Floey passed over the Rainbow bridge July 29 2016 at noontime. My Flo Monster will be missed.


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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
My first thread in this area.

My floey will be missed. I have to type out her story.

She was a stray cat. who a police officer picked up in Manchester NH on Elm street and brought her to the local shelter. She was at the shelter for 2 weeks.

They didn't know how old she was. I didn't ask if she had kittens. I think she did. She always had a hanging belly. They think she was 2 or 4 years old. 10 lbs. beautiful maine coon mix. I cant remember what year I adopted her. It was either 2001 or 2002. the same month she passed away.

Floey was aged 17 to 18. She was a normal size cat until I adopted more cats. then she got to be 15 pounds at one point.

Last summer she had higher levels of kidney issues so we started pushing wet food diet. she was 13.8 lbs. by this winter she was 12.8 which I didn't think anything of. This was July 10gh. by July 17 she was 11.8. it was a Tuesday and we saw the vet we were familiar with. She was not eating. She stopped eating her slurry wet food all June. I just figured it was the heat. She ate kibble and licked at tuna.

Then she stopped eating for a few days..hence the july 10 appointment. nothing showed up. her kidney values improved. BUN went down. Creatine too. They thought she had a virus and wasn't smelling her food. Gave her a shot of Pepcid and sent her home..we limped through the 9 days or so and she didn't eat as much.

Back to vet on tuesd and her weight dropped a pound. I knew in my heart it was time. I could tell how she was acting that she was tired and ill.

But we continued fluids and meds. then 24 hours she ate and I thought it was done.

then thur she stopped eating again. back to the vets. this time they did pain meds fluids Pepcid n Cerenia..she somewhat ate. not as good. I convinced them to sell me fluids and a setup. so Friday night I gave her more fluids. I ordered meds online. they sent us home with transdermal meds-which honestly don't even bother. I don't think they did a lick of a good. so now no injectable Pepcid and she wont eat.

then I call vet on sat. she got a checkout and they said she is fine. said to use the transdermal Pepcid. we tried to pill her. I couldn't get her to open her mouth. Then on Monday I took her back because she was breathing funny when I tried to give her the appetite stimulant-she was having a panic attack and drooling. She looked horrible and I told my bboyfriend to prepare for the end because its now been a week and I couldn't get her eating on her own. She would not tolerate syringe feeding. She bit me a few times and just was not working. She wanted things on her terms so I just kept giving her fluids and meds around the clock but they refused to send home pain meds. So that Monday when we went back in they gave her a longer acting shot for pain.

They also pilled her with mirtazapine. I still regret doing this. she didn't sleep again after this point. So now I tried to get an ultrasound done and they were booked out 10 days. So I called a place in mass that was recommended by my friend and they took her in the next day which was Thursday.

My girl travels well. She used to love car rides but now that she had been to the vets 6 times she no longer enjoyed riding. So it was an hour and half one way and she slept the entire way. She didn't like it when we hit the bumps on route 495.

The staff and vets office was spotless and I really liked the vet. He did a fabulous job looking her over. I had hoped it was dental issues as her breathe stunk. Nope. Nothing wrong with her mouth.

Then they did bloodwork. and she had to sit at the edge of the table and hang her paws over-they got the blood without any issues. she growled but its what she always did.

then we did the ultrasound where she had to lay on her back on a wedge shaped thingy. She didn't like it but relaxed when we were not poking at her.

This was my third time seeing an ultrasound and I kind of knew what to look for but not really.

The sad reality is my girl had several issues going on. The most obvious was some kind of tumor fully engulfing the right kidney-he said the kidney looked like an orange on the ultrasound. and its not supposed to look like this. then he saw smaller tumors in the surrounding tissues. the large and small intestine and a few blockages. Which would explain the occasional vomiting and non eating. then there was something weird in one of the small intestines. He couldn't tell if it was thickening of the area or? So then the organs all had issues with them except the gallbladder. That was the only thing that looked normal he said.

I assumed it was pancreatitis as she was extremely painful on her chest/stomach. well we decided to Euthanize her asap.

I took her home and they gave her a shot of steroids to keep her comfortable for 24 to 48 hours.  So when we got her home I told the boyfriend that its time. He said that she was comfortable and to leave her alone. I said no she is in pain. So we didn't agree on how much pain she was in but I think he gets it now. She got more dehydrated the morning of Friday. I didn't do sub fluids as she was drinking tons of water and I assumed she would be ok for the final journey. He didn't want to let her go but said its my cat you do what you need to do.

