New cat attacking family. Too scared to enter room!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
We just brought a new cat home from the shelter. Augustus is 5 years old, found as a stray, and I believe he was neutered at the shelter before we brought him home. We went to visit him 3 times before adopting him and he was really really sweet and happy. I'll relay the whole story in case it helps with thoughts, ideas, or analysis.
We just brought him home yesterday. Took him out of the carrier in a separate room (we have other cats), pet him, and left him alone to chill. He was fine. I went in later to check on him and I couldn't find him. He was hiding behind the bed, but when he saw me he jumped at me aggressively, started yowling and making these weird smacking noises with his mouth.
He went back to hiding and I left for a bit. Came back in, he eventually came out of hiding, still doing the weird thing with his mouth. I put a hand down for him to sniff, he seemed okay so I petted him for a brief second, he seemed fine with it. Let him wander around the room, I just sat there quietly talking to him (still doing weird meows and smacking). He came back around, so I put my hand out for him to sniff again in case he wanted attention-since he was okay with it a second earlier. He sniffed, looked at a scratching post for a second, turned around and then just lunged at me like a feral cat! I screamed, and someone came to rescue me because he was between me and the door.

I thought maybe it was a bad reaction to catnip toys other cats had left in the room so my dad and I went in to get rid of everything in there. There was one last toy my dad reached for, not anywhere near the cat, and he just attacked my father from across the room.
Left the cat alone, we had managed to get the catnip out and I had plugged in a feliway thing, hoping to calm him. A while later I went back to put some food in. He was yowling and making the smacking noises, so I dropped the food and left. Told my parents that he was still upset but for some reason my father went in and was viciously attacked again.
He ended up going to urgent care this morning with a horribly infected hand. They are ready to get rid of the cat.

I want to give the cat more time to acclimate. We obviously know it can be a nice cat (from the shelter time with him). We can't bring him to the vet because we can't go in the room let alone get him in a carrier. We wouldn't even be able to bring him back to the shelter, plus I don't want to because they'd probably euthanize him.
Unless he improves, I imagine the only option is to lock up our other cats and then open all the doors to let him escape. I can't imagine he'd return as an outdoor cat though. I don't know what to do. I'm having a hard time convincing my parents (who spent all morning at the urgent care clinic) to give him some time and patience. They want to call animal control.
Is there anything to do for the cat? He is obviously very unhappy and scared of something. We can't risk going into the room and getting attacked again, so I don't know how to rehabilitate or comfort him.
Do we just leave him in there and give him food? Hope he mellows out?
We spoke to the shelter and they were shocked since he was always so nice.

I don't know what I'm asking for, but any advice would be appreciated.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
We just brought a new cat home from the shelter. Augustus is 5 years old, found as a stray, and I believe he was neutered at the shelter before we brought him home. We went to visit him 3 times before adopting him and he was really really sweet and happy. I'll relay the whole story in case it helps with thoughts, ideas, or analysis.
We just brought him home yesterday. Took him out of the carrier in a separate room (we have other cats), pet him, and left him alone to chill. He was fine. I went in later to check on him and I couldn't find him. He was hiding behind the bed, but when he saw me he jumped at me aggressively, started yowling and making these weird smacking noises with his mouth.
He went back to hiding and I left for a bit. Came back in, he eventually came out of hiding, still doing the weird thing with his mouth. I put a hand down for him to sniff, he seemed okay so I petted him for a brief second, he seemed fine with it. Let him wander around the room, I just sat there quietly talking to him (still doing weird meows and smacking). He came back around, so I put my hand out for him to sniff again in case he wanted attention-since he was okay with it a second earlier. He sniffed, looked at a scratching post for a second, turned around and then just lunged at me like a feral cat! I screamed, and someone came to rescue me because he was between me and the door.

I thought maybe it was a bad reaction to catnip toys other cats had left in the room so my dad and I went in to get rid of everything in there. There was one last toy my dad reached for, not anywhere near the cat, and he just attacked my father from across the room.
Left the cat alone, we had managed to get the catnip out and I had plugged in a feliway thing, hoping to calm him. A while later I went back to put some food in. He was yowling and making the smacking noises, so I dropped the food and left. Told my parents that he was still upset but for some reason my father went in and was viciously attacked again.
He ended up going to urgent care this morning with a horribly infected hand. They are ready to get rid of the cat.

