight when I had each of my kids
Many trips to the ER for my unexplained allergy that causes different parts of my body to swell

3) what did you eat yesterday?

Slim Fast shake for breakfast and lunch
Banana for my snack in the morning
Carrots for my snack in the afternoon
Slim Fast snack bar for my late afternoon snack
Veal picatta and angel hair pasta for dinner at Macaroni Grill

4) what is the weather like outside?

Sunny and 55

5) what is your astrological sign?


6) how do you feel about your mother?

I love her, and she's one of my best friends.

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?

It's been so long that I honestly can't remember.

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?


9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?

Some lingerie at Victoria's Secret when they were having 50% off their reduced prices.

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?

Don't have one, really. Although I like the medical shows on TLC and Discovery Health.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2001
i have a hiding place
The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart by Julia Cameron, a sort of workbook to break open your creativity

i have The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, i believe The Vein of Gold is the follow-up book...

great author ! what do you think of it ?



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 20, 2001
Portland Oregon
1) what book are you reading? (and if you're not reading anything, what was the last book you read?)

Just finished Whispers by Dean Koontz
am trying to decide whether to read The Key to Midnight or Sole Survivor both by Koontz, or The Ugly Duckling by Iris Johansen

2) have you ever been in the hospital?

Yes, once to deliver my son, once for a burst blood vessel due to an ovarian cyst (8 days for that one, almost died), and a few times due to the MS

3) what did you eat yesterday?

Raisin Bran
Sesame stix and toffee peanuts
beef roast and potatoes, carrots, celery and bread and butter
beer (oops)

4) what is the weather like outside?

Sunny and cold...about 45

5) what is your astrological sign?


6) how do you feel about your mother?

We used to have major issues, alcoholism and abuse...we've made ammends and are close now.

7) what was the last movie / film / in a theatre / or a rental that you saw that you really liked?

Dead Awake (Stephen Baldwin was actually good in it)

8) what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your significant other/or ex ?

SO...finally a good one!
Ex...good riddance, what was I thinking???

9) what was the last thing you bought for yourself?

2 sweaters at The Rave...$4.99 each...what a steal!

10) what is your favourite/cant miss tv show?

All My Children (no laughing) and Survivor
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Feb 24, 2001
i have a hiding place
Gemini - I was born Sunday, June 4, 1978 @ 2:23 p.m.

me too, June.4th, 1980


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2001
Arlington, TX
Yeah, Vein of Gold was written after The Artist's Way. I haven't read TAW, and she does refer to some of those techniques in VoG, but she also explains them so you don't have to read TAW first.

It's taking me a long time to get through the book because it makes me think, and with a child I don't get just big chunks of time for thinking and writing. I try to get through one section in 2 days, a chapter takes me a couple of weeks.

And it's different from the stuff I just read for entertainment, because there's no 'homework' for that. I can blow through a novel in 2 days, even with interruptions.


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
1. John Sandford's Devil Code......Bittinger Basic Math.....oh wait, that is my college book, probably doesn't count.

2. Yes, too many times to count a long time ago, not recently though, thank the Lord!

3. Yesterday I ate Burger King, it is dinner on the go here right now, no time to cook.

4. Weather is cold, 26 degrees this morning.

5. I am a Taurus and that is no bull!

6. Mother and I have issues, and have tried to resolve them, but her idea is they are not able to be resolved to her satisfaction

7. Last movie in the theater that blew me away was Independence Day

8. Thinking about my husband, I just feel incredibly lucky that we found each other on such a fluke.

9. The last thing I bought for myself? geez, it would have to be the new saddle I bought for Racer, since it really was for me in the long run.

10. Can't miss tv show- CSI and ER and Who's Line


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2001
As I now have more than 2 consecutive minutes to do this...

1) Last book I read that wasn't for a class was one of the Harry Patter books

2) Aside from childbirth, the last time I was in the hospital was a trip to the ER after a slight spill on a motorcycle, around 1999, give or take.

3) Yesterday? Hmm....a Slim Fast, an orange, a frozen lunch, some Soul Food at a bash we had at school

4) Rainy and in the 50s

5) The best one: Sagittarius

6) Dreading my mother's visit this weekend, thank you.

7) Saw Ocean's 11 last weekend. It was good. Before that, Vanilla Sky, also good.

8) music, lots and lots of music

9) a pair of boots

10) ER, 3rd Watch, Sopranos, Enterprise, Dr. Phil on Oprah


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 2, 2001
Dubai - UAE
1) MArrying the Mistress by Joanna Trollope

2) Yep 3 times - onece for haing my wisdom teeth out, appendix out and when I had gastrointeritus (sp?)

3) Fish & chips and mussy peas yummmm

4) 30C with a cool breeze - clear blue sky - in fact great beach weather

5) Virgo

6) I love her although I wish she would slow down sometimes

7) The opposite of Sex - it was daft but somewhat amusing

8) Love and warm tender feelings about my partner

9) erm...that is a tough one......I think it would have been a new bridle and hackamore for my horse Hashil

10) Will & Grace


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 20, 2001
Portland Oregon
What is/are "mussy peas"??? I love you guys....always educating me! (yep, talking about YOU Rhea!!!) :laughing2