So that night she never slept and stared out the window. She got more pain meds and her anti nausea and other meds. She kept running up to me each time I needed to use the bathroom and rub against me. I didn't know what was wrong but figured that she was getting more and more uncomfortable. she had her pain purr. So the morning I decided it was time.

I called and made the appointment. it was hard all morning as I layed with her petting her and her purring away. I didn't want to kill her but I knew it was what I needed to do. She didn't want to give up but I could see her pain stare as she looked at me.

The passing was peaceful and she didn't make it past the first shot. they do 2 here. one for relaxation then the final. she stopped breathing 10 seconds after the relaxing one was given. They didn't come back for about 15 minutes. I didn't know if they were just busy or just wanted me to have time with her alone. It was oddly peaceful. She looked to be asleep and every now and then took a breathe but no where normal breathing. I layed her down on the table and stared into her eyes petting her. Telling her to let go and she was loved. They came back and couldn't get a vein in the leg so tried the front paw. it was over in seconds. I think she was already gone the prior day after the steroid shot. Her personality changed and she was different. I knew then that all that was was over. I had tried to prepare myself the best I could.

She is gone and no longer in pain. I know it was her time. We took her home and buried her in the yard. I think I made a mistake rushing this. but I just didn't want to let it lag out all day. We held her before we laid her to rest. It was very sad and very very hard to allow her to go back to the earth where she was born from. We cried and hugged each other. My heart is still broken but I know there's nothing I can do about it now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
I'm so terribly saddened to hear of your loss of your dear Floey. She was your dear friend and companion for so many years. She was so connected to you that she knew if she told that she was ready to make her journey across the Rainbow Bridge as she did that night that she knew you would understand. My heart is breaking for you. I know objectively you know that Floey was not going to recover and was in so much pain but I know the grief and loss is great. Your Floey is grateful for your strength and gift of love in helping to ease her pain and suffering. She is at peace now and I hope that in time you will be too[emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127995[/emoji]

[emoji]128149[/emoji]RIP Floey aka Flo Monster[emoji]128149[/emoji]


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
RIP dear Floey. You will always be loved and never forgotten 

@foxxycat  You were there for her when she needed you the most. She knew she could rely on you to help her cross the bridge with peace, love and dignity. What you gave her was the ultimate act of friendship and compassion. You did not kill her. You saved her.  

This time is so hard but she would not want you to second guess anything you have done. She's free now. She will never be sick again and she will never be in pain again. She doesn't want you to suffer or blame yourself for anything because it was not your fault. You did everything you could. 

You gave her a wonderful life that was so full of love and friendship. No one could have given her more than you and Jon did. 

She will hold all the memories and the love that all of you shared close to her just like you will. You will get her back someday when the time is right and things will pick right up as if time stood still. Until then, she is safe, whole and being lovingly cared for over at the bridge. She will watch over you and send you so much love always. 

Please let Jon know that he is in our thoughts as well. He is a wonderful cat dad and the world could use more men like him. 
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TCS Member
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I would be at peace if there wasn't so much wrong. I don't understand why all the vets didn't catch it sooner. The bloodwork came back an hour after I laid her to rest. She had internal bleeding going on as well. He had suspected this but wasn't sure. He saw something funky on the ultrasound near the tumor but wasn't sure. The bloodwork showed 4 major problems inside her. I know now it was the right thing to do. The issue I have is had I gone to him a week ago-I could have sent her on before she started bleeding inside. You just never know. She wasn't vomiting blood or pooping blood. Sometimes you don't know.

I know she lived a long life. even inher last few hours she wanted to be outside and layed on the deck but she was having trouble breathing-I thought she was going to leave me then. Then she started having tremors and I knew then it was over. This was about an hour before we left. I just layed with her crying and petting her. She seemed comfortable but kept getting up to drink water. Then would lay down and breathe faster but no crisis breathing. Just looked like she was tired. she was scared at the vets but I could see it clearly in her eyes to help her. I had to. my honey Jon couldn't come in with me and I understand. I think we both grieve differently. I would have done a home service if there was time but usually you have to give them 24 hours notice. I also didn't want flashbacks of remembering her passing away at home either. It was a tough decision to make but she is now hanging out on the Rainbow bridge with all our loved ones and I know some day we will see each other again.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
The vets absolutely should have caught it. They need to be held to the same standards that human doctors are. 

