Just Another Cat Pee Thread


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2016
Hello everyone, I'm new here so please bare with me. I've searched this site as well as many others regarding this issue and I am at my wits end.

My (3 year old, neutered) cat has recently (within the past 3 months or so) begun urinating (not spraying) on the bed in the spare room where his litter boxes are located. I think I've tried pretty much everything to make him stop.

*He has 2, large uncovered littler boxes 

*His boxes are scooped daily, sometimes twice a day. the litter's completely changed out in both boxes every 7-10 days.

*We've used the same brand of unscented clay litter since he was a kitten

*He's been to the vet and has no UTI issues

*I've bought two SSSCat sprays. These would've probably worked to resolve the problem but they're pieces of junk that don't work at all. Total waste of money.

*I've tried Feliway diffusers, the cat-calming collar, and citrus scented sprays all to no avail.

*I've cleaned the mattress and sheets thoroughly every time he's gone on them

*There have been no significant changes to the house or my behavior that could be causing him stress (as far as I can tell)

*He has access to the whole house and he only does it on this particular bed, nowhere else.

The only thing that seems to work is if I physically block the bed and cover it with boxes and other knickknacks. The problem is that I don't want to have to keep that stuff on there. It's ugly, messy, and embarrassing. I just want him to stop.

I can't move the boxes to another room because my home is small and I don't have many other placement options. I also have a dog who likes to get in the litter box which makes her sick. The boxes have to be kept in this room because there's a cat door so the dog can't get access to them.

He doesn't do it often, on average once every two or three days. The rest of the time he goes in his box. He always poops in his boxes so that's not an issue (thank goodness).

Is there anything else I can do? Anything I'm missing or doing wrong? Am I just gonna have resign to living with boxes on my bed forever? 

Thanks in advance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2016
Hi Hubert, I know you said you cleaned the bed thoroughly, you seem to have thoroughly researched the problem but just in case here's a link to an article about enzymatic cleaners.

You can't close the door and move the litter boxes out of the spare room because the dog may get at them. Is it possible you could place them up high where the dog can't reach but the cat can easily use? You may not have to do this for more than a couple of weeks, the problem is that your cat is viewing the bed as another litter tray, keeping him out may break the cycle.

Something that worked for me to spray the bed with something like lavender oil or citrus oil, cats hate the smell. And I've heard from several people that some cats love the feel of certain materials, some have had luck removing their wool quilts, doonas, comforters for something that doesn't feel or smell so good to the cat.

I know it's frustrating but your cat has no idea that he's doing anything wrong. We slept in bed with a big thick plasic ground sheet on us while our we sorted our cats urination problem out.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The fact that he uses the room that his litter boxes are located in makes me think he doesn't like something now about the litter. They may have done a 'new and improved' change that he doesn't like, I would put a different litter in ONE box and see how that goes. There could be a new cat in the neighborhood that he sees or smells, or maybe someone laid a purse, a coat  or something else on the bed that had an animal smell on it. I have found that laying two strips of clear carpet protector runner, with those little 'nubs' face up wherever you don't want a cat to go works well, it hurts their feet to walk on it and is easily whisked away when company comes. You can buy it at carpet stores or usually at stores that sell throw rugs. If at all possible, wash all of the bedding or use a really good enzyme cleaner. Once his 'issue' is resolved he will stop, bless your heart you for your patience and understanding.My male did this for over 9 months after we moved ,so I know how frustrating it can be, I had pieces of carpet runner everywhere!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2016
Thank you both for your responses. 

Yes I've thoroughly cleaned both sides of the mattress and bedding with enzymatic cleaners. I don't think he's attracted to the sheets or covers since he's peed on the bare mattress more than once (while I was in the middle of washing the sheets no less 

I've tried spraying the bed with a citrus spray and it does work for a little while but I notice that when the smell wears off he's right back on there.

I live in a 2 bedroom home so the only other places I could put the box outside of the room are in my bedroom, the kitchen or the living room and I would really like to keep those places clear of that. 

I'll get some carpet runners and try some new litter. I will also continue spraying the area with citrus oil as well. If need be, I'll consider moving the boxes to my bedroom. I guess I just need to be patient until this issue is resolved. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 12, 2016
Pure lavender oil worked for me, the smell doesn't go away for a couple of weeks though and has a powerful smell. 

You could try using cat attractant in the litter box, there is one brand which gets ok comments on Amazon, particularly since you are using clumping clay, they also make litter  with attractant in it. 
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