
handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Have you tried the babbling thread?  It has some rules, post must be 15 words long, and no consecutive posts.  If you forget a mod will come along and

There is also a reading thread in this forum if you want to chat about books.  There is a food thread 'what are you having for dinner?' too.

Where have you been on the site? I'm curious.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Yeah the babbling thread Is really great. I have gotten to know lots of folks there. Sometimes I forget to add enough words. you can respond to others ramblings or start your own ramblings. we often go back and forth on various topics including kitties
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
Have you tried the babbling thread?  It has some rules, post must be 15 words long, and no consecutive posts.  If you forget a mod will come along and :nono: .

There is also a reading thread in this forum if you want to chat about books.  There is a food thread 'what are you having for dinner?' too.

Where have you been on the site? I'm curious.
I must admit, I only been on a couple of threads and started two. I will hunt down those that you suggested.
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
Yeah the babbling thread Is really great. I have gotten to know lots of folks there. Sometimes I forget to add enough words. you can respond to others ramblings or start your own ramblings. we often go back and forth on various topics including kitties
Yes I will meet you guys there! Thank you. I will try to behave myself.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 21, 2016
What a very interesting post. Everybody comes on here for different things. Well ok , mostly to talk about their cats, or ask upteen questions about their cats. I do, and I am always so grateful when people take the time to share their wisdom,experience and most of all kindness when my questions get answered. But a few people MAY, again me included also like to come on here just for a chat. It doesn't mean people are lonely it could just be that sometimes its nice to talk to different people about different things. Be it sensible or silly. K work with a huge group of youngish people at work. They are very nice people but im 35 their all in their late teens or early twenties and all they talk about is football, getting drunk and whatever it is that young people get up to . I get bored stiff listening to it, Id rather have a interesting conversation but Im sure Id get odd looks if I talked about Martha all day at work. LOL ,But each to their own. I can not stand facebook or twitter and as I live my life being intervert I find going online on decent forums make a nice change. I always find it interesting to talk to people from around the world. But i digress, I agree why not start a new thread? People always like to talk about films,music ,tv oh and err....... cats . But seriously I think this is a great forum and Im glad you enjoy it . If you like having conversation with folk maybe try Yahoo answers their are always plenty of people on their asking for advice about everything,anything and anyone but at least its someone to type to and it passes the time. Anyway enjoy the forum


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I find a lot of wisdom here on this site from different people.

I too have facebook-most of my friends are older than me. I don't really talk to people my age or younger.

I understand about wanting to talk about deeper subjects than football or who they are boinking that weekend. I would be bored with that. I too don't like crowds or meeting strangers but talking online I can do all day long. I think you will find quite a big range of views about many things on here.

this morning I went back to page #8 for the cat lounge and came across some old threads-religion for one and the other about a girl and the prom. I don't remember hearing about that girl in Mississippi but that was in 2010. So if you have time read back a few years to some of the older threads-some very interesting topics.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 21, 2016
I gave up on Facebook after just a few days it was a bit depressing to see people I used to go to school with had got married and now had families of their own. I love my own company and obviously marthas lol so getting married and having kids was never something I wanted , But everyones different. I do my best to get on with everybody but I must admit I seem to enjoy older peoples company than younger peoples. I think this forum is great because as well as cats ,there is also an opportunity to go into the lounge and talk about other things. Sometimes its easier to talk to strangers then people you know,so again forums like this are great for this very reason.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
this morning I went back to page #8 for the cat lounge and came across some old threads-religion for one and the other about a girl and the prom. I don't remember hearing about that girl in Mississippi but that was in 2010. So if you have time read back a few years to some of the older threads-some very interesting topics.
Go WAY back in the IMO forum and you will find A LOT! :lol3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Not many chat on here.
At one time The Lounge included posts about cats including pictures.  IMHO that was the best time for this site. It was active; and it was fun.  

But it's since been broken down into too many dedicated boards. I don't like that I have to go to 3 boards to see what I used to be able to see in one.  To me a "Lounge" is where you can go to relax and just hang out and talk and share, even if that talking and sharing involves cats or cat pictures.   As a result I found myself going to the 2 boards that allow general chat about cats, or the cat picture board, less and less often.  And as a result I find that I haven't been spending much time here at all anymore.  I don't think I'm the only one that feels like this because I've noticed that the views and comments for pictures in the picture board are down considerably. Sometimes only 1 person commenting.   I know I've posted pictures or videos and never got a response. After awhile you begin to wonder "why even bother."