That being said, you're right. You never know. What you do know though is how hard YOU tried to save her and she knows this too. She appreciates everything you did to help her and how much love, care and comfort you gave her while she was getting ready to cross the bridge. She also appreciates everything you have done for her and given to her during all the time you had together. There were so many more happy times than sad times. These are the ones to hold onto. 

All the illness, all the pain and all the memories of both have been washed away from her body and mind and all that's left behind now is the memories, the love and the friendship you shared. She is holding onto them as tightly as you are.  She does not blame you for anything because you didn't do anything wrong. She just loves you both very much. 

Yes. Jon is handling things his own way. Floey is watching over her daddy right now too and she will help him heal just as she will do for you. 

When the guilt tries to come in, the self doubt or any negativity, imagine you have a big, brightly colored balloon. Instead of helium, fill it with those thoughts and then mentally release it. In your mind's eye, watch it float away and when it gets way high up in the sky, watch it pop and all those thoughts will float away into the wind never to be seen or heard from again. That is where they belong. 

di and bob

TCS Member
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Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Floey will never leave you, the bond you two forged link by link for so many years binds her soul to yours for an eternity. She left with a piece of your heart to comfort her, and left behind a piece of hers.You gave that girl many years of love and a wonderful home full of joy and happiness, that is all she ever wanted on this earth. The moment all living things are born, they begin to die, it is the natural order of life and unfortunately our beloved companions do not have as many years as we do, so we are left behind to mourn their passing but also to celebrate having them in our lives and experiencing the joy they brought to us and our homes.  17 or 18 years is a wonderfully long life, it shows what a wonderful caregiver you were, and somehow you found the strength to end the pain and fear that had no end and no cure. I'm sure it comforted her greatly to have you by her side, even as it broke your heart to say goodbye. It cannot be wrong if it is done out of love. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, I pray that the good memories you have will bring you comfort in your time of grief, and that you can distract yourself from dwelling on the end, which changes nothing and brings you nothing but pain. The emptiness you feel in your life will eventually be filled once again over time, use the legacy of love she left you to do good things in her name,  it helps to make you feel better knowing you are helping others and it helps to fill the void that is left with her passing.Thank you for your beautiful tribute, she will be in the thoughts of many now as she so richly deserves, take care and surround yourself with people who understand, take care.... RIP sweet Floey, the world is a darker place when you left it, but the new light that shines from your beautiful star in the heavens above shines down on those you left behind, bringing your love and comfort to those who miss you greatly. Know you will be held forever more in a loving heart by the one who loved so very much!    


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 13, 2015
Washington State USA
(((((((Foxxycat))))  I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Floey.  No matter how long we have them, there is never enough time with our babies.  Your Floey's symptoms sounded very much like my girl Tiger whom I lost last year to pancreatic cancer.  Vomiting, stopped eating, appearing to gain weight in the face of not eating and she became anemic very suddenly.  The fluid in the belly came on in one day and the anemia as well.  I had bloodwork run just the week before myself...No vet is infallible unfortunately. I have good vets but we all missed it especially me!  It is all part of the grieving process I guess but for a long time I felt so angry at everyone, especially myself.  That later gave way to despair.   There is no perfect ending, no matter how peaceful the crossing is.  But I tell you what- your Floey was one very lucky girl to get you as her human- I have no doubt she could not have had a better life anywhere else but in your loving care.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Fly Free Floey and land softly- you are so loved!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 27, 2015
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Just take comfort in the fact that you provided Floey with food, shelter and love for many years.

By ending her suffering you gave her the last kindness possible.

Thank you for being such a wonderful custodian to Floey.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm so sorry to hear this. I had no idea your lovely Floey was ill.

I'm glad that you were there for her at the end. It must have been a comfort to her to hear you telling her it was OK to go.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Rest in peace Floey


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I'm very sorry for your loss. 

RIP precious angel Floey. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
south Georgia
I am so sorry for your loss, you have given her a wonderful life, she was so lucky to be chosen by you at that shelter.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
I'm so sorry for your loss,    

 I don't think I can add anything as to Kat0121 & Di have said it all, & all so true & loving.  You did the best you could do for her. Letter her go was your final gift freeing her from pain & suffering.

It's never easy, even though we know in our hearts we are doing what's best for them.

I sobbed reading your story, as this sat. the 5th will be 6 months already since I had to say goodbye to Angel, & it brings it all back.  

 Foley has joined all of the precious TCS kitties we have lost & is playing with them over the rainbow bridge. 

