lump next to kitty's eye


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2004
San Antonio, TX
Hello all,

My 12-year old cat, Tiger, has a small lump in the corner of his eye. I first noticed it about 2 years ago. I took him to my vet back then and he said it didn't look like anything to worry about, unless it got bigger, started discharging, etc. Well, it hasn't changed at all in 2 years. It looks like a zit that won't pop. Yesterday, I took Tiger to the vet for shots and stuff, and he saw a different vet than the usual one. This one was more concerned...she said that even though the lump hasn't changed at all in 2 years, she cannot tell for sure that it ISN'T a tumor, etc. She also said that sometimes things that look harmless like that can be life-threatening in the long run. So she recommended me to have it removed, just to be on the safe side. They'll send it to a lab and stuff. Has anybody had any experience with these zit-like little lumps on kitty's face (or anywhere else on the body)? I'm really thinking about having it removed, but what bothers me is having Tiger put under anesthesia. What do you all think? Otherwise, he's in very good health.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
Has anybody had any experience with these zit-like little lumps on kitty's face (or anywhere else on the body)?
My cat, Snowball, is 12 1/2 years old. Last summer I noticed a small lump on his back. I had to take Snowball to vet anyway for a follow-up appointment and when the vet examined the lump, she immediately said it was an ingrown hair, and just pressed it with her fingertips until blood and puss started coming out.


TCS Member
Feb 19, 2001
I would be inclined to follow the advice of the vet who seems concerned. Any time you put an animal under there is a danger (same as with us when we have surgery)so of course you have to weigh that factor.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 8, 2003
Bay Area, CA
Gosh that's a hard decision. Speaking for myself, I probably wouldnt do it.. just because in my head I would think, its been this way for 2 years, nothing has changed, I dont want to have my girl have to go through surgery and anesthesia and stress. I'd be so scared. But I think I would always be thinking, I should just do it, if the vet is concerned. It's very easy for people to say 'yes you should do it' without having to be the person going through it. I have not told anyone here that I can still feel Zoey's lymph node (it was inflammed a few months ago and the vet put her on antibiotics which she didnt take to very well). It went down considerably and is now so small I can barely feel it, but it's still there and has not gotten any bigger nor has her behaviour changed in the slightest bit so I dont feel like anything needs to be done and everyone would just say 'take your cat to the vet' but I just dont believe in running my cats to the vet for every little thing. It's stressful and traumatic for them.. sometimes moreso than the problem itself. I'm sorry I dont have any advice, just my personal thoughts. You should do what you feel is right for your cat. And I apologize for rambling.

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
I agree with Hissy, follow the second vet's advice and have the lump removed to be safe. Since you're concerned about Tiger being put under anesthesia, and since he is an older cat, you should have the optional pre-anesthesia blood work done on him. The results from this test will tell the vet how well Tiger's kidneys and liver are functioning and how well Tiger can be expected to tolerate anesthesia. It's possible for an older cat to be put under anesthesia safely, but like Hissy mentioned, there is always some danger in being put under, and you have to weigh the risk factor and make a decision.

FYI: Several years ago, I had a 13 year old cat who needed to have some dental work done. The vet used a gas anesthesia for safety reasons due to the age of the cat. This cat had absolutely no problems being put under anesthesia, and didn't suffer any aftereffects. She was awake again 1/2 hour after the procedure was completed.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 29, 2003
Gambrills, Maryland
You might ask your vet what type of anesthesia they use. I'm not sure if any vets in your area have it, but sevoflurane anesthesia is the most gentle and doesn't affect other organs like some of the others. It's used in geriatics and pediatrics. My vet uses sevoflurane, and it is more expensive, however it's a lot less risky. My vet told me that the pet is only out while they are breathing it, and if their heart rate slows or anything they just turn it down and it immediately comes back up. My cat is usually ready right after she's had it. Just some thoughts