I want to give the cat more time to acclimate. We obviously know it can be a nice cat (from the shelter time with him). We can't bring him to the vet because we can't go in the room let alone get him in a carrier. We wouldn't even be able to bring him back to the shelter, plus I don't want to because they'd probably euthanize him.
Unless he improves, I imagine the only option is to lock up our other cats and then open all the doors to let him escape. I can't imagine he'd return as an outdoor cat though. I don't know what to do. I'm having a hard time convincing my parents (who spent all morning at the urgent care clinic) to give him some time and patience. They want to call animal control.
Is there anything to do for the cat? He is obviously very unhappy and scared of something. We can't risk going into the room and getting attacked again, so I don't know how to rehabilitate or comfort him.
Do we just leave him in there and give him food? Hope he mellows out?
We spoke to the shelter and they were shocked since he was always so nice.

I don't know what I'm asking for, but any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you for adopting this cat. Whatever you do, do not let him outside. What does the shelter recommend in this case? Did they have any thoughts?

I wonder if he needs some antianxiety meds while his hormones settle down from the recent neutering.
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  • #3


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
They didn't really have any thoughts, just told us to leave him alone for a while.
I was wondering if his being fixed at an older age was making him a little testy, that it might take longer for his hormones to level out. I wasn't sure if that was a possibility or not.

I was going to go to the vet and ask them for some advice, so I'll definitely bring up the antianxiety meds. Thanks!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
They didn't really have any thoughts, just told us to leave him alone for a while.
I was wondering if his being fixed at an older age was making him a little testy, that it might take longer for his hormones to level out. I wasn't sure if that was a possibility or not.

I was going to go to the vet and ask them for some advice, so I'll definitely bring up the antianxiety meds. Thanks!
Yes, definitely a possibility. When was he fixed? Are all of your other pets fixed?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
They didn't really have any thoughts, just told us to leave him alone for a while.
I was wondering if his being fixed at an older age was making him a little testy, that it might take longer for his hormones to level out. I wasn't sure if that was a possibility or not.

I was going to go to the vet and ask them for some advice, so I'll definitely bring up the antianxiety meds. Thanks!
Oh My!  Leave him alone the longer the better needs peace and quiet,  just fixed, cars crates, new home environment,  strangers new people smells coming at you,, strange cat smells around!!   Eeek! not a time to evalutate cats behavior. Needs time and space.

Keep him in a room by himself without bothering him to much, toys litter food water visit him quietly talk, hang out, leave radio on...let him get used to room for awhile settle in let him know he's safe OK there first before he goes anywhere else, has his bed spot etc 
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
Thanks, Seventhheaven, I definitely let him chill a bit more. Maybe buy a few new toys that don't smell at all like other cats.

He wasn't fixed before the shelter got him, so he must have been fixed in the past week or week and a half. My parents didn't ask the timing, so I might call to double check.
We just got another cat about 2 weeks ago (two at once was a terrible idea, you don't have to tell me that. My mom really wanted Augustus, whom she found after we applied for the other cat) and she hasn't been fixed yet, but she has an appointment. I'll definitely keep them separate until she is fixed. Think the smell of her is getting to him?

Do you think stacking some baby gates for the door would help acclimate him more slowly? For the future, not rushing things, of course.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
He is horribly afraid to the point of attacking any thing that moves. Since he seemed fine at the shelter, he will come out of it, it is just going to take time. He has had way too much overload and change.He has all these new smells and sounds and is petrified. Cats HATE CHANGE. No matter how friendly in a familiar environment, they will attack when thrown into a strange one, especially in the first few days. Leave him alone, let him hide, and make sure he has a place to hide. and just talk softly to him and sit quietly in the same room. Offer him treats. Don't expect a lot of improvement for at least a week, and even then he will still have to be treated carefully, I've had cats that are antisocial and hiding for a month, and then suddenly start to thaw out and become more accustomed to their surroundings.  When your dad bent down to get the toys he most likely did so suddenly and scared him. Never stare them in the eyes, that is a sign of aggression to a cat, as are loud noises and sudden movements. Have you ever seen two tom cats around each other? They move so slowly they don't hardly move at all, and they keep their head turned away from each other. This is going to take patience and determination, but is not uncommon at all. It will all turn out fine with time and gentleness. (and good treats) All the luck!
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
I'm not sure my parents are willing to put effort into it, but I will certainly do everything I can! And I'll give him some time to adjust, definitely...Mostly because we are all too scared to go in the room.

