Traumatized, Blind Rescue Kitty....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2003
Scott Lake, Washington State
Ellen, Just wanted to let yo know that we are rooting and rooting for "your team". This very inspiring story continues to mesmerize us and it's obvious there couldn't be a better pilot at the helm....big hugs to you,
Elizabeth, Sasha & Saba
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Thanks very much Elizabeth, Sasha, and Saba!!!! I'm really trying hard to figure things out as Missy and I make our way on this adventure....
Another breakthrough came last night!!!! Sweet Missy LaPurr likes SPONGEBATHS!!!!!!!
I'd used this with another, extremely shy feral little kitty friend of mine named La Bella Notte ("The Beautiful Night") and it really broke through alot of the fear....
You take a paper towel,fold it in half, then in half again 'til it's about 4 x 6", then spray it with water from a water sprayer bottle, wringing out the excess water...see if kitty will let you touch 'em with it...around the neck, be patient....
Bella Notte adored it and Missy did too!!!! She laid down in her ultra clean, wood pellet filled litterbox and was very happy....
I gave her another spongebath this a.m. and some of the other kitties want one too!!! A very interesting thing...maybe the slight pull of the dampish towel on her fur reminds her of being groomed by another kitty???
Will keep you all updated!!!
Heaps of meows from Missy and the "Herd"


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2003
Scott Lake, Washington State
Originally Posted by ellentheartist

.... She laid down in her ultra clean, wood pellet filled litterbox and was very happy....
I gave her another spongebath this a.m. and some of the other kitties want one too!!! A very interesting thing...maybe the slight pull of the dampish towel on her fur reminds her of being groomed by another kitty???
Will keep you all updated!!!
Heaps of meows from Missy and the "Herd"
I'd agree. It's soothing to her in some way... her mama, other kitties. My only frustration is that I will never know Saba's story....and oh how I wish I did, but in the end, it makes no difference, we just smother her with love.
Please keep updating. Every little thing is of such interest to me. Truly.
You're such an inspiration to us, Ellen.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 27, 2004
Palm Springs, CA
Ellen - I've been following your thread and cheer at each new step !
It sounds like Sweet Missy LaPurr is one lucky kitty to have found you.

Ruth and Kitty Bear are rooting for her.
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Sweet Missy LaPurr is making progress in leaps and bounds!!!!! After several spongebaths tonight, some combing and a good bit of pats and rubbies under the chin, Missy slowly walked halfway out of her kitty condo!!!! I was very quiet and ready to help her if she panicked....she came two paws out several times and always decided to turn and go back inside her "security blanket"....HOORAY!!!!! I told her lots of times how very, very brave she's being!!!!! An awesome little soul!!!!
I'm totally okay with whatever Missy's comfortable with...if she wants to hang out in the condo for six months, that's cool...all this effort on her and my parts only builds her confidence to a better, happier level for her....
I've a photo somewhere that her former human gave me of Missy. Will have to find it and scan it so you all can email me and see what she looks like...although she'll look much more gorgeous when totally re-habbed..she's a colorful, dark calico with white tummy, chin and paws....
I can run my hand down her spine now and not feel each vertebre!!!! Her back's getting smooth!!! The same goes for her sides...ribs less palpable...her pelvis is still very prominent and she's still extremely thin....oh well, will just take time..
She reminds me of a gorgeous, black and white longhaired cat I found two days after Hurricane Isabel in 2003....I saw this cat walking along the highway, amongst parked cars...could see the cat looked very ragged and rough even from the quick look I got...
It was an "Oh Lord, why NOW?????" moment....we had a large tree on our house, no power, no phone, lots of issues...I'd taken my emergency carrier out of the car in case we had to evacuate our house...
However I'd SEEN her and it was now my responsibility to try and help her....I'd been "chosen", I guess....
I made several turns in the heavy traffic and caught up with the kitty...she was wary, but didn't bolt like a feral or traumatized cat would...she was thinking over her options...I asked her at a distance if she'd like to go with me and get some food...she sat down, I crouched down too....she made one tired, weak, "Meow??? ("Can you help me, please??? I'm so tired and hungry"....).
She approached me and rubbed on my shins...I carefully picked her up and asked her, "Please, please don't potty in my car, okay???". She was a perfect little lady and I got her home, put her in our basement garage with food, water, and litterbox and went back out on my errands for supplies....
Luckily the vet clinic was on the main road and in a few days, their power was back on and I could get her tested (no viruses) and checked out....she'd been spayed already...
It took a whole year to get her looking like she does now....gorgeous...very splashily colored....her name's Princess Violet Isabella Valentine....I'm still looking for the right home for her...she'd be much happier in a home no cats...she says all the rescue kitties are thugs and commoners!!!!! She's very, very regal and me little kitty kisses after I pat her....
Take Care All and I'll keep you updated on Sweet Missy's progress!!!
Ellen and the Herd of Critters


