cat peeing on floor


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2001
Erie, PA
I have 3 cats and a dog. I believe that the youngest and newest of my cats, Chi is urinating underneath our bookshelf in our foyer. I have tried spraying "NO" there and we have a litter box on each floor of our house, that we do our best to keep very clean. There seems to be no rhyme nor reason to his behavior it can happen in am and pm, wether the litter box was cleaned that day or not, and before and after he was neutered. We have never had problems with any of our other animals. Any help that you could give me would be great!


TCS Member
May 30, 2001
Out Yonder in Kentucky
Please take the cat to the vet and tell the vet what he is doing. You need to specify that
the cat is urinating outside the box so that the vet knows what to look for. Peeing outside the litter box is the #1 symptom of urinary tract problems!

If the vet says he is okay, then consider making a few changes.

If you use a covered litter box, take off the lid. Many cats refuse to use covered boxes.

Cats prefer fine grained unscented litter. So, you might try changing litter.

Make sure you have at least one litter box per cat.

Make sure you scoop the litter box daily, and with multiple cats, scoop twice daily. Cats often refuse to use dirty boxes.

If your litter boxes are real old, they may have absorbed odors even if you regularly clean them.
So, try buying new boxes.

Make sure your litter boxes are in a place where the cat feels safe while going potty. If he is
disturbed by you or your kids(?) or the other cats or dog while he is trying to potty, he will choose to use a safer location. So, move the litter box to a location where he can see the comings and goings of the other people & animals in the house.

Put a litter box on each level (floor) of the house.

Make sure you thoroughly clean all old urine spots on the rug and elsewhere. If he can smell the old urine he will think that place is a good place to pee. Use a flourescent black light to find old urine and treat all old spots with an enzymatic cleanser.

Try putting a plastic carpet runner upside down on the places they like to pee....most cats don't like to walk on the "spikes" so they will avoid the covered spots.

Put something real smelly where he likes to pee...most cats hate the smell of citrus, so try putting citrus scented air freshener or orange peels or citrus potpourri where he pees.

Good luck!!!