He isn't hiding anymore. He'll come right up to me the second I open the door. I move slowly and continuously talk softly, but unfortunately, I can't tell if he wants attention or is going to attack me, so I leave both as quickly and as slowly as I can. I carry a water bottle,just in case, but I might try to go in with some heavy ski pants or something. He has stopped yowling meow, but still does the weird smacking thing with his mouth.
I'm going to need to clean the litter box at some point...And I just feel so bad that he is in such a bad place mentally. It is a little comforting to hear that other people have these problems and that it passes eventually...Poor Augustus


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Thanks, Seventhheaven, I definitely let him chill a bit more. Maybe buy a few new toys that don't smell at all like other cats.

He wasn't fixed before the shelter got him, so he must have been fixed in the past week or week and a half. My parents didn't ask the timing, so I might call to double check.
We just got another cat about 2 weeks ago (two at once was a terrible idea, you don't have to tell me that. My mom really wanted Augustus, whom she found after we applied for the other cat) and she hasn't been fixed yet, but she has an appointment. I'll definitely keep them separate until she is fixed. Think the smell of her is getting to him?

Do you think stacking some baby gates for the door would help acclimate him more slowly? For the future, not rushing things, of course.
When can you get her spayed? You've got a hormone disaster happening in your home.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
She's got an appointment the beginning of next week. I'll see if I can get something earlier. Thanks for the advice!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
I'm not sure my parents are willing to put effort into it, but I will certainly do everything I can! And I'll give him some time to adjust, definitely...Mostly because we are all too scared to go in the room.

He isn't hiding anymore. He'll come right up to me the second I open the door. I move slowly and continuously talk softly, but unfortunately, I can't tell if he wants attention or is going to attack me, so I leave both as quickly and as slowly as I can. I carry a water bottle,just in case, but I might try to go in with some heavy ski pants or something. He has stopped yowling meow, but still does the weird smacking thing with his mouth.
I'm going to need to clean the litter box at some point...And I just feel so bad that he is in such a bad place mentally. It is a little comforting to hear that other people have these problems and that it passes eventually...Poor Augustus
Go have supper with him in the room sit with him let him come up to you don't be afraid it will get better every day :)

in time he may start crying for attention...start touching holding him etc then a house tour later it all takes time

plus you're busy settling other kitty.

Baby gate much later keep us all posted lots of posters have dealt with this
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 29, 2017
Delaware, USA
mysticotala mysticotala
One way to take care of the litter box is to swap a different box into the room. You will need to have it scrubbed down really well to minimize the other cat smells, then rinse it well to get rid of the cleaning smells.
It sounds like you are making progress. I have not had a male cat, but I think it does take a little time for the testosterone to clear his system.
You need to also "behave calmly" for him. That's certainly a bit of a challenge. You could take a heavy towel in with you and cover him if he starts to attack. That gives you a protective layer and lets him know it is an undesirable behavior.
I think he will mellow a little every day and getting your female spayed will also help.
The kitten I brought in last spring went into heat very early, and we spotted MANY cats outside the house. I had no idea they would be that sensitive to an indoor-only female.
Give Augustus time, I'm certain things will get better.
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
Augustus is definitely calming down.  I crack open the door for quick sniffing and petting whenever I feed him or give him treats.  He is very forceful in his wanting attention now, which I take as a good sign.  I went in there yesterday and managed to clean the litter box (yay!) and pick up all the food bowls.  He was rubbing against my legs and if I put my hand down he would try and pull it down (without claws) for me to pet him.  Then he attacked me again when I stopped petting and slowly moved towards the door. No horrible wound this time though!  Might have been me moving or might have been me stopping with the petting, hard to tell.

Still, it is a considerable improvement. Though, my parents think I live in a fantasy world. They really don't realise the time it can take. He sits by the door waiting for someone to open it which makes me so sad, and whenever I open it to pet him he tries to squeeze passed me.  I'm still wary around him, but I'm trying to get over it.  Because he sits by the door, if I go inside, my escape route is basically cut off.  Now I sound like the scared cat!  I'm trying to wait for real together time until my other cat gets fixed, but I'm still trying to give him some attention. I'm trying to get my mother to give him his meals (it's her cat! But again, if he attacks her, I'm afraid it is over) I ordered a bunch of new toys to put in there with him (he must be so bored), some 'calming aid' to put in his water, and baby gates for later.  I think I'll try and actually enter the room again tomorrow.

Also, ski pants are very loud ;)
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
Definitely improving! I'm so happy! I went in there yesterday and he was very affectionate, almost forceful in wanting to be pet. No sign of real attacking or fear. I'm still not making sudden movements and I'm locking the other cats up so he isn't distracted while I'm in the room. And I was able to play with him! I went in again today and he was still being very sweet!

