Cat sneezing


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 31, 2016
I have had Mr. Huxley for 2 weeks today and he has been sneezing every since I brought him home. U took him to the vet 2 or 3 days after bringing him home, but she says that since he had no other symptoms, that it was either a simple cold, or stress and that it should go on its own. It hasn't. Today he has sneezed at least 12 times so far and it's not 6pm yet. Sometimes he sneezes 2 or 3 times in a row.
Any chance it could be allergies? He tends to sneeze when he smells catnip or is eating his food though he also does it at random times. He apparently has food allergies and is on special diet, but I wonder if he doesn't have other allergies. if it was a cold like the vet says, how long could he be sneezing for?


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
If it was a cold, I would think you would also be seeing other symptoms, like lethargy, congestion, that type of thing.

Lots of sneezing could indeed be allergies.  Or if he does it when he's smelling things, maybe he's sniffing things into his nose, which would definitely cause sneezing.  I'd talk to the Vet again and see if they want to put him on allergy pills to see if it stops.  Several cats here are on allergy pills like Zyrtec. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 31, 2016
If it was a cold, I would think you would also be seeing other symptoms, like lethargy, congestion, that type of thing.

Lots of sneezing could indeed be allergies.  Or if he does it when he's smelling things, maybe he's sniffing things into his nose, which would definitely cause sneezing.  I'd talk to the Vet again and see if they want to put him on allergy pills to see if it stops.  Several cats here are on allergy pills like Zyrtec. 
He does have some heavy breathing at times, when he plays for example, and sometimes does some sort of snoring thing when he sleeps. He is on prescription diet for allergies, so i wonder if it's actually working. I have to bring him back in a week for the vet to check his ears (he had an infection due to allergies actually when he was still at the shelter), I'll ask her what she thinks. I think he is scarrching his ears again. His back paw looked like it had had some blood on it when I came back home. He clearly licked it clean, but I can tell there was some sort of blood on it. We'll see what the vet says. I may have a very sensitive kitty on my hands. I don't care though. He is a doll and I [emoji]10084[/emoji] him to bits!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Yes, food allergies often manifest in itching around the head and neck, and sometimes cause issues with their ears. 

Panting after a round of heavy playing is normal, if that's what he's doing.  My guys snore once in awhile too.  I think it's the position they get their faces in..sometimes they may get one nostril partly blocked or something because once they shift it will stop. 

Definitely let your Vet know everything that's going on with him and hopefully she'll be able to get the itching and sneezing stopped. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 31, 2016
Yes, food allergies often manifest in itching around the head and neck, and sometimes cause issues with their ears. 

Panting after a round of heavy playing is normal, if that's what he's doing.  My guys snore once in awhile too.  I think it's the position they get their faces in..sometimes they may get one nostril partly blocked or something because once they shift it will stop. 

Definitely let your Vet know everything that's going on with him and hopefully she'll be able to get the itching and sneezing stopped. 
Took Huxley to the vet on Thursday. By that point, he was sneezing about 15 times a day and his breathing was very wheezy at times.He'd virtually stopped eating his wet food (he was sneezing a lot while eating it). I did some research on the ingredients in the hill's diet d/d he was taking, and the wet food had soy in it, but not the dry. So I suggested that to the vet. She said it could be a cause for all of his problems so we tried venison royal canin instead as it is soy free. I also suspect a dust allergie so I switched on my air purifier.
The second I gave him the new wet food, he devoured it! Huxley is now a changed boy! His sneezing has almost stopped and breathing is about normal now.
I read somewhere that it can take up to a week for the allergen to completely leave the body so hopefully he'll be all good by then!
So glad I figured it out! I think the low level inflammation the vet saw in his mouth on Friday (he has stomatitis, and has had full teeth extractions) is also looking better. The soy in his mouth may have triggered that as well.
I have adopted one special kitty, but boy am I totally in love with him! He is such a sweetheart! [emoji]10084[/emoji]
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Wow!  How wonderful that your Vet realized that soy is one of the big bad ingredients

I'm so happy that Huxley is doing so well now that he's on a different food.  Good for you for figuring it out