But as someone already suggested, if you enjoy books, try the "what are you reading" thread."  It's not ideal because it's limited to only reading, but it is one of the more active threads that doesn't involve a game of some kind.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 21, 2016
This is a very interesting post and I can see why people may get annoyed if they take the time and effort to post photos and videos of their cats only for said posts not to get many views or replys. But two things, 1, there is actually a part on this site dedicated to pet pics which I enjoy going on. Its even made Martha famous lol, 2, There are some people,me included, that despite loving their cat(s) and 98% of the time use this site to talk about or ask questions about cats, there is a small part of me that likes to about things that are not cat related. Some people again me included feel more comfortable about talking about things to a stranger rather than a family member, friend,workmate etc so a website maybe a better place to talk about or share their feelings about what maybe upsetting them or just to ask general advice cat or non cat related. However I totally agree the "lounge" conjures up a place such as an a online common room where you meet to chill and share funny stories or indeed photos of your feline friends etc anything as long as its light hearted. Thus said , another reason people come on forums is ,well simply put ,company. I used to be on a mouse forum. Marthas now licking her lips lol and on this forum I have made friends and a few people,again like me would go onto the forum because basically the forum may have been a more comfortable way to talk to people. Sometimes some people feel more comfortable in talking to a computer screen then a real person. Myself included. I wont lie, I enjoy this forum very much ,A, to find out about cats and it helps so much and means so much when people answer my questions regarding Martha . But I also come on here for company. I like to see posts about people askjng for advice on un cat related topics as well. I like giving advice on anything and everything because sometimes its nice just to know people care. Maybe a new section can be added where people can come on here and vent their anger or frustration on things that are bothering them be it cat related or not. A section where you can share your views about anything be it serious,mad, sad,bad or just something that you need to get of your chest. I agree the lounge should be a chill out place but at the same time it would be nice to have a place on the forum where people can let of steam and talk about serious stuff as well.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Maybe a new section can be added where people can come on here and vent their anger or frustration on things that are bothering them be it cat related or not. A section where you can share your views about anything be it serious,mad, sad,bad or just something that you need to get of your chest. I agree the lounge should be a chill out place but at the same time it would be nice to have a place on the forum where people can let of steam and talk about serious stuff as well.
That's what the IMO forum is for. At one time those types of threads were in the Lounge, but there were many complaints made by people who just wanted to relax and not have to bother with "heavy" issues, especially political discussions, so IMO was created.

Membership has grown so much over the years that dedicated forums like Fur Pictures, the Cat's Meow, Cats and Other Animals, etc., were created to handle the increased flow of threads. Otherwise there would be a very high incidence of threads dropping off the first page or two of the Lounge very quickly and being overlooked.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 21, 2016
I have NEVER talked about anything political or "heavy" stuff but sometimes people do have problems which to us may seem trivial but to thrm IS important and they do feel the need to ask for help or advice on a forum because maybe other people won't listen or just don't care. Seeing you personal attack on me makes me think. " why bother, just look after number one" But I can't and WON'T be like that because life is too short. I wont stop caring for people or trying to help folk I just wont do it on here.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 30, 2015
I'm just here to chat about my favourite subject. I'm pretty much a social hermit (by choice). The friends I do have are all long bored of my favourite subject on earth (cats) and my second favourite subject (cat food :p ) so I come here for the like minded people :D
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Super Cat
Oct 3, 2011
In paradise, under a cat pile
I guess trying find the thread everyone likes to talk on is difficult for a newcomer. Maybe others found it frustrating too, not being talked to and left. After all, people join to have people to talk with.
Personally I am getting to find the places you all have mentioned.[emoji]128527[/emoji][emoji]128521[/emoji][emoji]128515[/emoji]


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I have NEVER talked about anything political or "heavy" stuff but sometimes people do have problems which to us may seem trivial but to thrm IS important and they do feel the need to ask for help or advice on a forum because maybe other people won't listen or just don't care. Seeing you personal attack on me makes me think. " why bother, just look after number one" But I can't and WON'T be like that because life is too short. I wont stop caring for people or trying to help folk I just wont do it on here.
I just need to mention that if at any time you feel you are being personally attacked, please do report the post by clicking the red flag in the bottom left-hand side of the post.