Moved, scared, lost, found, but not yet recovered.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 19, 2016
Prince is a two year old Bombay mix (All black with greenish eyes). He is an excellent hunter (At least 6 mice in the last month alone).  We rescued him from the local elementary school when he was a kitten (Around 6-10 weeks old). For the last 2 years + we've had him, he has been an indoor/outdoor cat. I would leave my windows open and he would jump in and out as he pleased. He has never been gone for more than 24 hours. We also have a 3-4 month old kitten we recently rescued who prince gets along with very well (They both eat out of the same bowl at the same time). Prince does not use a litter box even though we have one for the kitten. He eliminates outside. Prince has grown up in a reasonably large house with a very large yard. My retired Father and mother live there and Prince is very affectionate to my Father, who often feeds him treats.

Last Thursday my fiancé and I moved but we left Prince behind at my parent's home (Which we were moving out of).  We are now living in a very small studio/guest house with a nice sized yard. Friday we went back to our old place and picked up Prince. He was terrified during the car ride. When we finally arrived at our new home he immediately tried to run for the windows pawing at them to get out and meowing. Once he realized we weren't going to let him out right away he hid under the bed the rest of the night. I left a plate of food where he could see it. He ate it but kept the majority of his body in hiding. I fed him again the next morning, but again he was keeping most of his body hidden under the bed. A few hours later he came out and was pawing frantically at the windows and doors. I came to the conclusion that he needed to go to the bathroom. I opened a window(Which is only a few feet off the ground), and carried Prince over to the open window. He immediately perked up, his tail began wagging, and he snuggled my hand when I scratched his head. He sat there for about 3 minutes, the jumped onto a wall which separates my neighbor's house and my house. He sniffed the wall, then jumped down, and began sniffing around the nearest building in the neighbor's yard (Another cat was about 5 feet away from him but not showing any signs of aggression). That was Saturday morning and the last time I saw Prince in person. Approximately six hours later my best friend (Who is renting me the guest house saw prince in the neighbor's yard when he looked over the wall).

Saturday night I walked around the neighborhood calling for him. I placed his dish with some food on it outside the window he had jumped out of Saturday night. Saturday morning the food was gone. Sunday night I did the same thing. No luck and again the food was gone on Monday morning. Monday Morning on the ride to work I felt sad and empty in my knowledge that I had failed my cat. Monday evening, after work I went to a local electronics store and purchased a video surveillance camera (). I setup the camera so that I could see who was eating the plate of food, My fiancé put out a plate of food and we went to bed.

This is prince eating the food last night.

This is the plate of food currently sitting outside my window (Which my fiancé put out a couple of hours ago.

What do I do? I'm worried that if I stake him out and try to come out while he's eating he'll run and just not get his meal for the night.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
How far do you live from your old residence?  When you move with a cat, a cat needs 3-4 weeks to acclimate to it's new surroundings.  If you allow them out or they escape, they will do their best to get back to their former territory.  It is their instinct.  You might want to set up a camera at your parents home as well or have your parents on the look out for him.

If you are able to rescue him and bring him back to your new home, he will need to be kept inside for 3-4 weeks.  If you he allowed out sooner, he will once again try to return to his old home.

I am so sorry that he is missing.  Do post signs and talk with your neighbors.  Here are a few links to helping to find a lost pet.

red top rescue

TCS Member
Dec 27, 2012
Acworth GA, USA
By feeding him you are keeping him close, and healthy.  Since he was used to being indoor/outdoor at your old place, at least he isn't panicked by the outdoors.  By feeding him at your new residence, he will at least identify that this is where the food bowl lives now.  Perhaps you can figure out what time he is eating by marks on the film on your camera.  Then you could start talking to him through the open window when he comes to eat.  As he gets used to hearing you again, talking calmly, perhaps then you can go outside, a little ways from the food dish, and talk to him from there.  If you can do that gently, perhaps you can re-establish your relationship with him.  It isn't ideal that he got to be out in a new neighborhood so quickly, but since that's the way it is, I would treat him like I treat any feral cat who is eating at my house.  Over time, they get to trust you, and eventually with some of them (like him, who have been tame before) you can pick them up and bring them inside.  He sounds a lot like the partially tame boys that my neighbor and I are sharing.  It took some time to be able to pet them while they were eating, and then one at a time we got them neutered, and now they go between our two houses.  Two are in my study right now, and the third is at my neighbor's house.  I can pick up all three of them, but he can only pick up the big grey one who is at his house now.  It has taken months to get to this point but they are turning into nice friendly cats.  (Evidently they lived across the street and were orphaned when their owner was killed in a freak ATV crash.)  Cats always seem to find a softie or two in the neighborhood who will feed them if they just show themselves, so keep being that softie for your own cat and he will probably stay with you and grow tame again when he calms down from the sudden relocation and car ride.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 18, 2015
BC Canada
You still have Prince's buddy the kitten can you harness take him out have the best treats on hand get Prince to casually visit in back or front yard after a few visits getting him close you may be successful if not the first day the 2nd time or 3rd he will miss

the other kitty its a whole new area the other cat is his buddy you may have a good chance
  After catching Prince as many have mentioned you must keep him inside min. 2.3 weeks at least... the longer the better.
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