Vocalizing cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 24, 2016
Hi everyone, My cat has always been vocal.  Most of the time the same vocal voice for everything. Its so whiny sounding. i get upset because  he crys. Because he will whine but then 2 secs later hes in his litter box vocalizing the same sound and i go to schold him and feel bad he was in his litter.  Why ? you say. . He likes to control things. Most of time i have handle on it. He will cry because he wants his afternoon teaspoon of canned food.  Only for me to come out of the back room where im on my computer.  Take the food out and put on his plate and he stares at it.  He seems pickier than usually ... i will have the first helpings if its fresh , but, after that i dont want it.  right now we have a guest and he is more of  a whiner than usual.  Its high pitch girly sounding.lol. i took him because the past owner gave up on him. When they got another cat he became a bully.
so they got rid of him instead of the new cat.  I   would  never do that to him. im thinking maybe insecurity.  He just lost his buddy on feb 2. Im thinking  i should get one of those over the shoulder pouch sling so he is next to me all the time. lol  i would if i had to . Oh and he has cabin fever.  We just had a touch of spring here in wisconsin for about a week.  IN the summer he gets to go out on a leash and spends most  of his time out there. It just seems to be getting worse. If anyone has ideas. Im open  Thank You


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 15, 2017
I mean, in my personal opinion, it sounds like you're inadvertently reinforcing his behavior? He vocalizes, and you immediately go to give him what he wants -- in his eyes, you are rewarding him for vocalizing! I'd suggest, as hard as it is, ignoring him when he vocalizes.

Feed him at specific, pre-determined times of the day and stick to those times, rather than feeding him whenever he asks for it.

If he vocalizes in another room, don't go to him. If he vocalizes in your room, don't scold him either. Cats don't understand scolding, not like dogs do, haha. They'll just gradually learn to associate their behavior, and you, with fear, so it's best to avoid any kind of punishment that overtly comes from you.

It sounds to me like he's a bit anxious? I'd suggest Feliway or something similar. It diffuses into the air and calms him. There are many products in pet stores too for anxious cats, but Feliway's generally considered to be the best one! (:

Perhaps take more time to be with him when he's not vocalizing too? Even if it's just 5 or 10 minutes, take the time to sit with him and pet him, or play around with a cat toy (: I'm not saying you don't already, of course, but if he's feeling lonely or pent-up, a bit of extra attention might help! Especially if that extra attention is given when he's not vocalizing.

Keep us posted on how it goes!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 4, 2017
Toronto, Ontario
I actually have the same issue. My little guy is 7 months. He is very vocal. He usually goes by the door and will meow and yowl. He's neutered, and he has free range of the condo we live in. We have no other pets at our place. He gets plenty of attention when I get home from work, and my husband doesn't leave for work very early so he's there as well. There are only a few hours between when both of us aren't there. He just seems whiny and attention seeking all the time lol. He's healthy, was checked recently. I don't know what else it could be other than just an attention hogging boy.

He's also a big food beggar. Sometimes I feel like maybe I am not feeding him enough, but since he is indoors I am afraid he will become obese. I usually give him 1.5 cans of food a day. He has grown and filled out, but he is quite slim.