
TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 12, 2003
Kind of freaking me out! ESP? A few days ago out of the blue I started singing the King Kong song....a tv ad for that

restaurant, which you never hear tv ads for before and we barely go there. Within 3 minutes there was the ad on

tv! Weird. And just now I am watching The Price Is Right and out of the blue I say Vivian, come on down...yes, they

called her after that...and that is not a common name. It just makes me feel strange. 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Kind of freaking me out! ESP? A few days ago out of the blue I started singing the King Kong song....a tv ad for that

restaurant, which you never hear tv ads for before and we barely go there. Within 3 minutes there was the ad on

tv! Weird. And just now I am watching The Price Is Right and out of the blue I say Vivian, come on down...yes, they

called her after that...and that is not a common name. It just makes me feel strange. 
That happens to me too. I'll be thinking of a song, turn on the radio and there it is. Back when we had a land line (even when I was a kid), far more often than not, I knew who was on the other end before it was picked up. I was very rarely wrong. 
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TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
That happens to me a lot too
Something will randomly pop into my head (a thought, a person, etc) and usually within a short period of time something associated with what popped into my head happens. If it's a person, that person may show up. I remember one time when I heading home after the dentist and randomly though of a teacher. I was in middle school at the time. As I got off the bus and walked home, that teacher came walking around the corner. It was kind of creepy. I've predicted the next upcoming song on the radio at least a couple of times, too.

I've heard that being a highly sensitive person makes you more highly tuned into ESP and "predicting" things.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
~GRIN~  I love this topic!  I am frequently "esp-ish."  I don't think I'm any more psychic than the next person, but I do think I've learned to pay more attention to it than most.  I have a number of precognitive dreams as well, which is frustrating, because they are highly symbolic, and I have no idea what they mean until after the fact.  Useless darned things. 

And don't even get me started on ghosts!


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Do you think it's possible to have ESP in your dreams? Occasionally I'll have a dream where I'm in an unfamiliar place. Then some time later I'll be going about my day and then suddenly I look around and I immediately remember that I had a dream about this exact place even though it may be the first time I had even been there
One time I had a dream about sitting in a seating area with some tall plants nearby. Years later I was sitting in the lobby of a company waiting for a job interview and I looked around and the surroundings seemed somhow familiar even though I had never been at the company before. Then it hit me - I had a dream about it.  It was a little unsettling and creepy


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Do you think it's possible to have ESP in your dreams? Occasionally I'll have a dream where I'm in an unfamiliar place. Then some time later I'll be going about my day and then suddenly I look around and I immediately remember that I had a dream about this exact place even though it may be the first time I had even been there
One time I had a dream about sitting in a seating area with some tall plants nearby. Years later I was sitting in the lobby of a company waiting for a job interview and I looked around and the surroundings seemed somhow familiar even though I had never been at the company before. Then it hit me - I had a dream about it.  It was a little unsettling and creepy
Absolutely, it is possible.  In fact, it is more likely to occur during sleep states than awake, since all the "ESP is impossible" filters of the conscious mind are turned off while sleeping.  Although, that isn't exactly ESP, but precognition, "knowing ahead,"  It's a natural function that most of us have learned is not real, and therefore ignore steadfastly until it occasionally slaps us in the face.  Take a deep breath and relax.  It's no more creepy than sneezing, and a good bit less creepy than a cockroach.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
When I was younger, I used to have a lot of ESP. I would know things before they happened..a lot of deja vu. 

I could also tell who was calling on the phone, before caller ID was invented. 

I know when the phone would ring...when certain things were going to happen. I would kind of predict a bit..

As I got older, and my mind became boggled down with stuff, I lost it all...

My mom was the same way.... She always knew when I was coming home from school/work and had a cup of tea ready and waiting for me....she had some ESP also... 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I knew to call my 93 year old father the day before he died. It was strange - I had such a strong feeling this needed to be done.

On the other hand, last night I dreamed I played poker with Donald Trump. In my dream, I told all my friends what a great guy he was. In reality, I think he's a total jerk. So....no ESP there! [emoji]128512[/emoji]
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Jan 12, 2003
This is not ESP, but odd. I remember phone numbers from long ago. I moved from one state to another, was gone 18 years, came back to my original state and wanted

to call Kmart and just dialed the #, and it was still Kmart! I had not called that # for 18 years! 

Next strange thing, again, not ESP:

My grandmother was in the hospital passing away from cancer, I had been to visit her a few hours earlier. My grandma use to always give me clothes when I

visited her in her well days. At home I was sitting on my bed thinking about her, my closet was open and one of the shirts she gave me slipped off of the

hanger.......I just knew....she was gone. About 20 minutes later I got the call that she had passed away about 20 minutes ago. WOW! 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
This is not ESP, but odd. I remember phone numbers from long ago. I moved from one state to another, was gone 18 years, came back to my original state and wanted

to call Kmart and just dialed the #, and it was still Kmart! I had not called that # for 18 years! 

Next strange thing, again, not ESP:

My grandmother was in the hospital passing away from cancer, I had been to visit her a few hours earlier. My grandma use to always give me clothes when I

visited her in her well days. At home I was sitting on my bed thinking about her, my closet was open and one of the shirts she gave me slipped off of the

hanger.......I just knew....she was gone. About 20 minutes later I got the call that she had passed away about 20 minutes ago. WOW! 
As one who believes in spirits, I'd say she came to tell you goodbye.  It happens a lot.

Who me?  Esoteric?  Well...maybe just a bit.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
This is not ESP, but odd. I remember phone numbers from long ago. I moved from one state to another, was gone 18 years, came back to my original state and wanted

to call Kmart and just dialed the #, and it was still Kmart! I had not called that # for 18 years! 

Next strange thing, again, not ESP:

My grandmother was in the hospital passing away from cancer, I had been to visit her a few hours earlier. My grandma use to always give me clothes when I

visited her in her well days. At home I was sitting on my bed thinking about her, my closet was open and one of the shirts she gave me slipped off of the

hanger.......I just knew....she was gone. About 20 minutes later I got the call that she had passed away about 20 minutes ago. WOW! 
No it is not ESP, it is a very special connection you had with your grandmother...

My experience:

When my dad was seriously ill, with no hope, I had to admit him to the hospital. I tried hospice at home, but I could not handle it by myself. It was also the holidays. 

My dad had to go in..I felt horrible about doing that. I could not handle his care and the hospice home was full..

I remember that first night in the hospital. Thank God he was able to talk, and joke with all the nurses and doctors. I heard he was talking a lot about me (only child). I left him in that condition, around 9pm that night. 

I came home, went to bed; falling into an exhausted sleep. 

Suddenly at 2AM, I awoke with a start.. I immediately thought of my dad. I was kind of afraid to call the hospital. That morning, as soon as I could, I called them. They were waiting for me to call because he slipped into a coma. They did not expect that to happen so fast because he was talking and joking up to that point. I asked them about what time it was and they said it was about 2AM.....

To this day, I believe I woke up cuz my dad was saying good-bye to me...
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