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
Wow you do have the kittie stories!! One of my friends had a blind cat. She had to put her down in December but she was 20 yrs old (yes 20!!) and hadn't used the litter box in quite some time. But her cat knew the house very well-quite the house 3 children a german shepard and other cats/kitties too. I believe the litter box was downstairs in the basement which wasn't a problem plus I think she let her outside from time to time (with supervison). So I think they compensate quite nicely with what senses they have. Keep up the good works.
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
I'm really hoping that with time, Missy'll memorize where everything is's a true, literal "one step at a time" thing for her....
Each time I work with her, she has to sort-of "warm up"...I pat the floor of her kitty condo and she slowly walks forward, then we comb a bit and also spongebath a bit...lots and lots of rubbies under the chin...
I'm trying to gently hold her paws, legs, pat down her back, etc...trying to de-sensitize her, so she won't be quite so scared silly to be picked up.....
We'll just keep putting one paw in front of the other, both of us...
Ellen and Sweet Missy LaPurr


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 16, 2003
still practising the Dharma
How are they all getting along togther now? How is little missy doing - any further on the vet visits? Is she still in the condo?
Oh wow so many questions - whats the update please!
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Hi, here's a Missy Update...
She's sort-of "plateaued" for now..not much change lately...she'll walk to the front of her condo if I work with her for a long session...lots of pats, combing, and spongebath with a damp papertowel...
Working with her involves starting almost from zero at each session....patting the floor of the condo and asking her to move and come forward..
She seems to need to "warm up", is the best way I can think of to put it...
I've FINALLY got two days off from my job, so I can spend some extended time with her....
Re-habbing Sweet Missy LaPurr is such an interesting and enlightening experience....she constantly reaches out with her little white mittened paw...feeling her way...touching things, touching my fingers and my hand...
I tried to gently lift her out of her condo again hold her for a second, she becomes sooooo frightened to be held, sort of like a feral cat...not aggressive, just abjectly terrified....
I'd like to take her to my favorite cat vet for a check up, but don't want to totally traumatize her...I'm going to see how she does with some Rescue Remedy...if it would help her stress level to be handled..
Regardless, Missy's gaining weight, she's eating her beloved Chef's Blend dry cat food...I know, it's not that great, but she will eat it...that's the thing...
My cat-rescuing friend, Kay, has a blind cat and she told me that her Minnie doesn't like to be held either...disorienting for a blind kitty, I guess...
Will keep you all updated!!!
Thanks and Pats to all your Kitties,
Ellen and Sweet Missy and all of the Herd


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2003
Scott Lake, Washington State
Ellen, I continue to read every word of your life here, and I am just clapping and crying all at the same time. Your heroic work and this very special and remarkable kitty are many times hard to describe in words. Eric and I reading this update together tonite and of course he had all kinds of questions and I explained it to his amazement, too, at the entire thing. Did you by chance see the other blind rescue earlier in the week? You are beyond special, yourself.
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  • #32


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
No, I didn't see the other thread..will look it up's been a hectic two weeks at work, and I've FINALLY some time great to spend so much cuddle time with Missy and the rest of the Herd...
Take Care and many thanks for your kind words...
Ellen, the Keeper of the Herd
p.s. a co-worker told me that the woman I got Missy from was in the store when I was off, asking how she was doing....I luckily haven't been there when she's come in several times......I've been torn whether to ask the woman if she knew Missy had some issues because she was BLIND??!!!!!!
Maybe better to play it cool...screaming at an ignorant person only gives you a migraine...and also cuts off that person's remaining two cats from getting assistance from you....will think on it some more....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2003
Scott Lake, Washington State
oh I can certainly understand your anger and frustration at that noggin of a woman! UGH! and admire you for your restraint. I am not as classy as you, let's just leave it at that....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 2, 2005
garden state, NJ
Ellen, what a beautiful job you're doing! I loved reading this thread, i'll keep coming back for updates!

Best wishes and good luck with Missy


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
I am lost in admiration for you and your work with all of them! Missy is obviously learning so much in the way of trust and confidence, and I am so happy for her. But you are doing such amazing work with all of them. Fantastic.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 14, 2004
WA state
Hi Ellen, I just now saw your thread. I am very touched by Missy's story and send you and her all my best. What a little love she sounds like. Glad she has you to help her. You are doing wonderful with her. Sounds like she has alot on her plate over and above abandonment issues. Take heart on the food issue, i never thought i would be able to change the crappy dry food addiction of one of my street rescues and today, he eats much better food. He's had abandoment and illnesses to deal with but not blindness--that must make change much much harder.