He did bat at my hands when I was going to pick up the wand, and while it certainly looked like it had the mania of an attack, he didn't use claws, so I think he wanted to play or be pet more. A habit we will have to break him of at some point. He also purposefully laid against the door so that I couldn't leave [emoji]128517[/emoji]
I'm very happy with the progress!

New problem, the other new cat who is getting fixed on Wednesday has gone into heat O_O It is like a cat horror house in here, lol

maddies momma

TCS member, Crazy Cat Lady!
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Definitely improving! I'm so happy! I went in there yesterday and he was very affectionate, almost forceful in wanting to be pet. No sign of real attacking or fear. I'm still not making sudden movements and I'm locking the other cats up so he isn't distracted while I'm in the room. And I was able to play with him! I went in again today and he was still being very sweet!

He did bat at my hands when I was going to pick up the wand, and while it certainly looked like it had the mania of an attack, he didn't use claws, so I think he wanted to play or be pet more. A habit we will have to break him of at some point. He also purposefully laid against the door so that I couldn't leave [emoji]128517[/emoji]
I'm very happy with the progress!

New problem, the other new cat who is getting fixed on Wednesday has gone into heat O_O It is like a cat horror house in here, lol
Im glad things have improved so well! That's great! It sounds like he's going to be quite a character when things settle down and his full personality comes through. That's a very good idea to lock the other cats up when you visit him. He will feel much safer that way. And also good to keep going slow with him. You don't want to push to fast and have things go backwards.

Oh no that she's in heat!! That must be making things crazy! Make sure that your vet knows that she is in heat. It does effect the surgery and they have to be more careful with their technique because everything is more swollen and sensitive.

Best of luck! Keep us updated!
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
Look who is exploring another room!  I bought some baby gates to close off my upstairs.  One cat is in the basement and one is at the vet getting fixed and Augustus was let out of his jail and allowed to explore a bit (scent swapping at the same time).  We are still careful and taking it slow, he is still basically a semi-feral cat, so I feel like it'll still be a process, but it is going well!

I have a feliway in his room, and just started trying out Tomlyn Anxiety and Stress water additive (which I found out has ground up bees in it, so if anyone knows of an alternative to this....).  I've also bought him some toys and have heard chirping NON STOP for the passed two days, he loves it!  


maddies momma

TCS member, Crazy Cat Lady!
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Yay! Happy for the update! Keep up the good work, you are doing great with him!
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 14, 2017
MA - Massachusetts
His progress is amazing! He is a little jumpy, but it now seems completely safe to be around him. I went in his room this morning and sat down and he jumped on my lap to be petted! I still had a slight fear that he would bite my face at any moment, but that didn't seem to be his agenda. And he still blocks you if you head towards the door. It is actually really hard to get out of the room!
I let him out in the upstairs a few times a day but it is getting extremely difficult to trick him back into his room. He is not at all timid (a little jumpy) and just wants to go around everywhere. And he's finally found his voice and just meows constantly to be let out of the room. It makes me so sad to lock him in there!

Maybe the time has come to think about slow introductions? My resident cat came up to the babygate (I thought he was away) today. Augustus sniffed a bit, but really didn't seem bothered. Bubbles was the hissing one, which seems common in resident cats. Just a short meeting though. Another babygate meeting tomorrow maybe? Or another later tonight? I know it hasn't been long, but Augustus seems to have settled quicker than I was expecting! I just hope I don't have to worry about Bubbles not eating again :/

And Annabel has been locked away for a few days after her surgery, so I haven't even gotten around to thinking about reintroduction/introduction with her yet.

Thanks for all the information and support you've given!
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maddies momma

TCS member, Crazy Cat Lady!
Alpha Cat
Apr 17, 2015
Glad to hear it's going so well! One thing you could do is let him explore outside of the room just before meal time. Then when it's time to feed him he will be happy to go back in to get his food.

Yes I would go very slowly with the cat introductions. You don't want to push to far and have him go backwards in progress. I would do it one at a time. Starting with the cat he seems most comfortable with. So long as he seems comfortable and indifferent it should be okay. As soon as he seems uncomfortable or upset in any way, take a step back and wait a little longer.

Yes he has to learn to live with the cats, but the most important factor right now is that he learns to trust the humans and can build a trusting relationship with someone. The cat intros should be second priority.
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