Rant for the day


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
(Begin Rant)

Doesn't anybody know how to use turn signals anymore? Good grief, I was driving into work this morning and had to stop for gas. It's pouring rain and visibility is not pretty. I was in the passing lane because I was passing the guy....who sped up and then came into the passing lane, right in front of me. No turn signals. Nothing. We get to the traffic light at the intersection and he goes off to the left. No turn signal. 

So I pull into the gas station, fill Hannah's tank, start the car, and get into the street that goes into the office. There's somebody in front of me. The driver suddenly slows down, stops, and turns right. Where the  
 was his turn signal? 

And I get behind another car. He turns left....no turn signal. I turn left (and yes, I have my turn signal on). He gets to the next intersection and turns left again. No turn signal.

Is my car the only one that actually came equipped with turn signals? What is it about people not using turn signals??? 

And while I'm on a rant, if you're going to be in the passing lane, PASS!   

That is all, carry on.

(End Rant)

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I am constantly yelling into my rearview mirror. I can only go as fast as the car in front of me. Which brings up the issue. If your car can't even make it to the legal speed limit and there are 10 cars behind you and passing is a no go pull over and let traffic clear. And there is nothing I hate more than going to pass and the slow moving backside plug in front of me then speeds up or moves as close to the center line as possible. And if you are going to pull out in front of me even though there isn't a car in sight either lane at least have the decency to accelerate to the speed limit in the near future. Turn signal?  My car came fully equipped with them. I bet if you look yours did too.

And while on the subject of rude driving. I'm not going to question why you're riding around in the store in your little motorized cart. Watch where you are going. The idea is to make the store accessible to everyone. It doesn't come with the right to run over someone who is standing STILL. And if you don't need one don't use it. I had to do the hundred yard dash last year to beat someone for a scooter so my husband with a broken leg could enjoy going in the store with me. I later seen the same Olympian inside tooling around in another one.  Rant over.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I'm yelling at my rear view mirror. I'm yelling at the guy in front of me. I'm yelling at the pedestrian that can't read the "don't walk" sign. I yell at the guy that goes from the right most lane into my lane, races to get ahead of me, and then goes slower than me. Oh, and all the people that can't use turn signals.

By "yelling" I mean using words I can't type here lol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
(Begin Rant)

Doesn't anybody know how to use turn signals anymore? Good grief, I was driving into work this morning and had to stop for gas. It's pouring rain and visibility is not pretty. I was in the passing lane because I was passing the guy....who sped up and then came into the passing lane, right in front of me. No turn signals. Nothing. We get to the traffic light at the intersection and he goes off to the left. No turn signal. 

So I pull into the gas station, fill Hannah's tank, start the car, and get into the street that goes into the office. There's somebody in front of me. The driver suddenly slows down, stops, and turns right. Where the  :censor:  was his turn signal? 

And I get behind another car. He turns left....no turn signal. I turn left (and yes, I have my turn signal on). He gets to the next intersection and turns left again. No turn signal

Is my car the only one that actually came equipped with turn signals? What is it about people not using turn signals??? 

And while I'm on a rant, if you're going to be in the passing lane, PASS!  

That is all, carry on.

(End Rant)
I know exactly how you feel and I don't even drive.
When I'm with my children, who always signal, it really annoys me.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
(Begin Rant)

Doesn't anybody know how to use turn signals anymore? Good grief, I was driving into work this morning and had to stop for gas. It's pouring rain and visibility is not pretty. I was in the passing lane because I was passing the guy....who sped up and then came into the passing lane, right in front of me. No turn signals. Nothing. We get to the traffic light at the intersection and he goes off to the left. No turn signal. 

So I pull into the gas station, fill Hannah's tank, start the car, and get into the street that goes into the office. There's somebody in front of me. The driver suddenly slows down, stops, and turns right. Where the  
 was his turn signal? 

And I get behind another car. He turns left....no turn signal. I turn left (and yes, I have my turn signal on). He gets to the next intersection and turns left again. No turn signal.

Is my car the only one that actually came equipped with turn signals? What is it about people not using turn signals??? 

And while I'm on a rant, if you're going to be in the passing lane, PASS!   

That is all, carry on.

