6 month old cat has developed a bizarre biting ritual. Any advice or insight appreciated!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 21, 2017
Hello, all!  I just discovered this website and am so excited to see an active forum for cat lovers.  I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on a weird behavioral quirk my kitten has developed.

In early October, I got my beautiful Balinese kitten.  From what I've read, Siamese breeds tend to bond very strongly to one individual.  I am 100% her 'person'.  She likes my significant other well enough, but it's clear to both of us that I am the favorite.

A few weeks after getting her (I would place her age at ~3 months at this point, maybe a bit older), she developed this weird routine.  She always sleeps by my legs at night, and the moment I wake up she is instantly by my face purring and bunting and just generally being a little love bug.  About halfway through this routine, she often starts licking my chin (or cheek, if my chin is covered by blankets) and then just sort of... holds it in her mouth.  She will open her mouth around my chin and just hold it there.  She usually doesn't put on too much pressure - it doesn't feel like she's biting with an intent to harm.  And she will continue purring like a maniac the entire time.  Once she lets go, it's back to being super affectionate.

I've never had a cat do this before and I genuinely am a little confused by it.  I've tried to research it and came up with a lot of sources that say she's likely overstimulated.  So going off that I stopped petting her when she was purring and rubbing against me, but she still does her little bite.  If I attempt to pull her off me, she goes into a weird frantic/confused state and just bites down harder to hang on which actually DOES hurt.  As such, I typically just kind of sit there and wait until she lets go of her own accord.

Does anyone have any insight as to why she might be behaving this way?  It's been going on almost daily for about 3 months now and has turned into a predictable morning ritual.  Any idea of how to manage the behavior, or if I should even try to?  I have pretty sensitive skin and she usually leaves some red marks - I want to stress she is not breaking my skin, but her teeth are quite sharp, and any contact will leave a mark.  

She has never done this to my SO or anyone else.  He gets purrs and the occasional bunt, but not nearly as often and none of these bites.

For reference, she is not spayed (her surgery is scheduled Feb 2).  She gets lots of one-on-one play time every day as well as access to many interactive toys.  We don't currently have any other cats in the household.

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to respond!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
My kitten was 2 months when I found her. She was standoffish the first night but all over me the second and third night. Both those nights she did something very strange. I sleep on my side with one arm out. During the night she crawled out from under my chin spread out the length of my arm with her hear parallel to my hand, wrapping her legs around my fore arm. Then for the next hour picked a spot on my hand/fingers licked it for a minute, gnawed for a minute or two and then licked again. Then moved to another area and repeated, lick, gnaw, lick. Did this for an hour both nights and never did it again. She even fell asleep with her tongue out.
Cats do weird stuff.
I think it an "I like you" type thing, so no damage, I wouldn't worry about it.
I believe cats don't know exactly what to do with affection, not natural for cats, so it can come out in weird ways.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I agree with Elliesvictim here, and get the feeling it is more of a bonding / security young cat thing a little like they might be with their mother cat.  Ignoring the behaviour is the most likely way of avoiding the behaviour continuing.   Is there any way you might be able to offer up your ha

nd or arm as an alternative part of you for this 'attachment' behaviour to move to (one less uncomfortable and vulnerable than your face)?   Will she lick your hands if you have your face covered with them rather than a blanket before the licking starts?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 27, 2016
Its a cats way of saying I love you :) Luckily my cat does the same with my fingers not my chin haha :D

When im cuddling with my kitten she usually takes my finger between her teeth, holds for a second, releases and licks. If you try pull out at that time it will just leave the cat perplexed and aggressive. 

I understand chin biting might be painful - maybe try giving your finger instead?

Also alternative explanation could be that she is teething and biting on you is soothing to her gums - open her mouth and inspect for sore gums :D

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If you watch a mother cat you will see them exhibit this same kind of behavior. They will be licking the little one and then 'hold' them down for a second or two and then start licking again. She is 'mothering' you. It is a sign of extreme affection, but also a little of dominance too. I would cover my chin and see if she will take a finger too, you don't want her to get carried away and bite down a little too hard, or get startled. At six months her hormones are kicking in, so the spaying will most likely stop some of this kind of behavior. She will be a much calmer, more happy little girl when she gets that done. Some is instinct though, I had a little female that would bring her toy 'prey' into a room a call kittens to come share. It was a specific call that she did at no other time, and she was spayed at 5 months. Enjoy the attention you are getting they usually become much more independent at a year old! 