Door to Door anything?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Well, we live in the middle of nowhere.. so we dont get those door-to-door sellers.. but when we lived in a little city.. we had them, i dont think we ever bought from them.. or opened the door, i think we always avioded opening the door.. Even if we did know the person.. lol
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TCS Member
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Sep 27, 2003
Originally Posted by mrsd

Granted, I don't think door knocking is the way to win anyone to your religious viewpoint. I don't do it myself. Never have. However, most those folks are sincere in what they are trying to do. Misguided perhaps, but sincere.

I don't answer the door when I'm alone.
You know I have a family friend whose son is a born again andhe does door to door stuff. We were just talking about him, and while we don't fully approve, he is sincere in this. And we all know and respect that part of it. sees it as his mission. He would never yell at someone who wasn't answering though.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
Originally Posted by chixyb

I absolutely hate that. I am not religious, I do not want someone coming to MY house telling me I am horrible because I don't believe in such and such. And others coming by "Did you read your bible today?" No! "Why not?" When I told her that I don't believe she gave me this shocked look and "Well I don't know what to say to that.." LOL. So far no one comes by this house, yet...
Yeah, they get my goat, too. I don't think whether a person is religious or not has thing one to do with the appropriateness of that type of visit, either. I do consider myself religious, I do have a faith that I can identify, and I don't need strangers coming to my home at their convenience, unannounced, interrupting my life, to tell me that what I believe is wrong.

Fortunately, we can see our front steps from both the living room and the bedroom windows, and such visitors are generally recognizable -- often in pairs, usually with Bible or religious literature visible. And they'll grow very old waiting for us to open the door.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
er... well regarding religion thingies. my dad has chucked them out of the house because my mother let them in as she thoght they were friendly, they just wanted to eat... so my dad got so mad and you can immagine....
He slams the door into anyones face that is selling or got nothing to do with us.

A few times people have knocked on our appartment door, asking if we are renting out our appartment. i hate to open the door because how dare they knock on the door to ask can we have your appartment? i mean usually they have to look in a newspaper or go to a agency for a house/appartment!!

And well i guess i am lucky that i dont get any other door knockings.
I do sometimes get frustrated when the Nuns come, only because they usually come when i just woke up! They only come because of my mother being in hospital and they were really angry when we didnt go to church one day and they decided not to come and visit us untill 7 months later.
I havent seen any children here asking for fundraising, like selling chocolates and stuff.
I really hated doing it when i went to school
i used to send my mum out hehe... she got really angry when this man told her to F*** off because 3 other kids had gone upto his door in that day.

One day we decided to celebrate halloween two friends and i and we went and did half of the street. Everyone of them gave us sweets except for one who was rude and said " WE DONT CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN HERE IN AUSTRALIA" and slammed the door into our faces. okay we were embarrased because we had scribbled make up on our faces and covered our selves in toilet paper but still
and then we got really upset because he was so rude. i mean we had only turned 13

and well it is true though, people who come into your home always have a look at your furniture, just ave to be really careful if they steal anything


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 4, 2004
You know, I think it's all about marketing--of anything! The more people that spread the word, the more people that hear the word, increasing the chance of returns. Advertising in all it's glory. Even if you don't buy the magazine or read the Bible, you've thought about it for a few seconds. The word is in your mind.

Same thing with commercials. Why do the companies spend so much on TV advertisements? Why does anyone advertise? Why do celebrities do crazy things like wearing unmatched clothes or say ridiculous statements. All to keep their name in the public view. And then there's telemarketing (much like door to door--just phone to phone).

And don't you hate those companies that try to get you to sale to your friends and family? We'll give you a 10 percent discount for every name you refer...Once again--spreading the word.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I really miss screen doors - they don't have them here. We can view the front steps from our kitchen, but sometimes I don't check and get "caught". One trick that often works (though not with Mormons, since they study foreign languages) is that I pretend that I don't understand German, or, if I'm in the U.S., that I don't understand English.
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TCS Member
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Sep 27, 2003
Originally Posted by mrsd

You know, I think it's all about marketing--of anything! The more people that spread the word, the more people that hear the word, increasing the chance of returns. Advertising in all it's glory. Even if you don't buy the magazine or read the Bible, you've thought about it for a few seconds. The word is in your mind.

Same thing with commercials. Why do the companies spend so much on TV advertisements? Why does anyone advertise? Why do celebrities do crazy things like wearing unmatched clothes or say ridiculous statements. All to keep their name in the public view. And then there's telemarketing (much like door to door--just phone to phone).

And don't you hate those companies that try to get you to sale to your friends and family? We'll give you a 10 percent discount for every name you refer...Once again--spreading the word.
oh I hate those 'get your friends to sign up and get more...blah blah" I hate to say it but the only friends who have done that to me were not the good ones if you know what I mean.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Originally Posted by jcat

I really miss screen doors - they don't have them here. We can view the front steps from our kitchen, but sometimes I don't check and get "caught". One trick that often works (though not with Mormons, since they study foreign languages) is that I pretend that I don't understand German, or, if I'm in the U.S., that I don't understand English.
omg i have so done that before! I actually think its funny but too many people in frankfurt speak english.
Its great in sicily


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Originally Posted by fwan

omg i have so done that before! I actually think its funny but too many people in frankfurt speak english.
Its great in sicily
You could always sign. An acquaintance, who is deaf, but not mute, and a real whiz at lip reading, always signs first when strangers come to his door. People react by talking louder (I've seen this happen), and then he decides whether he wants to talk to them. Or just talk very fast with a broad Aussie accent - most Germans won't understand.
My Dad used to mix languages (he spoke Spanish, English, and Korean, and some basic German), and got rid of unwanted solicitors (American definition: door-to-door salespeople, not "lawyers",) pretty fast.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2001
At one time, at least in America, the door-to-door saleman was a commonplace thing. I remember my mother buying from the Fuller Brush man. Nowadays, I really don't think they are anything by scam artists. The last one I encountered was a teenager with candy. When I asked him what school he went to, he told me he was from Orange County, a good 2 hours away.

Running a close second for me is any idiot who holds a bucket at a traffic intersection, claiming to be collecting for charity. More like their own personal charity......