When to let go...


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2016
My 19-year-old kitty Minnie is scheduled to be put down tomorrow, and I'm not handling it too well. Her disease has been eating away at her slowly for the past five years (hyperthyroidism). My mother took her to the vet only yesterday and scheduled the procedure for tomorrow afternoon at the vet clinic. The vet said she's in pain and constantly dehydrated, which putting strain on her heart. But to me, even though I see how skinny she's gotten and how much her arthritis prevents her from jumping like she used to, it's hard for me to think of her at the point where she needs to be put down. She still cuddles, chases around the other cat, and enjoys sneakily eating human food. I guess I need someone to tell me that's it's okay to put her down. With our previous cat we waited until the last moment to take her to the vet, and unfortunately she did not pass peacefully, and so I also don't want to make that same mistake again.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 7, 2016
Austin, Tx
Well one thing i have experienced is that the longer you wait doesnt help them any it may make you feel better but you never really can tell till its too late. If she is having alot of issues as it is and is 19 the truth is maybe its her time, the longer you wait it could get worse. Im not trying to be mean in anyway i just understand the situation and i know you love Minnie. Sorry if this comes off as a little much im sorry. Again only you can make that choice and if you can tell yourself that she is truthfully still the same minnie you have grown to love then dont do it, but if you have that small doubt that maybe she is in alot of pain or having alot of discomfort then i would send her on. My prays are with you and Minnie. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There does come a time when quality of life trumps quantity. If she is relatively pain free, not hiding, and still enjoys the company of friends and family, she should be allowed to live out the time she has left. If your vet thinks she is full of pain and the end is near, by all means don't allow this to go on and become a world full of pain and fear. Death is not easy to accept, most living creatures fight it to the very end. To end that pain and fear, especially after a long life and by someone who does it out of love, is the final act of love we bestow on someone who we put ahead of our own feelings of loss and sadness.  We provide that act of love out of compassion, feeling our own mortality and knowing what we do is born of the heart.   There is never a clear cut 'now is the time', it would be wonderful if every one of our loved ones could die peacefully at home surrounded by family, but this rarely happens, even with humans.Only you know if the time is near, she would never hold it against you, she loves you too much to bring you such pain.  You two shared 19 years of love and caring, to have that sweet girl in your life at all is one of life's pleasures. She wants you to remember her with joy and love, not dwell on the last hours of her life when you shared so many happy years. I know the pain and fear this is bringing to your life, the emptiness in your home and heart after. You have to hold on to the fact that you have formed a strong and unbreakable bond with Minnie, that the love will continue along that bond, only in a spiritual way now, not physical. As with most upheavals in our lives, you have to form a new life's order, we can never bring back what we want so badly, but we learn to live with the past and comfort ourselves with our precious memories. She leaves you her legacy of love to pass on in this world, as the  path she takes veers off from yours but will continue to follow along for the rest of your life.  My heart goes out to you, I'll pray that you both find peace and acceptance.  She will take a piece of your heart with her when she goes, but will leave a piece of hers behind to help heal the hole, know that she will never really be gone from your life, she will always be near when you need her. Take care........Beautiful Minnie, know you will always be loved, try to bring comfort to the one who will always hold you in a loving heart!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2016
Thank you so much, both of you. It's very comforting to be able to talk about this with others. Although Minnie still does many of her regular activities, I know she has chronic pains that she doesn't always show. I'll trust my vet and family in letting her move on from here. We've changed the procedure to a home visit on Sunday, so at least it won't be as stressful for her.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 29, 2016
Thank you, everyone. The vet came to our house, and Minnie has moved on. It wasn't as smooth as I had hoped (after the initial sedative, she jumped away from us and stumbled around), but I still think this was the least stressful and least painful way for her to go. I'm thankful for the years I had with her, and I hope went as peacefully as possible.



Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
God Bless you all, it is just devastating we know. Such a beautiful girl and 19 years is wonderful although it is never enough.

She is healthy and happy again, doing just fine, and your heart will slowly heal too......


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 7, 2016
Austin, Tx
Im sorry for your lose, i know Minnie will always love you and be waitting for you to cross with her 