(End Rant)
Passing lane is a joke here. Two lane highway and the big trucks without fail decide to pass the one that can only go 50 by going 55 as they chug along the highway blocking both lanes when the speed limit is 75.  They go neck and neck for miles.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
Can I add on to your rant? I even made a terrible illustration to explain my frustration this morning. It also has to do with other people's terrible driving skills.

I was at a small cafe at around 6:30 this morning. There is parking on 2 sides of the building - and being so early in the morning, the cafe was pretty empty. There were at least 8 open spots. Some dummy parks directly behind me, in the "driving lane" of the parking lot. 

SERIOUSLY? There are 8 open parking spots and you park there, along the edge of the parking lot?! 
 And as I'm attempting  to back out, *I*  feel like an idiot because I'm like attempting to perform some parking lot magic escape. Thankfully a teenager hopped out of his truck (that he was attempting to park, but couldn't because I was blocking traffic) and directed me how far I could back up/pull forward without hitting the car behind me and next to me. 

Exactly what I needed to deal with first thing this morning. Hey, if you all need a giggle this morning, Google "Bad Parking Notes." The first 3 articles are hilarious. I'd post them here, but they're pretty swear-y, and NSFW. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2015
I truly missed my calling! I should have been a traffic cop! But then we would have to build bigger jails because I'd have 98% of the morons locked up! LOL

1. Use your turn signal - and turn it on BEFORE you start your turn.
2. After you change lanes or make your turn, turn your stupid blinker OFF!
3. When entering the highway use the ramp to excellerate your speed to that of the traffic you are about to merge into. Do NOT slow down and/or stop at the end of the entrance ramp! Adjust your speed accordingly and get the hell outta my way.
4. If you must pull to the shoulder, pull all the way over and not just on the edge.
5. If someone is on the shoulder, move to the center or farthest left lane available when passing them. 
6. When you hear a siren, pull over and stop. If you are at a red light and an ambulance comes up behind you with lights flashing and siren wailing go through the red light and get out of the way!
7. If you cut in front of me, you better be going faster than I am! Don't cut me off and then slow down. 
8. When it gets to be an hour before dusk, turn on your headlights.
9. When you are on the highway, turn on your headlights.
10. Slow down when the weather and road conditions are bad - during heavy rain, sleet, ice, snow, and construction areas.
11. Clean the snow off of your car so you can see me and so I don't get splatted with 50 pounds of snow sliding off your roof!
12. Turn your high beams off!
13. Those lines on the road are there for a reason - keep your car between them!
14. They put lines in parking lots for the same reason! 
15. Keep your car road worthy! If your car is blowing blue smoke that is blinding my vision and burning my lungs, park the damn thing!
16. If you inadvertently do something stupid, a simple wave and a mouthed apology would be nice instead of acting like it was MY fault you swerved into my lane because you were on your cell phone!
18. If you are hauling something - be sure your load is secure! Don't have your Christmas tree, old mattress or decrepid couch sliding around on your roof while your 14 year old son has half his body outside the car trying to hold it down!
19. Get your poodle off your lap while you are driving!
20. Turn your stereo down! Trust me, you don't want to hear  Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 on my 1200 watt Sony!
21. Pick your nose at home!

Ohhhh, my list could go on and on! LOL 
While I AM a road rager, I am controlled enough not to rage in anyone's face. These days, that is suicidal!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
We have those type of idiots here also Pam and I live in a city with sometimes four lanes of traffic and these nuts go from lane to lane without using their turn signals.  It drives me nuts. I don't see why this should be a problem for some people, it's very easy to use your turn signals, just one finger will do it.  Some people are just plain lazy.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Oh yeah, I hate when I'm behind a car and their blinker is on and they don't turn, it takes a minute to realize they just forgot to turn the darn thing off.
I truly missed my calling! I should have been a traffic cop! But then we would have to build bigger jails because I'd have 98% of the morons locked up! LOL

2. After you change lanes or make your turn, turn your stupid blinker OFF!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
My mom can't hear the blinker click anymore. Whenver I'm with her, I have to remind her to turn her clicker off. . .I bet she drives around with it on all the time when I'm not with her. Probably most people who keep their blinkers on are at an age where they can't hear the click. They should make louder clickers for Boomers--$all that loud music when they were young ruined their hearing!

But around here most people don't believe in blinkers :lol3:.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I don't drive, but seeing people do these things drives me insane. I only don't drive because I'm afraid of everyone else but I'm hoping to finally learn soon. I'm not an idiot so I wouldn't drive like one either.

