Skittish kitties - Link and Navi


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Pacific Northwest
I had hijacked someone else's thread so thought I'd start a new one to give an update on my skittish kitties and to ask a question.  A brief overview - we adopted this brother (Link) and sister (Navi) pair about 6 weeks ago and I'd estimate they are about 8 months old now.   They were incredibly scared when we got them and were confined to a bedroom for about 4 weeks so they could adjust. They hid from us the first week and I'm pretty sure they spent a lot of time in an enclosure at the rescue and were just never socialized much with people.   During this time we took them to the vet, had to administer medicine plus Navi had to go back again for a spay. That was traumatic - they hated being caught and Link usually pooped or pee'd in fear.  But they were never aggressive. That's all behind us now and for the past 2 weeks they've had the run of the house.  Instead of sleeping under the couch they now sleep on it.  They also play with us and we've been able to give them pets when they're in a mellow mood - usually during or right after napping.  They still scatter when we approach but are getting better about that.  They don't like to be picked up.  Overall they are much more comfortable with us.  They are very curious and I find them following me around the house - especially when meal times are approaching. :)

My main question right now is regarding their bowls.  I still have their litter box and their food and water bowls in the bedroom (not near each other).  I'm ok with keeping the litter box in there for now, but I'd like to move the bowls to the kitchen, which is only about 20 feet away on the same floor.  Should I just go ahead and move them, or move them incrementally?  There is a place in the hall where they'd be somewhat out of the way but not really. 

Oh and here are a few pictures of them.

Link letting me rub his tummy after a nap.

My two shadows, Navi and Link.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello sarah430, that's a lovely pair of siblings you have there.

Great to hear that they are fully integrated into the house and some cats don't like to be picked up and well, it's always on their term :lol3:

Moving the food and water bowls to the kitchen should be no problem for them. You don't have to move them incrementally.

But if you are moving the litter box, then this is where it's gets tricky and this you have to move it incrementally.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Pacific Northwest
Hello All - I need more help with my rescue kitties.  They seem to have regressed a little bit.  For the last few days they've been what I can only describe as a "wild streak".  They've always been active and wrestle a lot but now they are running all over the place and are much more jumpy/skittish.  Also, Link has started to "bat" with his paw quite a bit.  The first two months we had him he did that a few times, but really not much.  Now, he'll bat at my heels if I'm sitting on the couch and he's under it.  Or he'll bat when I hold out my fist to him.  Sometimes his claws are in and sometimes they're out, so I can't really tell if he's doing it aggressively or playfully. 

Link is the more timid of the two and my one theory is that he's feeling more confident and standing his ground, so to speak.  He still runs away, but now it seems he's more apt to bat.  I really don't want him to become an aggressive cat. 

My other thought is that the felliway diffuser is empty (I have more arriving tomorrow).   I've had it in the room they spend the most time in since the 2nd week we've had them.  Do you think it could make that much of a difference in their behavior?

Both cats, in certain situations only - such as when they're napping, will let us pet them and they usually purr when we do.  Navi occasionally will let us pet her in other situations. And will sometimes join me if I'm lying on the couch.  Otherwise they aren't particularly affectionate.  They've started to meow when I bring them food, but they don't rub on my legs  They've been with us about 9-10 weeks now and I can see that they're much improved.  But we still have a long way to go.  They do like to play and they tend to follow me around and observe. :)

Thanks for all you help!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Play with him more often and try to tire him out at least a little each time.

Have some toys that he can gnaw on lying around. So anytime he does his things, say 'NO' or 'OUCH!' In a stern voice and give him the toy and walk away.

As long as he's not scratching, guess it's just being playful or a little play aggression. If it's the latter, try not using your hands if you see any dilated pupils or flattened backed ears. Maybe just try to read his body language.

Anything new objects in the house? New hairdo? Have you been with other cats and have their scent on you?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Pacific Northwest
Thanks for your suggestions!  I will play with him more.  I sense that may be part of it.  They are very bonded and are affectionate with each other but they also play very rough and wrestle a lot.   I think that may have something to do with it.

I've never had kitties like this that are very interested in me (and curious in general) but at the same time want to keep their distance.  I'm still figuring them out but trying to take their lead.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 13, 2017
Pacific Northwest
I thought I would post an update. Link is still swatting -- sometimes with claws and sometimes not. I still feel like it's a reaction to general anxiety, testing the boundaries and asserting himself - but I may be reading too much into it. Sometimes I'll stick a hand out to Link and I'll see him start to "wind up" to swat it and I'll say no and he doesn't swat. I'm hoping that helps him get the idea that it's not okay. Plus I say no when he swats at my ankles when I'm not looking.

I've been making time to play with them every day, but it's hard to tire Link out. Navi is more active and playful and puts her full body into it. They love (absolutely LOVE) the cat dancer toy. Navi goes crazy over it. Link does too but he's more apt to sit and watch, then take a few swats, whereas Navi jumps and twists and is all over the place. He's in general just more reserved, but not laid back.

Overall, they are both getting more and more used to us. They are less apt to scatter and I can often step over them without them moving when they're sitting on the floor. Navi likes head pets and we can now approach her and give her a head scratch without her moving away. If she's particularly mellow she'll let us put her in our lap, but has yet come to our laps on her own. Link we can only pet if he's been napping and is in a mellow mood. Both of them now meow when I'm bringing their food. And Link runs up and starts eating before I leave the bowl area, which is a big improvement for him. Neither of them rub my legs or head butt my fist if I reach it out to them. But they are very attached to me in their own way. They follow me all over the place and just sit and watch me. I open the door after being in the bathroom and there they are. It's pretty funny. I call them my shadows. :) They flop on the floor and show me their tummies. So I think they feel comfortable and safe. We've come a long, long way since we brought them home 3 months ago, but they still run away a lot and like to take cover under the couch. My husband thinks that since they have each other their less apt to reach out more to us for love and affection. I think he's right. They are very bonded - usually sleep together and wrestle all the time. When they're looking for the other they kind of "coo" and "chirp". It's very cute. :)