Delivery soon? Hopefully?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 16, 2016
Hey guys, I took in a pregnant foster kitty, Minx, and I'm new to taking care of a queen, never been through cat birth before.  I've read a LOT on this forum in the past few days and now something new that I'm not finding has me questioning...what are the symptoms days leading up to labor, without having to check her temperature rectally?  I've had her for 7 days so I don't think she'll let me do that without fight.  She is BIG, uncomfortable, and seeming to get restless moving from place to place, not laying too long in one spot.  She has been sleeping on her back, this is new since last evening, and that seems to be the only way she gets rest.  Today I noticed she's sleeping A LOT and had a brownish really thick almost like past discharge from her lady bits.  No visible milk yet, but her nipples are a rosy pink.  Most of her time is spent in the open kennel I set up for her (before anyone think's I'm mean, it's an XL dog kennel lined with soft blankets and is open at all times.)  She hasn't been eating as much today.  I'm thinking soon, but I've thought that for a week...she seems so big and ready to deliver.  Any ideas how soon?  I asked the previous owner who surrendered her how far along she was, she said "i don't know, a month or two?".  I have no exact idea how far along she is but her babies visibly move and are very active.  (The picture I included of her is from last night while she was relaxing on my bed with me.)



Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
How is it going?  Re predicting exactly when she will come, its NOT easy, even for them whom have a good count.  The only I get here is this about active babies...

Usually they drop one or two days before delivery - she seems suddenly smaller.  Babies are tight packed in the birthing postions - and dont move as much...

So may guess is, she hasnt dropped yet, and thus - its at least two days away...

Also, we really dont recommend the rectal temp measuring here - as you hint, its stressing them...Rather unnecessary.

However, you can try and measure in the armpit of the foreleg.  Pretend its a new game you are playing with her.   Its not that exact, but fair enough.  Observe the temp in the armpit is lower than in the rectum, about 3F or a full C degree - ie roughly what the temp falls down before birth.

Please come back with reports and any new question you have.  Usually there is somebody here, a friendly forumist or somebody from the team.   

Good luck!