My biggest pet peeve is not stopping at stop signs. If they were slow down signs, they would not say stop. There are days when it takes us 5 minutes to cross at the end of my street because nobody stops and I make sure there are no cars at all since I'm walking with a 3 year old and pushing a stroller.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I get really annoyed with other drivers as well.  I try very hard to keep it in check but it seems to get more and more difficult.  I also get annoyed at people who can't park.  I live in an apartment complex and like most complexes there isn't an abundance of parking.   I see the same cars straddle the line on a space and therefore are taking two spaces.  Later on when most people are coming home from work there are the same cars whose owners seem to thing their car is special and needs two spaces.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
I don't drive, but seeing people do these things drives me insane. I only don't drive because I'm afraid of everyone else but I'm hoping to finally learn soon. I'm not an idiot so I wouldn't drive like one either.

My biggest pet peeve is not stopping at stop signs. If they were slow down signs, they would not say stop. There are days when it takes us 5 minutes to cross at the end of my street because nobody stops and I make sure there are no cars at all since I'm walking with a 3 year old and pushing a stroller
I bike to work and I totally understand where you are coming from.  I have almost got run over by people speeding around the parking lot at work running stops signs.  There can be no cars in site and all of the sudden one goes zipping by me without stop liking they are on a major highway.

I also agree with the turn signal thing.  Some jackass made me ride into the grass last week because they turned in front of me without stopping or using their turn signal at a light that had been red for a while.

I would also love it if pedestrians would not run through intersections and cut off cars that have green lights because they can not seem to leave early enough to get to the train station on time.  Metra has a stable schedule set your alarm 5 minutes earlier so I do not have to wonder if I am going to have to watch someone die on my way to work.  I do not want to end up in a horror movie covered in your blood or body fluids while I am biking.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
What I really love is in the winter, people park like idiots in the INDOOR parking garages. WHY???? It's not like there is snow all over the inside of the garage making it impossible to see the lines. But no, they park like there is. They do it less when there's no snow outside (like now) but when there is? Omg, the words that fly out of my mouth, lol.

And I have a tiny car. If you park like a jerk, but I can still get my car in between the lines, I'm putting it there. And I don't care if that means you have to get in on your passenger side!!!

Regarding bikes, for the most part, I don't have problems with folks on bikes. I DO have problems with the ones that can't follow the rules. Like, being on the correct side of the dang road. There's a 50-mph street that I used to take to work, and at the forest preserve there's a curve in the road. Well, you can't see what's up ahead, but you're not expecting something to be coming AT you on your side of the street. But right at the curve, this dude lazily riding his bicycle on the wrong side of the road. I almost hit the guy head-on. Even if I was just going 50 (yeah, I almost always go over a little bit......) it would not have been pretty. 
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I'm not fond of winter drivers. I don't like driving in the snow/ice, but I can do it. The worst part is getting behind somebody (and, sorry, but it's usually a woman) who's driving along the highway around 30 mph and it's not even snowing that bad yet. There's a long string of traffic behind her because nobody wants to take a chance on the passing lane. So that's when I bite the bullet and pass. I can't handle being behind somebody like that. Riding the brakes....what a way to fishtail! Driving slower than molasses....that causes just as many problems as going too fast. Most of the time when the weather is really bad, Rick will take me to work and he'll drive Hannah (the Tucson is AWD) on into his work. And he complains bitterly about people who don't know how to drive in snow or ice. It's like the flakes start to fall and people lose their minds.

I'm a walker and I was hit by an elderly man out in front of our house. I was well ff the road, too, and we honestly don't know what the guy was thinking. He simply wasn't paying attention Thankfully, it wasn't serious, just a hematoma on my right arm where the vehicle's mirror got me. It scared me and it took over a year before I walked on our road again. But even in my neighborhood here at work, people don't pay attention. Not too long after I got hit, I was out walking at lunch. An elderly woman was backing out of her driveway, yakking to her friend in the passenger seat.She never looked.....she never even bothered to look. And there I was. Had I not been paying attention, she would have hit me. I stood there and, as she continued to back out, I thumped her car with my hand. She looked over and....OMG, the look on her face! I told her....YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION! (I'm beginning to think the only really safe place to walk is on my treadmill in the basement.)

