Feral out in the snow


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Help! I live in new york and we just got hit with over a foot of snow and we have been taking care of a feral cat since June and this is his first snow storm and I'm afraid he didn't survive
Afraid he may have run off for shelter and can't come back to his food outside my house bc there is so much snow and he would just sink into the snow and possibly freeze or die bc can't run or walk bc of all the snow! What are his chances of surviving the snow and what are the chances we will see him again at the feeding station in our backyard! I'm so worried that he is cold or hungry or lost or scared bc again this is his first blizzard and there is a lot of snow where he would just sink and I'm afraid he tried to walk and sank and couldn't get to safety and froze! Just waiting and looki gout our window hoping to see him and it's sad bc I haven't
Thanks for listening and please pray he comes back
We miss him


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Its just to pray and hope for the best. Usually they manage OK.  But sometimes not. 

If you know the places where are his alternative hiding places, you could search in there. Such a situation may be an excellent chance to plant in the idea on such semiferale to let himself be adopted and come inside.

Sending my best vibes!   *vibes!*


TCS Member
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
Prayers being said.  Feral cats are pretty savvy.  Although young, he may have found some place to hunker down and ride out the worst.  But keep his feeding schedule.  He will most likely keep to that schedule and you want his food there for him.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Has your feral shown up yet? 
that he shows up soon, if he's not home already. 


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Keep watching for him! Chances are he's fine (I'm not telling you not to worry - everyone in this feral forum has worried over disappearances!). Cats are very smart, and very resilient. I know New York got a TON of snow, but I'm always amazed at what our ferals make it through! If you know the kitty's "normal" path in and out of your yard, I'd shovel it as best you can (we know the 2 routes ours tend to take in & out of our yard, so we shovel those paths. We also shovel around feeding stations & shelters.

Also know that many of us have encountered the disappearance of some - or even all- of our deals when snowstorms hit (short term disappearances but still anywhere from a day to a few weeks). No one can really explain why -especially when they're disappearing from places they actually can depend on food and shelter - but some do!! We had one kitty that disappeared last winter after the first big snow (& she'd been living in one of our heated shelters and eating food at our place morning & night. She was gone from about December till February, but then she came back like nothing had ever changed! (I think maybe it was part of her master plan --we were so worried when she disappeared that we brought her inside after that!!! After some adjustment to us, the surroundings (she was 100% feral & had never been inside) & to the other 6 indoor kitties...she's become the friendliest little girl I've ever had in my life--truly a lap cat!

Do you provide any type of shelter for the kitty? If you don't - it's almost 99.9% one of the main reasons she would have left from your area. Make sure you provide water too - and that you monitor it for freezing--kitties need water even more than food! And once the weather gets warmer, if the kitty hasn't been fixed, definitely try to do so the minute you can (most places won't operate on them during the dead of winter). But if it's a "she" you'll end up with kittens in early spring!! And it's SO hard on females to be pregnant out in the elements and finding homes for kittens is MUCH harder than most people think!) plus a large number of kittens don't even survive (it's estimated 75% of kittens born "out in the world" to feral cats die before 6 months!!!) Even if you're feeding it's a tough world for kittens to survive in. And if kitty is a "he" it's equally important you get him fixed. Otherwise he'll be out making tons more kitties! Two cats (and their offspring) can produce hundreds of kitties in just 7 years! Now THAT'S a lot of kitties to worry about ;) Spaying & neutering also helps the adults health wise -reducing the risks of things like certain cancers.

Keep us posted on whether or not you see the kitty again!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I, too, have had ferals disappear for several days after a big snow, hopefully yours is holed up somewhere safe. With that big amount though, it wouldn't hurt to go out and look around, you may hear him if he is stuck somewhere and can't get out. Cats can survive for quite a while, at least he should have water with the snow.  You might give him some kind of shelter so he stays closer, I buy those heated shelters on Amazon for around 50.00 and they work very well, they even collapse to store for the summer.  They only use about 40 watts of electricity too, less then a bulb. Considering a good heated pad is around 30.00,they aren't too bad. I'll pray for his safe return, please post us when he does! 
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2016
Thank you! We actually found him and dug a path. He is on our neighbors yard under a shed but he is afraid to use the oath and afraid of the snow
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 24, 2016
We found the cat yesterday, not sure if it's a boy or girl but we call the car smokey! He is on the neighbors yard under a shed. He won't come back to us bc he is scared of the snow! We dug a path for him but this is his first snow storm and is trying to see why snow is!'n I actually cried when we saw him he is too cute! Thank you for the responses! My boyfriend built him a house out of wood and we have straw in it and I just bought over the weekend a heated bowl! He only went in there to eat not sleeping. We bought a few months ago a heated house from Amazon but he wont stay in it. last week we bought a small storage container, with straw and insulation but he womt stay in it! He is scared of us and we talk softly with him and try to gain his trust.
We talk about capturing him and taking him to a vet for tests and get fixed but I'm scared, I know he will be scared and anxious and I don't want him to feel that way!
I have another question for kitty chick
You said you bought your feral inside, we were thinking about doing that too but I read so much and it seems that people say it is bad bc they will never be good pets also will attack us! How did you get your feral to become a pet? Any advice?