Progress on a feral cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 15, 2016
Hi. I'm from Estonia, and about two and a half months ago I took in a five month old cat whom I named Kafka. He's my first feral cat, as well as the only cat I own. 

For the first two weeks he did little but hide, though he'd eat and use the litter box fine. Slowly more progress was made -- he began to play with me (after 2-3 weeks), and I discovered that he loves to play, as most young cats do (I tried to play with him from the beginning, but I suppose he was too scared then). I play with him a few times every day since. Then, while he'd be close to me as I played with him, I got to pet him a little. This was a while after, as petting him came slowest, and I still struggle doing it, since he'd cower in fear or run if I approach him, but I have more and more success when he's on my bed and he does enjoy it, even if he tries to avoid it. I've also tried to pet him while he'd eat. He has also eaten from my hand. Also: he sometimes comes on my bed and sleeps beside me. And when I wake up, he comes down from his usual place on the windowpane and stands by my bed and looks to me, waiting :) I assume for me to play with him, and feed him. 

He seems to trust me, but he still has some feral tendencies which I wonder if they'll go away in time and if there's anything I could do to make him feel better. The first one is that, despite the trust (coming to my bed to sleep beside me etc), he still harbors plenty of fear. He quite often runs away if I stand up, or if I enter the room. And if not run, then he always seems afraid. More than that, he hisses at me, too, when I approach him (for example, to look out of the window when he's on the windowpane), though not always. He has never been aggressive, but the hissing sounds like a warming. I understand it's just fear, likely a remnant from his life as a feral cat. 

He is overall a very curious and playful cat, and I hope to grow closer to him. But I don't have expectations. I don't expect him to become a lap cat, and I feel close to him already. But I wander -- as this is my first feral -- if this is good progress, and if his fears will be a question of time? I'm not impatient, but I'd like hear more from those with experience. 

Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy post. Here's a picture of Kafka, from two weeks ago :)



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hello forestlight and Kafka, welcome to TCS :wavey:

Thank you for taking in Kafka and giving him a warm and loving home.

You've done pretty good and looks like he's settling in well. It takes some time before he fully settles in but signs shows that he is already quite socialized already except for the hissing.
What you can do is everytime you before you stand up, enter a room, moving to the window, as long as there's movements from you, just announce your arrival by calling out his name. This is to give him notice that you are coming so that he would not get a shock.
And also make your movements a little slower. Of you need to pet him, try to get down to his level and appear smaller. Otherwise you'll look like a giant to him.

Have some great ready on hand when you approach him like you said when looking out of the window. Always praise him when he does not hiss or run and hide. If he does hiss, just say 'No hissing'.
If you pet him, present you hand in a fist form and let him smell your fist and slowly pet his head. Do not stretch out your hand suddenly otherwise he thinks you are going to smack him.
Always talk to him in a calm and gentle manner.

What you've been doing is a great progress but keep doing it and let him gain full confidence in you. It takes time and a lot of patience and love. Do not destroy the trust he has in you. He'll be fully socialized in time to come.

He is a handsome boy. Do introduce yourself and Kafka to the community in 'New Cats on the Block' under the General Forums. There are many interesting and helpful reads in this site. Feel free to ask any questions and also do post more photos of Kafka for us to see ;)

Is Kafka vaccinations up to date? If not, get him to to vet for a screening and get his vaccinations done and is he neutered. He is about the right age to be neutered and neutering will do him good in the sense of his health. Here's an article for you to read :- [article="22304"][/article]
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