And I've had people who fly through the stop signs in the neighborhood. And there I am, in the intersection. They don't stop. They "pretend" they don't see me. One of the bosses here at work did that one day. I was actually in the intersection and he flew through the stop sign and moved his car, so he wouldn't hit me. Told me later that he was running late from lunch and didn't have time to stop. I told him that I was used to idiot drivers and knew that I had to pay attention because the idiots were not. He wasn't amused. I didn't care.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Oh Pam, you have really touched on a "rant" subject of mine. I could go on forever!

Drivers who do not use their directionals! Pet Peeve! 

Or when you are driving and someone just decides to cut you off, meaning they suddenly decide they want to drive in YOUR lane, and in front of you!~~without warning!

people driving well below the speed limit...like less than 30--on a leisurely stroll...ugh! 

and then we get to the non drivers. 

I apologize if I am offending anyone, but I do not like bikes. I really hate them. The ones who weave in and out of traffic, thinking they own the road.

And people who decide to just cross the street because they feel like it. They have their head down, or on the phone and do not watch for traffic.. and not in the crosswalk. They cross where ever they want, without looking at the traffic. It is the drivers fault for not stopping for them--even though they are the ones at fault. They just walk into the street without looking; cross the street without looking! 

And on---my last rant...

Kids! When the crossing guard stops traffic for every single kid. I mean, yes, I am glad there is a crossing guard there. Does anyone remember when they were small and the crossing guard would make the kids wait so there is more than one kid crossing; so that traffic would not be hampered and backed up. It seems that I am stopping constantly, instead of waiting for a small group of kids....

ok---that is off my chest...

Thanks Pam, I needed to vent....

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
It is two days before Christmas and it's dumping freezing rain outside. ( Better than inside right ?) And you could not drag me kicking and screaming to my car to go anywhere. I hate my husband has to drive to work this evening. The usual assortment of people who now do everything in their car but look at the road are now distracted by the holiday crap along with roads that are going to be miserable. We live close enough to the interstate to hear the constant sound of sirens as State Police and ambulances make their way to the latest pile up. And that's before the roads even get icy. It's like someone flips a switch when we get any type of weather and cars just start flipping off the road.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
Oh Pam, you have really touched on a "rant" subject of mine. I could go on forever!

Drivers who do not use their directionals! Pet Peeve! 

Or when you are driving and someone just decides to cut you off, meaning they suddenly decide they want to drive in YOUR lane, and in front of you!~~without warning!

people driving well below the speed limit...like less than 30--on a leisurely stroll...ugh! 

and then we get to the non drivers. 

I apologize if I am offending anyone, but I do not like bikes. I really hate them. The ones who weave in and out of traffic, thinking they own the road.

And people who decide to just cross the street because they feel like it. They have their head down, or on the phone and do not watch for traffic.. and not in the crosswalk. They cross where ever they want, without looking at the traffic. It is the drivers fault for not stopping for them--even though they are the ones at fault. They just walk into the street without looking; cross the street without looking! 

And on---my last rant...

Kids! When the crossing guard stops traffic for every single kid. I mean, yes, I am glad there is a crossing guard there. Does anyone remember when they were small and the crossing guard would make the kids wait so there is more than one kid crossing; so that traffic would not be hampered and backed up. It seems that I am stopping constantly, instead of waiting for a small group of kids....

ok---that is off my chest...

Thanks Pam, I needed to vent....
As someone who bikes to work every day I too get annoyed with other people who act like they own the road and weave in and out of traffic.  That is dangerous and being on a bike does not mean one does not have to follow the traffic laws.  Someone on another bike almost ran into me when I was stopped at a red light because they were doing that.  They swerved around me and cut off two vehicles.  I allow extra time to get to places so I do not have to hurry and act like an obnoxious idiot.  I do follow the rules when I bike but you do see too many people who don't.

The people who cross the street whenever they feel like it should be arrested.  I used to see this all to often when I worked in downtown Chicago. I value my life and do not feel the need to cut off cars. It is scary how self-centered people have become.  I have seen people run in front of buses to cross the street.  It really makes me wonder why these people value their lives so little.  Is it really that difficult to allow a few extra minutes to get somewhere so you do not get killed acting like an idiot?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 21, 2015
Im not a biker but a walker. Im astounded how often I will ve crossing, and its MY turn, but a car will pull in front of me, cutting me off. They could run me over!

Most wont slow down either if Im crossing on a side street or even if theyre driving right near me.