R.I.P.. Sweet girl 

You will be in my prayers. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I just now saw this.  I'm so sorry @foxxycat!!  Damn July.  She must have been almost "there" since the first of the two shots made her quit breathing.  So at least you have that comfort that you did the right thing.  Poor kitty!  I'm so sorry....hugs to you.  It was very touching to read how you spoke to Floey those last precious few moments with her, it made me cry.  You'll never forget dear Floey.  Love doesn't die.  That may sound cheesy but it's true.  
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Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
@Ginny  yes I believe so. She was getting more dehydrated as the morning went on. At home on the porch she had some difficulty breathing and started having tremors an hour before it was our appointment. I laid her down and sobbed petting her to let her know I will always love her. She was starting to have phlemy mouth stuff when she drank water=I forgot this was a sign of dehydration-I just kept wiping her mouth for her after she drank out of the sink. I should have done sub fluids that morning but I figured she was ok. I didn't test her skin-she didn't sit still long enough either but I could tell she was getting more and more uncomfortable.

The final piece of the puzzle was her blood work that came in after we laid her to rest. The vet sent me an email that said she had 3 to 4 major internal issues going on on top of the cancer. The biggest was she was loosing blood but we never figured it out until afterwards. the ultrasound showed something funky going on-he wasn't sure if it was thickening of the intestines or a tumor-it was a bright white color and said its supposed to be grey colored. Evidently this was one of the areas she was bleeding-he thinks the tumors grew a blood vessel and took over those areas in her stomach-this would be why she wasn't eating. she wanted to. she would take a bite then run away. I never knew why she was bleeding. Perhaps the Pepcid was coating the stomach and helping this pain because once we got the injectable Pepcid into her-she improved considerably. but she also had that shot of steroid so we will never know if that is why she ate on her last day on earth. I couldn't get her eating for days=so the Pepcid kept her more comfortable but the pain meds didn't seem to make a difference but I gave them anyways.

also her thyroid was 4.2 which I knew it was higher than normal but he also said her reticulocyte count was extremely high=this was one way of figuring out there was a loss of blood somewhere. plus her proteins were getting lower and lower. he said the bone marrow is functioning and these cells are immature red blood cells-so her body was trying to produce them but we don't know what was going on in her stomach. her stomach looked strange=there was an odd appearance to it. her liver was enlarged, her spleen as well. her pancreas was also enlarged-enflamed. he said she had a high wbc of 13.2 which was indicative of a long standing infection inside that COULD have been as a result from the cancer that was spreading. All these pieces of the puzzle really helped to make me feel more at peace with my girl's passing. my only regret is not getting an ultrasound done sooner and by someone who knew what the hell they were doing. The other vets are OK but not for the things she had wrong. plus they use inhouse blood machine=I will never do that again-I rather it go out to indexx labs as they send a big explanation back with the results. The tests we did-came back with 18 pages of information. So that alone was worth the money.

Also my girl had an enlarged left atrium of her heart BUT it wasn't enough to do meds yet=so maybe the steroid shot sent her over the edge. The other thing is her potassium was SUPER high. This entire thing was very sad and complicated. The biggest signs-not eating and loosing weight.

Thank you so much for all your support. I know my girl was ready. I took pictures and saw the look in her eyes that we all are familiar with,

boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
I am so sorry for your loss of Floey. None of our kitties deserve the end that takes them. They all do deserve the perfect condition they enjoy in heaven. I wish you much peace.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2013
Northeast USA
Oh, no...@foxxycat. I'm just now seeing this. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. 
  It really sucks when everything takes over and their bodies can no longer hang on. You did the most selfless, bravest thing by letting Floey go and freeing her of pain. I'm glad it was peaceful. My thoughts are with you as you grieve over your dear girl. 

Rest in peace, Floey. 

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
foxxycat foxxycat I am truly sorry on the loss of your sweet Floey. I do understand the pain you are going through and I am so, so sorry. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone. It is just so heartbreaking to see our precious kitties so ill, and there is nothing we can do to save them.
I know what you mean about rushing things. I feel I did that with my Mickey, or rather my husband did. Mickey passed naturally at home in my arms and we buried him in our small front garden. I held him for a little while and didn't want to let him go. My husband just wanted to bury him, as he doesn't handle death well. He just couldn't handle it, I guess. So, I do understand that part. Just know, both you and Jon did all you could for your sweet Floey. She was so loved and still is. She knew that, and that is the important thing. She felt loved her entire time with you. Always remember that!
RIP Sweet Floey!
You will remain in your loved ones hearts forever!