Urinary Tract Blockage Recovery


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2017
We took our cat to the vet Thursday morning (it's now Monday). He had complete blockage and was in bad shape. They put a catheter in him and kept him all day, overnight and the whole next day till just before they closed. My question is how long will he be leaking? We have him in a large kennel right now to keep him near his litter box, food and water. He also wasn't eating so I've been syringe feeding him which I've already talked to the vet about and he's fine for now with that since his bladder was so enflamed. He's acting a lot better than the last few days which is good. I'm hoping his leaking will stop soon and also that he'll start eating on his own soon!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I wish I had some helpful advice, but I've never dealt with this before.  Hoping someone comes along with more help.


TCS Member
Jan 3, 2017
Hi we just went through this a few months ago. I feel sorry forth exit. It was a tough few months. I think from the catheter the urethra is stretched or irritated from a catheter and no wonder it would leak. That should clear up inwouldndonmuch with in a week or two. As far as eating. Our cat also didn't have a big appetite. But when they don't feel good or have pain they don't want to eat. If the blockage is cleared up the cat should start to eat. I'm wondering if the blockage issues aren't over. Out cat was straining in the morning. I called vets only one could fit me. I went. Right away. They said he was almost to a point of rupturing! Thy catheterizes and kept him all day. Sai to pick him up and transport him at their closing one. We did. A week later they still had a catheter. Said it isn't normal to be passing urine with blood through the catheter still. But both places said his urethral is so small! And he might need PU surgery to re rout his urine. Basically it removes his penis and shortens the urine route at the cost of 1400.00. I thought it was a drastic surgery but eventually he ha to have it. He blocked about five more times before surgery I wouldn't ale him to the vet and he'd have a muscle reliant shot and cold laser therapy on his abdomen and start peeing again weeks later blocked! Some times he'd have an antibiotic also. This was stressful because we had to watch him pee every day all gentle. We gave him liquid silver for infections it's a homeopathic kind of treatment. Anything to avoid blockage. But his urethra was so small finally he blocked again and I had to go in after hours as an emergency so they did surgery that night. He is good now. I didn't know blockages were so common. Ph level has to be right in the middle too high causes bladder stones too low causes another type of bladder stone. Cat food is the cause. Acidic urine causes bacteria to grow also not drinking enough causes infection. Bullying at the box. A dirty box causes them to hold it and not go. Again causes a bladder infection. Bullying at the water dish causes not drinking. I've learned lots. They said cats that block usually repeat. So keep your eyes open. Good luck with kitty. Blocked cats don't eat or drink that is a sign to watch for
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 2, 2017
Sad to say that our kitty had to be euthanized yesterday morning. We admitted him back into the vet Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning they called us saying he was unresponsive and barely breathing and had gone into kidney failure. [emoji]128557[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Sad to say that our kitty had to be euthanized yesterday morning. We admitted him back into the vet Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning they called us saying he was unresponsive and barely breathing and had gone into kidney failure. [emoji]128557[/emoji]
I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your baby was clearly loved and cherished. We'd love to know more about your boy...if/when you feel up to it, there's a section in the forum called "Crossing the Bridge" which is a dedicated spot for tributes to the furbabies who have passed on [emoji]128519[/emoji]