Liver Cancer

m abbott

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014
My 11 year old Persian Cindy had a scan last Saturday and was diagnosed with Liver cancer the vet showed me the scan ant the tumour is very large with just about 2-3" of her liver left working there is a lot of fluid surrounding it which has made her stomach very distended she is still eating well and her other functions are working the vet said she is not in pain 

Yesterday it was sunny and quite warm so she came out into the garden with me and sat on the chair next to me as she loves to do she even played with a leaf she found in the garden then last night she came in the bathroom when I went to have my shower she loves to sit on my clothes and wait for me to have my shower  

Has anyone else had a cat with this problem ?

I tried to post a few pictures but it just comes up with I dont have permission to post photos


TCS Member
Apr 19, 2016
Hi, I am very sorry to hear about your kitty's diagnosis. My little guy, Robbie, was diagnosed with hepatic carcinoma (primary liver cancer) in January 2016. I am open to sharing any aspect of my experience but I am not sure what kind of information you are seeking. Do you have a specific question or concern?
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m abbott

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014

Thank you for your message I was wondering if anyone else had been through the same thing and about their experience with this really I do not know how long cindy has had this but I only noticed her stomach was getting bigger about 10 days ago On the second trip to the vet they did a scan and showed me the results the liver is very enlarged with only about 2-3" still working ok there is a lot of fluid surrounding it too which the vet said he did not drain as it would be back in about a week he also said the body can still function on just 10% liver working

Cindy is eating well at the moment and her other bodily functions are working ok and she will still interact with me the vet said to watch for Jaundice or any breathing problems so I dont know how much longer she has and when the time comes I will not let her suffer

I would have posted a few pics but tried and it will not let me


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Did the Vet give you any ideas at all about how much longer she might have?  Weeks, months ?

It's good that she is acting normal.  I would say when she starts to withdraw, then you need to pay particular attention to her breathing, since it may mean the swollen liver is impeding on her other organs and causing the difficulty (since the Vet must have mentioned breathing difficulties).  At that time, then you can assess her quality of life and think about making that heart wrenching decision
   Of course,you don't want to wait too long, yet you don't want to do it too early either.  It's a tough decision all of us face when we have a chronically ill cat.  Believe me, I've had three cats with chronic renal failure, and it never gets any easier. 

My heart breaks for you
.  I'm hoping you and Cindy still have many happy months together, possibly longer than that. 
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m abbott

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014

Thank you so much for your message and kind words 

I asked the vet last Sat about how long she has and she said it is difficult to say as it depends on how aggressive the cancer is well of course i do not know when it first started but it was around 2 wks ago I noticed the swelling and since then it has got a lot bigger so I am thinking maybe days or a week or so Cindy is still coming downstairs when she hears me getting their food ready but did not eat much this morning really I always put her bed litter tray and food and water upstairs for her as this is where she has always liked to be

I took some ham upstairs about an hour ago she was in her bed but as soon as I gave her a piece she came out of her bed for more so I broke some up and put in in her dish she only had about a small square slice but she loves ham 2 of my other male persians heard her eating the ham ( Harry was in a deep sleep too ! ) and came out for theirs they dont like to miss out !  What I am doing now is giving her anything she likes to eat only in the way of cat food though of course I opened a can of Tuna in spring water yesterday which at the found of the tin opener brought all 4 into the kitchen !

Yes the vet said to watch for signs of breathing problems and also Jaundice which I know all about as my first persian had kidney tumours when he was nearly 11 1/2yrs the whites of his eyes started to go yellow and when I came home from work one day his back legs were collapsing as he walked I had to make the decision then and to look at him he was loosing his dignity it was really hard but in the end I had no choice I would not let him suffer I am not that selfish 

I would like to have posted some pics I took a couple of days ago but I tried and it wont let me it says I do not have permission 

Anyway once again thank you so much for your reply

Kind Regards



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Keep trying to post pictures.  New member's sometimes have "issues", but that doesn't mean the pictures won't eventually post.  Did you see this article on how to do it?

I would definitely let Cindy have anything she wants to from here on out.  What the heck.  The issue is how NOT to spoil the rest of the gang.  Mine learned when I fed Callie (kidney girl) two extra small meals in the middle of the night, that if they waited patiently for her to eat, they would each get one little treat for their patience. 

Vibes that Cindy continues to feel good for as long as possible 
.  Is she on anything to help with her liver or does the Vet feel it's a total waste of time?
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m abbott

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014

Thank you for your message I did try to post some pics some time ago but got the same message however I will try again sometime

No  Cindy is not on anything I did ask the lady vet if there was any supportive care but she just said no our favourite vet Seamus said he could have drained the fluid surrounding her liver but he did not see any point as it would just come back in about a week or maybe less but looking back now I wish he had asked me while she was still sedated and I may well have asked him to do it to make her more comfortable but I did not have that option as when the receptionist phoned me to collect her she was just coming out of the sedation 

Cindy actually jumped up onto the sofa chair and then onto the arm of it so she could sit next to me when I was on the computer she used to do this a lot but had not done it or over a week she cannot however jump up onto the kitchen worktop as she used to do 

My daughter came round this afternoon and she said Cindys tummy area is definitely bigger than when she saw her a few days ago 

Cindy still likes to come into the bathroom with me at night when i have my shower I lay my clothes on the floor and she likes to sit on them purring and waiting while I have my shower she makes her "Trilling" noise and meows too while in the bathroom with me she used to have to run in there quick before Oscar got in there first but now I make sure she comes in with me as I never know if it will be her last time 

Anyway thank you so much for taking the time to reply I do appreciate it

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  • #8

m abbott

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Had to have Cindy pts a few hours ago vet said it was the right time she would have got much worse by the weekend I took her into the spare room last night where she lay next to me on the bed This morning it was sunny and dry so I took her into the garden where she watched my 3 male persians playing with my grandaughter then came and sat next to me on the chair as she has always loved doing she then went over to the garden did her business came indoors and managed to eat a fair amount then went to her litter tray to spend a penny it was as if she knew something was going to happen today and she had prepared herself 

Just feels at the moment so raw as if I have been ripped in half and I feel as if a part of me went with her just recently I finished knitting a couple of soft blankets for her which I put into her little bed and she loved to sit on them my daughter took her to the vet as I was just too upset and I told her to ask the vet if she could have the cover I had made for her so he wrapped her up in it this brings me a little comfort somehow


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I'm so very sorry for your loss :( I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with her last night and this evening. I know that feeling where it seems they know, and are ready for it.

boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
So very sorry for your loss of Cindy. My heart is with you during this most difficult time. Cindy is now in a perfect condition in a perfect place.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm so sorry for your loss
.  The greatest love you can show is to let them go even though it breaks your heart into a million pieces. 

Run free at the bridge
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m abbott

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Thank you