When I was looking for homes for first a puppy and then a kitten that recently found their way to my yard, I sent out a prayer--if i am not meant to keep all of these (I have several rescue pets already) then please send a wonderful home for them and this is how i will know. And shazaam!!! People far surpassing my expectations magically answered!! (sashacat being one!) So, I am sending you the same prayer for you and your hurricane fine lady tonight, ok?

By the way I am originally from va, been out here 6 1/2 years. where are you in Va?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Hi, I'm in Central VA, just about 30 minutes south of Chesterfield County...
Thanks very much for the prayer...I'm hoping to find that extra, extra special home for Princess Violet Isabella Valentine...she's come so far...
The kitties I typically take in are in dire circumstances...and it's such a big responsibility to find them a trustworthy home...
Working animal-related retail, I talk to alot of people and most that have a devotion to animal friends already have alot of them..not looking for another...
Then you get the ones that casually say, oh this one "disappeared" and "cats need to go outside"...not really getting it, you know??? Would they let a human toddler wander around outside???
They were responsible for this little life and were careless with it...they don't value their friends as you and I do...sad, 'cause they are truly missing out on a lot...
Violet took over a year to rehab. physically...she's now in perfect condition, gorgeous coat, her weight's excellent...
If anyone knows a Central VA person looking for a strictly indoor princess to cherish, please let me know...
Violet is so graceful, and she gives you little kitty lick-kisses, but only after you pet her first!!!
She hated other cats on sight in the beginning..I think she was roughed up alot on the streets...
It took alot of "weaning" her on to even SEEING the Herd..then a few minutes amongst them, then put her in her large crate to cool off...took a few weeks to get 'em all together..she rules the roost in a very quiet way...none of them dares to bother her...they know she'll bat them with her paw if they step out of line!!!
Well, I'm off to spend some quality time with Sweet Missy and the Herd..
Take Care and Heaps of Meows and Pats to Your Kitties,
Ellen and the Herd
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Interesting update...
While trying to work with Missy today, my feral cat, Mommie Cat PhD, hopped on my lap and demanded attention...she's an incredibly, awesomely intelligent little black DSH tabby with white...was totally feral when I caught her at 2 yrs of age...adores to be petted, combed, etc...
Well, back to the update....Sweet Missy's little white paw came out of the entrance to her condo and she gently batted at the tip of Mommie Cat's tail!!!!!! I don't know if this indicates she has a tiny bit of blurred vision, or that she felt the air displaced by MC's waving tail..Missy had a very determined, cheeky look on her little face....
She's beginning to want to play!!!!! HOORAY HOORAY!!!!
MC didn't react badly, thank goodness...she turned and looked at Missy with curiosity...I told her to be gentle towards Missy as she can't see us well...Mommie Cat wants lots of attention and pats...she's the best cat to comb I've ever don't believe someone when they tell you that you can't do anything with a feral's up to the kitty and their basic temperment/personality...see what happens after you help them get rid of all the parasites, get 'em spayed/neutered, give them regular meals, and develop some trust....
MC was FORMIDABLE in the beginning...the excellent spay/neuter clinic staff's words to me four years ago were, "She was RRRRREALLLLY feral!" (And they work on about fourty animals a day/tons of feral cats...)
If she was human, I think -- with her warm personality-- she'd be baking cookies for all the neighborhood kids and mothering them....
Back to the subject of Sweet Missy LaPurr, If I work with her for a long session, she'll get to where she'll sort of lie down on her side a bit with playful body language, **** her head sideways abit...nothing overt, just in her subtle way....
She's a mystery in interesting to see the little changes as they happen!!!!!
Pats to all your kitty friends,
Ellen and Sweet Missy and Mommie Cat and the Herd
p.s. if anyone wants to see one of my watercolor paintings, just email me...I work with miniature brushes and paint cats, dogs, horses, etc...not alot of time to do that these days...with working full time and tending all the Herd..
Cats are DEFINITELY the most challenging subjects...such fine fur, and the color variations are so intricate...
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 13, 2004
Another update!!!
Missy ate a different brand of dry economy cat food for me today!!! HOORAY!!!
I'd tried offering her a different brand before and she ate it...then I didn't push the subject and let her have her Chef's Blend...besides, her stomach tolerates that so well...
I'm going to try mixing in some premium food (Maybe Royal Canin's "Special") with the Chef's Blend, don't want to give her digestive upsets, you know what I mean????
Will keep you all posted,
Ellen and Missy and the Herd


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 27, 2004
Palm Springs, CA
Ellen, you are doing great work there! It's so exciting to read you updates. Keep up the great work you are doing with your herd. I know how exciting it can be when your new cat shows you a new bahavior. Kitty Bear was a shelter rescue who must have been there for a while. Every day she acts more like the cat she is supposed to be and less like a "scaredy cat!" She is even playing now; which is something I don't think she had ever done before. Please continue to keep us all posted.